Frequently Asked Questions - Administrators



Examination Process & Initial Certification

Background Check

Application Status

Renewal Applications & Continuing Education Units (CEU)

Online Application Portal



  1. QUESTION: How do I become a certified administrator?
    ANSWER: To become a certified administrator for a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE), Adult Residential Facility (ARF), Group Home (GH), and/or Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP), you must meet the qualifications for each separately. The first step is to complete the applicable Initial Certification Training Program (ICTP) by an Administrator Certification Bureau (ACB) approved ICTP vendor. See the approved vendor list. Additional information on how to become a certified administrator may be found on the ACB website.
  2. QUESTION:  How many hours are required to complete an Initial Certification Training Program (ICTP) ?
    ANSWER:  The hours required to complete an ICTP depend on the facility type. All hours must be completed in-person or live-stream, unless specified otherwise.
    • Adult Residential Facility (ARF):  35 hours
    • Group Home (GH):  40 hours
    • Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE):  80 hours, 20 of which may be completed using the self-paced format.
    • RCFE with valid Nursing Home Administrator (NHA) license issued by the CA Department of Public Health (RCFE-NHA):  12 hours in core subject areas in place of the ICTP and exam.
    • Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP):  40 hours
    • STRTP with valid GH certificate: 12 hours in core subject areas in lieu of the ICTP and exam
  3. QUESTION:  What are the minimum qualifications for a certified administrator?
    ANSWER:Minimal qualifications include having a high school diploma or equivalent, such as General Education Development certificate and being at least 21 years of age. Additional information on how to become a certified administrator may be found on the ACB website.
  4. QUESTION:  As a foster family agency, will this certification be needed for group homes?
    ANSWER:  Administrator certification is required for the following CCLD residential facilities, ARF, RCFE, GH and STRTP.     
  5. QUESTION:  Can I hold more than one certification for different facility types?         
    ANSWER:  Yes, an administrator can hold more than one certification for different facility types. Each certification will have a different certificate number.
  6. QUESTION:  Can I have a temporary certificate while waiting for the permanent certificate?
    ANSWER:  No, ACB is not authorized to issue temporary certificates.

  7. QUESTION:  How do I renew my certification?
    ANSWER:  To renew your certification, you must complete the required Continuing Education Training Program (CETP) hours for your respective facility type with an ACB approved vendor . Once you have completed your CETP hours, you need to submit an Application for Administrator Certification (LIC 9214), application processing fee, and proof of completion of CETP hours. To avoid processing delays, we encourage administrators to log in to their Administrator Certification Online Application Portal account to renew their certification. You may also submit your renewal application by post mail. For more information on how to renew your administrator certification please visit the ACB website.

  8. QUESTION:  Can you please clarify the difference between the “Self-Paced,” “Live-Stream”, and “In-Person” course formats?
    ANSWER:  Self-Paced is a course which is taken individually by a participant and does not have interaction with other learners or instructors in real time. Live-Stream is a course provided through live-stream (e.g., Zoom, Webex, Teams) in which participants can interact with each other as well as with the instructor in real time. In-Person is a course provided at a physical location in which participants can interact with each other as well as with the instructor in real time.

  9. QUESTION: How can an administrator confirm their email address on file?
    ANSWER: Administrators may confirm their email address on file with ACB by looking at their copy of the Application for Administrator Certification, LIC 9214, form that was submitted to ACB. Their email address may be found in question number three of the LIC 9214. Administrators may also email for verification if they are an initial applicant or go to the ACB Online Application Portal (portal) if they are a renewal applicant.
  10. QUESTION:  My address has changed. How do I notify ACB?
    ANSWER:  All administrators must report any change of mailing address within thirty (30) days to the ACB by phone at (916) 653-9300, by email to, or by mail to CDSS – ACB, 744 P Street, MS 9-15-807, Sacramento, CA 95814. Provide your name, phone number, certificate number, prior address, and new address. 

  11. QUESTION: My last name is different now. How can I change my certification last name to a new last name?
    ANSWERA name change request must be submitted in writing to ACB. Include two pieces of identification (such as a copy of driver’s license, birth certificate, etc.) and a copy of legal documentation showing the change (such as a marriage certificate, court order, or driver’s license) with the request. This information can also be provided to ACB by email at or by post mail at CDSS-ACS, 744 P Street, MS 9-15-807, Sacramento, CA 95814.
  12. QUESTION: How do I request a replacement certificate?
    ANSWER: Replacement administrator certificates are only provided for current administrator certificates. To get a replacement certificate, submit the request, including your certificate number, to the ACB at or contact us at (916) 653-9300.

