
Please visit the Guardian webpage and the appropriate blue boxes on the webpage for more information, training resources and links to the system.

To check the background check status of a potential employee without using Guardian, please visit the new publicly available Background Check Search website.

For questions regarding Guardian, feel free to email

Guardian for TrustLine Introduction Video

Guardian for TrustLine Flyer


When it comes to entrusting children to a nanny or babysitter, parents know they must select a caregiver very carefully. Until now, parents interviewed, checked references and evaluated the provider's character using their own best judgment. Now there is additional help.

The TrustLine Registry was created by the California Legislature to give parents an important tool to use when selecting a caregiver for their children. All child care providers listed with TrustLine have submitted their fingerprints to the California Department of Justice and have no disqualifying criminal convictions in California.

TrustLine is a powerful resource if you want to hire a nanny or license-exempt child care provider. But it is still your responsibility to make certain that a caregiver is cleared by TrustLine.  Once you have hired a caregiver, you also should call TrustLine from time to time to see that the provider is still in good standing. Nannies and babysitters placed through an employment agency must be listed on the TrustLine registry or be a current applicant.

TrustLine uses the California Criminal History System, administered by the Department of Justice, to check the fingerprints of applicants.  California's Child Abuse Central Index also is examined for substantiated child abuse reports, and the Federal Branch of Investigation criminal history records are examined.  The California Department of Justice provides updates to ensure the continued eligibility status of a registrant. 

The following additional information and materials are available to help you.

California Child Care Resource & Referral Network

  •  (800) KIDS-793

California Department of Justice

  • (916) 227-2300

Check whether a specific child care provider is registered on TrustLine

  • (800) 822-8490

Find the Child Care Resource & Referral Network chapter that serves your community

  •  (800) KIDS-793

For more information about TrustLine, visit the TrustLine website or call (800) 822-8490

Trustline Forms

  • TLR 301E - Trustline Reference Request - Exemption

Contact Us

Community Care Licensing Division
Care Provider Management Branch

Live Operators Available: 8:00am - 12:00pm M-F


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