Stakeholder Resources

CDSS Upcoming Stakeholder Meetings

Last updated: July 11, 2024

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) works closely with stakeholders across the state. Below is a listing of upcoming meetings.

Office of Equity Division

Housing Assistance for Ukrainians (HAU) program Training Webinar
Date: July 30
Time: 10 – 11 a.m.
Details: The CDSS Refugee Programs Bureau in partnership with Solvera Consulting is hosting a virtual training webinar. The session is intended for service providers and will cover program eligibility, application processes, and answer common questions. Registration for this session is required.
How to participate: Online Registration

Child Care and Development Division

Monthly Member Child Care Referral and Resource Meeting
Date: First Tuesday of the month
Time: 10 a.m. – noon
Details: A monthly webinar for members of the California Child Care Resource & Referral Network to provide support and resources. The California Child Care Resource & Referral Network is a non-profit organization helping to make reliable child care more affordable and accessible for families in California.
How to participate: Webinar Link

Community Care Licensing Division

Children's Residential Program
2024 Statewide Quarterly Provider Meetings

  • August 22
  • November 21


  • Congregate Care Providers: 10 a.m.-noon
  • Foster Family Agencies: 1-3 p.m.

Details: Agency leadership and direct care staff are encouraged to attend. All stakeholders are welcome. Topics include: Provider Information Notices (PINs); policy updates on chaptered legislation; other presentations and topics of interest.
How to participate: To pre-register, please contact your local Regional Office.
Contact: Children's Residential Regional Offices

Adult and Senior Care Program
Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) Advocacy Coalition Meeting

  • July 15
  • October 14

Time: 1-3 p.m.
Details: These meetings are intended for resident advocacy organizations/associations to discuss broad policy, regulatory and statutory issues impacting RCFEs. There may be additional opportunities for external partners to engage with the Department via local outreach through Regional Offices.
How to participate: Reach out to contact below.

Adult and Senior Care Program
Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) Provider Meeting

  • July 22
  • October 21

Time: 1-3 p.m.
Details: These meetings are for provider organizations/associations that represent licensees of RCFEs to discuss broad policy, regulatory and statutory issues impacting RCFEs. There may be additional opportunities for external partners to engage with the Department via local outreach through Regional Offices.
How to participate: Reach out to contact below.

Children and Family Services Division

Wraparound Hubs
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Details: Regional groups who share information relevant to Wraparound, including Northern California, Central California, Bay Area and two Southern California hubs.
How to participate: Online Registration
Contact: Family Centered Practice Unit at

Peer Partner Hubs

  • July 18
  • October 24

Time: 9 a.m.
Details: The Peer Partner Hubs are a safe space for peer partners (including youth advocates and parent advocates) with lived experience in child and family-serving organizations to network and support one another, share information and learning opportunities, and provide feedback to organizations, counties, and CDSS for system improvement.
How to participate: Online Registration
Contact:Family Centered Practice Unit at

Permanency Policy Bureau
Family Urgent Response System (FURS) Technical Assistance
Dates: Second Tuesday of every two months
Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Details: Information to follow
How to participate: Reach out to contact below.

Integrated Practice & Resource Development Bureau
Wraparound Steering Committee Meetings
Date: Fourth Wednesday of every month
Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Details: The purpose of the California Wraparound Steering Committee is to develop a collaborative California Wraparound community that seeks to build continuity in practice and improve equitable safety, wellbeing and permanency outcomes for children and families through the provision of high-fidelity Wraparound programs.
How to participate: Reach out to contact below
Contact: Family Centered Practice Unit at

Family Engagement and Empowerment Division

CalFresh All-Stakeholder Webinar
Dates: Quarterly
Time: 3 - 4 p.m.
Details: These monthly webinars are intended to provide information and updates on the CalFresh Program
How to participate: Reach out to contact below
Contact: CalFresh Policy Inbox,

SUN Bucks
SUN Bucks All-Stakeholder Webinar 
Date: Third Tuesday of the month
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Details: These monthly webinars are intended to provide information and updates on the SUN Bucks (Summer EBT) program.
How to participate: Webinar Link
Contact: SUN Bucks Inbox,

CalWORKs and CalFresh Branch's
Racial Equity and Implicit Bias (R.E.I.B) Initiative Stakeholder Meeting 
Date: Quarterly
Time: 11 a.m. - noon
Details: The REIB Stakeholder Meeting will be occurring on a quarterly basis. The purpose of these meetings is to provide updates on the work surrounding this initiative. We will also be providing stakeholder engagement opportunities, and project implementation development.  
How to participate: Reach out to contact below.  

CalWORKs and Family Resilience Branch
Cal-Learn/Adolescent Family Life (AFLP) Quarterly Meeting

Date: Not yet scheduled.
Time: TBD
Details: Agenda to follow
How to participate: Reach out to contact below.
Contact: CalWORKs Engagement Bureau at (916) 654-2137.

CalWORKs and Family Resilience Branch
Regional Workforce Partnerships Meeting

Date: Not yet scheduled.
Time: TBD
Details: Agenda to follow.
How to participate: Reach out to contact below.
Contact: CalWORKs Engagement Bureau at (916) 654-2137.

CalWORKs and Family Resilience Branch
CCCCO CalWORKs State Advisory Committee Meeting

Date: Not yet scheduled
Time: TBD
Details: Agenda to follow.
How to participate: Reach out to contact below.
Contact: CalWORKs Engagement Bureau at (916) 654-2137

CalWORKs and Family Resilience Branch
CalWORKs Outcomes and Accountability Review (Cal-OAR)

Date: Not yet scheduled
Time: TBD
Details: Information to follow
How to participate: Reach out to contact below.

Adult Programs Division

IHSS Career Pathways
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Details: The Adult Programs Division, along with stakeholders, will discuss proposed training opportunities for IHSS providers that assist with the development of a culturally and linguistically competent workforce to meet the needs of an ever-growing diverse population of IHSS recipients, increase provider retention to maintain a stable workforce, and improve the overall quality of care and health outcomes for IHSS recipients.
How to participate: Information to follow
Contact: IHSS Training and Development Unit at

State Hearings Division