Examination Process & Initial Certification

  1. QUESTION:  I have completed the ICTP. What do I do now?
    ANSWER:  Within 60 days of completing the ICTP, an applicant for an Administrator Certificate must take and pass the Administrator Certification exam within three (3) attempts or be required to retake an ICTP course before registering for further exam attempts. Do not wait for your Criminal Record Clearance to register for the exam or apply for administrator certification. For more information on the examination process, please visit the ACB website.
  2. QUESTION:  How do I register for the Administrator Certification exam?
    ANSWER:  Check the Administrator Certification Exam Calendar and find three (3) separate exam times. Then email with the following required information:
    • Attach a copy of your ICTP certificate
    • ICTP Certificate of Completion Date:
    • First and Last name:
    • Full Mailing Address (House #, Street Name, City, State, and Zip Code):
    • Personal Email (Specify your preferred personal email, as this will be your username):
    • Phone Number with Area Code:
    • Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY
    • Type of Exam: RCFE, GH, ARF, or STRTP
    • Three (3) Exam Dates/Times:
    • Lastly, mail the $100 exam fee (check or money order) with this form, Notice of Payment Information: Exam Fees, to CDSS – ACB, 744 P Street, MS 9-15-807, Sacramento, CA 95814.
  3. QUESTION:  I’m nervous about the exam, what can I do to prepare? 
    ANSWER:  Refer to the guide on the ACB website for navigating Blackboard.
    A sample of the exam is available at the ACB website . We recommend using Google Chrome or Safari as your browser. Be sure it is installed. Have a computer or laptop with a functioning camera and a stable internet connection.

  4. QUESTION: Can an instructor/vendor register me for an examination?
    ANSWER: No, an instructor/vendor may not register you for an examination. Each applicant must register for the examination individually with a unique and individual email address.
  5. QUESTION:  I am approaching the 60-day due date from the completion of my ICTP, can I still take the exam?
    ANSWER: You can submit a deadline extension request within sixty (60) days of completing the Initial Certification Training Program (ICTP) by submitting a request by email to  
  6. QUESTION:  I missed or cancelled an exam, does that count as one of my three attempts? 
    ANSWER:  No, it does not count as an attempt.  Reschedule by e-mailing and requesting a new date for the missed attempt. 

  7. QUESTION: What if I fail all three (3) attempts to pass the exam?
    ANSWER: You will need to start the process over by taking a new ICTP.
  8. QUESTION: Are there any exemptions from taking the exam?
    ANSWER: There are only two exceptions. If you currently have an active Nursing Home Administrator (NHA) License and are attempting to become an RCFE Administrator, then you are exempt from the exam and associated exam fee. If you currently hold a GH Administrator Certificate, and are attempting to become an STRTP Administrator, you are exempt from the exam and associated exam fee.
  9. QUESTION:  I have additional questions regarding the examination process. Who can I contact?
    ANSWER:  For additional questions regarding the examination process, email

  10. QUESTION:  I have taken and passed the Administrator Certification exam. What do I do now?
    ANSWER:  A confirmation email will be sent to you confirming your exam result and informing you of next steps within 48 hours of passing the exam. Within 30 days of receiving notification from ACB that you passed the exam, submit your application package to ACB. Your package must include the following:

