Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How do I prepare my facility for extreme heat?

A: Cover windows with drapes or shades; weather-strip doors and windows; use window reflectors designed to reflect heat back outside; add insulation to keep the heat out.   

Q: What is the fastest way to cool down my facility?  
A: Shut doors to hot rooms; switch ceiling fans counterclockwise; place portable fans in the right spots; run the furnace fan; turn on the bathroom and stove vents; shut off unused electronics. 


Q: Who is at greatest risk for heat-related illness? 

A: The elderly, the very young and those with chronic illnesses are at greatest risk. 

Q: How can people protect their health when temperatures are extremely high? 

A: Stay hydrated, dress in lightweight/loose-fitting clothing. Keep physical activities to a minimum and stay indoors. Use cool compresses and/or misting. 

Q: What happens to the body as a result of exposure to extreme heat? 
A: Heat exhaustion - occurs when the body loses a large amount of water and salt contained in sweat. 
A: Heat stroke – occurs when the body cannot control its temperature – may result in disability or death if emergency treatment is not given. 

Q: What to do as a visitor at the facility and notice your loved one is displaying heat related illness? 
A: Notify a staff member immediately and seek medical attention. 

Contact Us

Community Care Licensing Division
744 P Street, MS 8-17-17
Sacramento, CA 95814

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