Compliance and Regulatory Enforcement (CARE) Tools

As part of the Inspection Process Project (IPP), the Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) has developed the CARE Tools for use in the Adult and Senior Care Program, Children's Residential Program, and Child Care Program. The CARE Tools will be used by Licensing Program Analysts (LPAs) when conducting inspections in licensed facilities.

The CARE Tools focus CCLD’s efforts in the three IPP priority areas: Prevention, Compliance and Enforcement. See below for links to program specific tools.

Note: The CARE Tools are designed to facilitate a focused, efficient, and thorough inspection within the time allotted. The Tools do not contain all applicable statutes, regulations, or licensing standards with which a licensee is required to comply. Use of the Tools does not limit the inspection authority of CDSS or its ability to issue citations or take disciplinary action for any deficiency.

CARE Tools for Adult Care Facilities

CARE Tools for Senior Care Facilities

CARE Tools for Child Care Facilities

CARE Tools for Children's Residential Facilities

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Senior Care Licensing
Adult Care Licensing
Children's Residential Licensing
Child Care Licensing