    1) LIC 9214 – Application for Administrator Certification  form
    2) Check or money order for $140 processing fee to “CDSS-ACB” (include your certificate number or date of birth on the check or money order on the Notes line)
    3) Copy of your Certificate of Completion of the ICTP or documentation verifying qualification for an example (e.g., copy of your current NHA license)
    4) Copy of LIC 9163 – Request for Live Scan form and, for GH or STRTP applicants, a Child Abuse Index Check; or documentation of your prior clearance including your Personnel ID Number on page two of the LIC 9214, if available
    5) Copy of your extension approval letter, if applicable
    Mail your application package to: CDSS-ACB, 744 P Street, MS 9-15-807, Sacramento, CA 95814
  11. QUESTION:  What is the initial application fee?
    ANSWER:  The initial application processing fee is $140. You may pay by check or money order made payable to “CDSS-ACB”. Be sure to include your certificate number or date of birth on the check or money order on the memo line.
  12. QUESTION:  What can I do to avoid delays for an initial administrator application?
    ANSWER:  Submit your application package within 30 days of passing your exam. Applications may get lost in the mail and the ACB is unable to track or provide assurances outside of CCLD’s mail process. Making copies will help ensure backup application documents are available for resubmission. Applicants may track their application packet by using a mail tracker such as the United States Postal Service (USPS) Certified Mail service. 
  13. QUESTION:I am approaching the 30-day due date for sending in my application following the exam, can I still submit my application?
    ANSWER:You can submit a deadline extension request within thirty (30) days of passing the administrator certification exam by submitting a request by email to  

Background Check

  1. QUESTION:  Do I need to be fingerprinted to become an administrator?
    ANSWER: Yes. All applicants who wish to become certified administrators must complete a criminal record background check and get a clearance or criminal record exemption. The Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) background check process is initiated through the Guardian background check system. PIN 22-06-CCLD outlines the process to create a Guardian profile and submit an application for a background check to the Care Provider Management Branch (CPMB). Once the application is electronically submitted in Guardian a pre-populated livescan form will be created that can be printed and taken to a California Department of Justice (DOJ) approved livescan vendor for fingerprints. The DOJ will send the fingerprint results to the CPMB. Once your background check is completed, the ACB may complete processing your initial administrator certification application.
  2. QUESTION:  What if I already have a background check clearance?
    ANSWER:  If you have worked or lived at a licensed community care facility or have been a licensee, your background check clearance may already be in our Licensing Information System (LIS) or in Guardian. If your clearance status is active and cleared, you do not need to submit fingerprints again. To find out if you are in our system, log into your Guardian account. If you do not have an account and need to create one, please submit a Guardian Licensee User Access Form (LIC 9277LUA) to CDSS at Once the form is processed, a licensee/provider account will be created and CPMB will issue a new user notification email with a temporary password and link to the Guardian Applicant portal. If you are cleared and active, include your Guardian PerID, background check, or application number in the LIS Pers ID section of the Application for Administrator Certification, LIC 9214.
  3. QUESTION:  Are background checks being required every two (2) years for Administrators?
    ANSWER:  A
    dministrators who are continually associated to a CCLD facility do not need to be reprinted. However, if an administrator has not been associated to a CCLD facility for three (3) years or more, they would need to submit new fingerprints prior to returning to work at a CCLD facility . Even if you have been printed and cleared through other state agencies, educational institutions, police agencies or governmental entities, you will need to submit fingerprints for CCLD purposes because the CCLD is not entitled to non-CCLD clearance information, as background clearance information is not transferable.
  4. QUESTION:  Where can I go to get fingerprinted?
    ANSWER:  You can go to any Live Scan operator that the California DOJ approves. Live Scan is an ink-less electronic fingerprinting service used for background checks. The DOJ lists their approved Live Scan operators on their website. You may also use the CCLD Live Scan vendor by contacting them at (800) 315-4507 to schedule an appointment at one of the CCLD regional offices.
  5. QUESTION:  How do I complete the Live Scan form (LIC 9163)?
    ANSWER:  It is recommended that an applicant prints a pre-populated Live Scan form ( LIC 9163 ) after creating a Guardian profile and submitting a background check application (see question 26). It is critical that you complete the Live Scan form accurately, so your fingerprint results are received by the Guardian background check system without delay. The form includes complete instructions. The following are a few key reminders:  
    • Box 1: ORI – The CCLD ORI number is A0448, usually preprinted on the form.  being certified (e.g., ARF, GH, RCFE). This is critical to obtaining all the  necessary background checks, including CACI for GH administrators.
    • Box 3: Applicant Type – Identify the type(s) of facility for which you are
    • Box 4: Agency Section – Make no changes to preprinted info.
    • Box 5: Applicant Information – Add your personal information, etc.
    • Box 6: Facility Number – If you are currently working at a facility, or have been hired by a facility, list the facility’s license number. The licensee or hiring person will provide you this information. If you are not currently associated with a facility, see info below.
    • Box 7: Employer – If you are currently working at a facility, or have been hired by a facility, list the facility’s name and address. If you are not currently associated with a facility, see info below.
  6. QUESTION:  What if I am not currently working for or associated to a facility?
    ANSWER:  If you are not currently associated to a facility, please use the correct ACB “dummy” number (listed below) as the facility number in Box 6. Use the California Department of Social Services as the facility/employer in Box 7 on the Live Scan form (LIC 9163). Do not leave the facility number or employer name blank on the form.
    Facility Type and Dummy numbers are shown below. Use the CDSS Address for the address of the facility. Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP): 345566666 Group Home (GH): 345577777 Adult Residential Facility (ARF): 345599999 Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE): 345588888 CDSS Address: California Dept. of Social Services, P.O. Box 944243, MS 9-15-62 Sacramento, CA 94244-2430

  7. QUESTION:  Do I need to wait for my background check to clear before submitting my initial application?
    ANSWER:  No. Do not delay sending your application while you wait for your background check information to be processed. Attach a copy of the Live Scan form signed by the Live Scan operator to your initial administrator certification application. We will use the copy of this document as evidence that you have started the background check process. The DOJ will transmit background check information directly to CCLD.

  8. QUESTION:  Why is there a delay with my background check?
    ANSWER:  If there is arrest or conviction information on your DOJ record and may require a criminal record exemption. There may be delays in receiving your background check information from external agencies. CCLD cannot process the background check information until all required documents are received. See PIN 21-22-CCLD which outlines details related to background check processing.
  9. QUESTION:  I have further questions regarding the background check process. Where can I get more information?
    ANSWER:  Information on the background check process can be found in PIN 21-22-CCLD . ACB does not complete the background check process. For further questions regarding the background check process, please contact the CPMB at (888) 422-5669 Monday through Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm or visit their website

Application Status

  1. QUESTION: How can I check the status of my application?
    ANSWER: Administrators may check the most current processing timelines on the Application Processing webpage and may check their application status using the Pending Initial Applications List or Pending Renewal Applications List. ACB processes applications in the order they are received regardless of if the application was submitted by post mail or the portal.
  2. QUESTION:  How can I have my application expedited?
    ANSWER: The Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) has offered the following considerations to provide some relief to the provider community as related to the ACB applications backlog.
      1. When an administrator is associated to a pending facility licensure (initial or change of ownership), the administrator’s application is expedited, and certification approval is conducted along with licensure approval.  This is done through internal coordination with Children's’ Residential Program (CRP) or Adult and Senior Care Program (ASCP), Regional Offices (RO) or Centralized Applications Bureau (CAB).
      2. If this situation applies to you or if you have questions about the pending facility licensure, please contact CAB or your assigned CRP RO.
      1. If there is a critical need for certification approval (for example if services from a partner agency, such as the county or Regional Center, is at risk of being disrupted; or residents are at risk of relocation as a result of a pending certification renewal; or if a new administrator needs to be onboarded immediately), your local Regional Office may request to expedite certification on the administrator’s behalf.
      2. If this situation applies to you, please contact the assigned LPA for the licensed facility to discuss the critical need.  If the RO determines that an expedite certification approval is necessary, they will send the request to ACB on your behalf.
      1. During the course of a facility inspection, if the administrator certificate is expired and the licensee can validate the submission of a renewal certificate application, the LPA should take into consideration whether a citation is warranted.  Each citation should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis including the facility and administrator’s history of compliance.
      2. If this situation applies to you, please contact your assigned Licensing Program Analysts (LPA) and provide the following information:
        1. EMAIL SUBJECT:  Administrator Certificate Expedite Request
        3. Administrator’s first and last name: 
        4. Certificate # or DOB: 
        5. Proof of Admin Cert initial application submission (This may come in the form of a copy of the LIC9214, an ACB application notification, or the Pending Applications List): 
        6. Associated CCLD facility #: 
        7. Target certificate approval date:
        8. Justification for expedite request: 
  3. QUESTION:  Why is my application not showing as “pending” in the Pending Initial/Renewal Applications list?  
    ANSWER:  If you are unable to see your name on the Pending Applications List, it may be because your application is being routed to the ACB office. Please allow at least 10 business days between the time the application is sent and when it appears on the Pending Applications List. If 10 days have elapsed and the Pending Applications List still does not indicate receipt, please send an e-mail inquiry to and include your name, certificate number and/or date of birth, and application sent date.
  4. QUESTION:  Since there is delay in processing time, if I don't get my updated certificate before my expiration date but I have already submitted my renewal application with all required document/payment, am I considered active or do I need to contact my LPA?ANSWER:  During the course of a facility inspection, if the administrator certificate is expired and the licensee can validate the submission of a renewal certificate application, the LPA should take into consideration whether a citation is warranted. Each citation should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis including the facility and administrator’s history of compliance. An applicant may consult with the assigned LPA to discuss questions or concerns with regards to a citation related to an expired administrator certificate
  5. QUESTION:  Why was I asked to remove my name from a licensee application as an administrator because my renewal status is pending?
    ANSWER:  The ACB regularly coordinates with CCLD facility application teams, including Adult and Senior Care Program’s Centralized Applications Bureau, to expedite certification approval in tandem with facility licensure approval. However, if an administrator certification application is determined to be incomplete, ACB cannot expedite the approval until the administrator reconciles application discrepancies. If facility licensure is time sensitive and ACB cannot proceed with certification approval as a result of application discrepancies, it is generally recommended that the licensee name an administrator who already holds a valid certificate to achieve licensure timelines.
  6. QUESTION:  How long does the whole process take?
    ANSWER:  Application processing times can vary depending upon the completeness of the application. If the application is incomplete, ACB sends a Notice of Incomplete Application (NIA) to the applicant by mail. The applicant has 30-days to provide any missing documentation or payment. If the applicant does not respond within 30-days, they will be issued a second and final 30-day NIA. If after the final 30-days the applicant has not provided the missing documentation or payment, the application will be denied.
  7. QUESTION:  What are reasons why an administrator application might be denied?
    ANSWER:  An application for Administrator Certification may be denied if it is found to be incomplete and the applicant does not respond to ACB’s incomplete notice within the allotted timeframe. An application may also be denied because a background clearance has not been processed or an exemption with CPMB has been denied.

Renewal Applications & Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

  1. QUESTION:  What is the valid timeline to take CEUs when renewing my certificate? When can I start taking courses to complete CEUs for my next certificate cycle/period? When is it too early and when is it too late? What are the consequences?
    ANSWER:  CEU hours required for certification renewal may be completed anytime during each two-year certification period (between effective and expiration date). However, ACB may only accept renewal applications as early as 90 days prior to the certificate expiration date. Renewal applications with CEU hours completed before the two-year certification period cannot be counted towards renewal requirements. Renewal applications with CEU hours completed after the two-year certification period are subject to a delinquency fee.
  2. QUESTION:  How do I find my certificate expiration date?
    ANSWER:  Administrator certificate expiration dates are located on each administrator certificate.  During your active two year certificate cycle, you may also verify your expiration date by accessing ACB’s Active Administrator Certificates List.
  3. QUESTION:  How is my certificate expiration date determined?
    ANSWER:  Your expiration date can either be two years from date of certificate issuance, or your birth date of the second calendar year from certificate issuance. This option is chosen by the applicant on the LIC 9214 at the time they are applying for initial certification.
  4. QUESTION:  How much time before expiration should the renewal paperwork be submitted?
    ANSWER:  Applicants may only submit their renewal application and upload their CEUs up to 90-days prior to their expiration date; however, CEU hours may be completed anytime during each two-year certification period (between effective and expiration date).
  5. QUESTION:  When it is time to renew, do I need to wait to get the NOTICE OF 90- DAY EXPIRATION OF ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE or can I renew anytime within the 90-days?
    ANSWER:  You do not need to wait to receive the Notice of 90-Day Expiration of Administrator Certificate to renew your administrator certification. You may submit a renewal application up to 90 days before the certification expiration date. However, you may complete CEU hours anytime between the certificate’s effective and expiration date.
  6. QUESTION:  Where can I find CEU providers with the lowest cost/unit?
    ANSWER:  Administrators may access the List of Approved Vendors to obtain contact information for vendors who provide training for administrator recertification. Administrators will need to contact vendors directly to ask about course availability and cost. Course fees are determined by vendors.
  7. QUESTION:  How many Continuing Education Training Program (CETP) hours do I need to renew my certification?
    ANSWER:  Certification renewal of each facility type listed below requires 40 hours; at least 20 of which must be conducted in an ACB approved live course format, and 20 may be completed by ACB approved self-paced course format:
    • Group Home (GH):  40 hours; at least four (4) hours of instruction in laws, regulations, policies, and procedural standards for the certificate facility type.
    • Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP):  40 hours; at least four (4) hours of instruction in laws, regulations, policies and procedural standards for the certificate facility type.
    • Adult Residential Facility (ARF):  40 hours; at least four (4) hours of instruction in laws, regulations, policies and procedural standards for the certificate facility type.
    • Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE):  40 hours; at least four (4) hours of instruction in laws, regulations, policies and procedural standards for the certificate facility type; and at least eight (8) hours in subjects related to serving residents with Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementias.
    • RCFE with valid Nursing Home Administrator (NHA) license issued by the CA Department of Public Health (RCFE-NHA):  20 hours; at least four (4) hours of instruction in laws, regulations, policies and procedural standards for the certificate facility type; and at least eight (8) hours in subjects related to serving residents with Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementias.  20 of which may be completed through self-paced training.
      If renewing more than two (2) years but less than four (4) years after your certificate expired, you must complete the required hours for each two-year period renewal cycle, i.e., twice the required hours, half of which may be completed through self-paced course format.  Administrator certificates will not be renewed if they have been expired for more than 4 years.
  8. QUESTION:  How many hours does the Direct Support Professional Training (DSPT) Year 1 or 2 count for in terms of CEUs?  
    ANSWER:  In partnership with the Department of Developmental Services, completing the DSPT Year 1 or 2 count as 35 hours towards CEUs in pursuit of ARF or RCFE renewal; however, it does not include 4 hours of laws and regulations or 8 hours of dementia training. You can read more about the DSPT on the Department of Developmental Services website.
  9. QUESTION:  How many Regional Center CEUs may I use towards my renewal?ANSWER:  GH, STRTP, and ARF administrators may apply up to 24 hours of Regional Center CEUs towards their renewal (not including laws and regulations).
  10. QUESTION:  I’ve completed my required CETP hours and am within 90 days of my certificate expiration date. How to I renew my certification in the portal?
    ANSWER:  In your portal account, select “Manage Certifications” on the left-side navigation menu. This will take you to your certifications. Click on the red “Renew” button to start the process.
  11. QUESTION:  I tried renewing my certificate through the online portal. My problem was submitting the LIC9214. There were questions pertaining to this form but not the whole form. How can I submit this form using the portal?
    ANSWER:  The “Credential Details” on the portal is the same information captured on the Application for Administrator Certification, LIC 9214. Completing a separate LIC 9214 is not required. The first part of the application is pre-populated with administrator information currently on record. Administrators may edit personal information here which will be saved to their account upon submission. The second part of the application covers recent work history as related to State-issued certificates, licenses, or other approvals.
  12. QUESTION:  Can we e-mail our renewal CEUs and forward our processing fees to the ACB office?
    ANSWER:  We request you to mail your administrator certification application as a single application packet or, to avoid processing delays, we encourage you to login to your portal account where you can pay your application fee and upload your CEUs.
  13. QUESTION:  If I submitted my CEUs for renewal by mail, may I sign up now through the portal and receive status updates?
    ANSWER:  There is no need to sign up for status updates from the portal. Applicants may log into their portal account and see their status within the “ACB Credentials” table on their dashboard.
  14. QUESTION:  When can I start uploading my CEUs into the portal?
    ANSWER: You may submit your renewal application and upload your CEUs as early as 90 days before the expiration date of your certificate. Once you are within 90 days of your expiration date, you can start the renewal process by clicking the “Manage Certifications” section in the left Navigation Bar of the portal. The Manage Certifications section will display certificate record(s) and a red “Renew” button will be available for certificates eligible for renewal. Please reference our User Manual for additional step by step instructions.
  15. QUESTION: Can I upload CEUs as I earn them, or do I have to wait until all units are completed?
    ANSWER:  Once an administrator is within 90 days of their certificate expiration  date, the option to renew their certificate will appear under the “Manage  Certifications” section of the portal. Once a renewal application is submitted,  administrators may upload CEUs in the portal. CEUs can be uploaded individually  into the portal as they are earned, or all at once; it is up to the administrator when  they are uploaded. Please note if you have not uploaded all CEUs at the time you  submit your application, it may delay the processing of your application.
  16. QUESTION:  In the portal, does the administrator need to upload each CEU certificate one at a time?
    ANSWER:  Yes. Each CEU Certificate of Completion needs to be uploaded individually for each course.
  17. QUESTION:  Can an administrator upload transcripts instead of submitting the Certificate of Completion for each course?
    ANSWER:  No. Each CEU course needs to be verified by the Certificate of Completion issued by the approved vendor. ACB does not accept transcripts in lieu of the Certificate of Completion.
  18. QUESTION:  With regards to approved continuing education courses, what needs to be shown on our certificate of completion to qualify as continuing education?
    ANSWER:  The certificate shall be signed by the vendor, or its authorized representative, and include the approved vendor’s name and vendor number. The certificate of completion must also include the name of the learner, approved course name, approved course number, approved course hours, and the date(s), time(s), and location(s) of the course(s). Exceptions to needing the course number are: 1) DSP 1 st and 2nd year certificates (there will be no course or vendor number) and 2) DDS/Regional Center certificates (Regional Centers will have a vendor number but no course number and cannot be counted for Laws & Regulations or Dementia requirements).
  19. QUESTION:  Are training vendors able to submit CETP credits directly to ACB on behalf of the administrator?
    ANSWER:  No, vendors cannot submit credits on behalf of administrators
  20. QUESTION:  If my expiration has passed wherein an additional 40 CEUs are required, will I still be able to submit online through the new portal?
    ANSWER: Applicants who are late in renewing their certificate and within four years of their expiration may submit their renewal through the portal.

  21. QUESTION:  If my certification has expired, should I upload my first 40 hours separately from my second 40 hours?
    ANSWER:  Yes. If renewing via the portal and your renewal application is over two years expired, but expired less than four years, the 40 CEU hours must be uploaded to each certificate cycle separately.
  22. QUESTION:  My certification expired more than 4 years ago. Can I still renew my certification?
    ANSWER: If your certification expired more than 4 years ago, you cannot renew your certification. You will need to start the process over again by taking an ICTP course.

  23. QUESTION:  Will I still be able to renew if I am not currently working as an administrator with a current license?
    ANSWER: Yes. Applicants may renew anytime within their four-year expiration date.

  24. QUESTION:  If I have a Nursing Home Administrator (NHA) license, what will the portal show on my account dashboard? Will the required hours show 20 rather than 40?
    ANSWER:  The portal will display 40 hours as the required number of CEUs; however, only 20 CEUs will be required for an administrator with proof of a valid NHA license. ACB staff will verify that 20 CEUs were completed when processing the renewal application.

  25. QUESTION:  How can conference CEUs be uploaded into the portal if the conference has more than one subject covered in more than one day?
    ANSWER: Administrators need to request credit for conference CEUs by uploading the Certificate of Completion and including course information for each course completed during each day of the conference. For example, if multiple courses were taken during the conference, the Certificate of Completion needs to be uploaded for each course.

  26. QUESTION:  What is the application processing fee for renewals?
    ANSWER:  The application processing fee for renewals is $140. You may pay your renewal fee through your portal account under “Payment Center” or, if mailing your application, you can send your fee by check or money order made payable to “CDSS-ACB”.
  27. QUESTION:  Why am I being charged a late fee?
    ANSWER:  ACB may assess a delinquency fee of $300 if the renewal application is postmarked or submitted through the portal after the certification expiration date and/or if training requirements remain incomplete after the expiration date.
  28. QUESTION:  I logged into my Payment Center, under (Type) it shows (Credit), and my amount is in green. Does this mean ACB withdrew this amount from my bank account?
    ANSWER:  Yes, the credit is what was paid and applied to your account, while the charge is the amount that is requested from ACB.

Online Application Portal

  1. QUESTION:  What is the online application portal?
    ANSWER:  The Administrator Certification Online Application Portal (portal) is an online platform for certified administrators (active and expired) to renew their certifications. The portal launched on January 17, 2024, and allows eligible administrators to access their account online; submit a renewal application; pay application and delinquency fees; submit proof of completion of CEUs; check the status of their renewal application; receive direct email notification regarding application status; and print or save a copy of their issued certificate. Using the online application portal is optional but strongly encouraged.
  2. QUESTION:  Where do I go to create an account for the online portal?
    ANSWER:  Currently there is no functionality for a user to create an account. Your account will be created for you before you must renew and a notification with your log in details will be sent to you.
  3. QUESTION:  ACB stated that we don't need to create our own account online. Does that mean that we create our own password but use the email we initially provided to ACB? ANSWER:  yes, you will have the option to create your own password upon initial login to the portal. applicants may also request to update their email address on file with cdss-acb by emailing
  4. QUESTION:  ACB stated that we don't need to create our own account online. Does that mean that we create our own password but use the email we initially provided to ACB?ANSWER:  Yes, you will have the option to create your own password upon initial login to the portal. Applicants may also request to update their email address on file with CDSS-ACB by emailing
  5. QUESTION:  Can I use the portal to submit an initial administrator certification application?ANSWER:  At this time, the portal may be used to submit renewal applications only. All initial applications must be submitted by post mail.
  6. QUESTION:  Can I still submit my renewal application by mail?
    ANSWER:  Yes, ACB will continue to accept paper renewal applications via post mail; however, to avoid processing delays, we recommend administrators renew their certifications through their portal account.
  7. QUESTION:  If I submit my application through the portal, will it be processed sooner than by mail?
    ANSWER:  Applications are processed in the order received regardless of submission method. Though the online portal is more efficient and convenient, it does not mean an online application will be processed ahead of an application submitted by mail.  ACB application processing timelines may be found on the ACB Application Status webpage.
  8. QUESTION:  I mailed in my application and my payment was processed; so why isn’t my application recorded in the portal?
    ANSWER:  Applications are recorded in the portal once the application has been processed by ACB staff.
  9. QUESTION: What if I sent my application and payment through post-mail, how can I use the portal?
    ANSWER: Once your application has been processed and recorded in the portal, you may access your account to submit CEUs, make a payment, and download your certificate once it is approved.
  10. QUESTION: Can I submit my application through the online portal, but pay by mail?
    ANSWER: No. To submit an application online, you must also pay by credit/debit card online.
  11. QUESTION: What type of electronic payments are accepted through the portal?
    ANSWER: The Administrator Certification Online Application Portal accepts electronic payments by Mastercard and Visa. The portal does not accept American Express as a form of payment.
  12. QUESTION: Will I keep the same certificate number if I use the portal?
    ANSWER: No. Administrators will be assigned a new certificate number.  New certificate numbers will be a ten (10) digit number beginning with seven (7) and ending with the last three digits representing the residential type facility code. For example: 7000000740.
  13. QUESTION:  Does the Administrator Certification Portal allow individuals to submit applications on behalf of other applicants (i.e., licensees or training vendors assisting)?
    ANSWER:  No. To protect applicants’ personal information, applicants must submit their own certification applications to ACB. If you are unable to submit your certification application on your own behalf, please contact ACB for guidance.
  14. QUESTION:  How do I print my certificate from the portal?
    ANSWER:  In order to print your certificate from the portal, you will need to download your approved certificate first. To do this, scroll over to the ACB Credentials table until the Download link is visible under the Certificate column. Once visible, administrators will be able to click the Download link to download and print a copy of their certificate.
  15. QUESTION:  Can I update personal information through the portal?
    ANSWER:  Yes, personal information, such as e-mail, phone number, and mailing address, can be edited and updated by clicking on "Edit Account" on the left-hand side navigation in the portal.
  16. QUESTION:  How can we ask a question by email from the portal? There is a section for inbox and sent but there is no option to compose an email.
    ANSWER:  Emails cannot be sent/forwarded/replied to from the Message Center in the portal. For inquiries regarding an incomplete status, please contact your assigned analyst listed on your Notice of Incomplete Application. For all other inquiries, email ACB at


Link to ACB landing page:

Link to portal:

Email for inquiries regarding administrator applications:

Email for inquiries regarding administrator exams:

Email for inquiries regarding administrator training:

Contact Us

Community Care Licensing Division
Administrator Certification Bureau (ACB)
744 P Street, MS 9-15-807
Sacramento, CA 95814

Update to ACB Public E-mail Inboxes

Effective June 3, 2024, the ACB public e-mail inbox will be discontinued.


For inquiries regarding the administrator exams, please contact the Administrator Examination Unit at


For inquiries regarding administrator applications, please contact the Administrator Certification Processing Unit at


For inquiries regarding administrator training, please contact the Vendor Support and Review Unit at

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