Continuing Care Contracts Bureau

Today's seniors are faced with many attractive options for retirement living. One of these options is a continuing care retirement community, or CCRC. CCRCs offer a long-term continuing care contract that provides for housing, residential services, and nursing care, usually in one location, and usually for a resident's lifetime.

All providers offering continuing care contracts must first obtain a certificate of authority and a residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE) license. In addition, CCRCs that offer skilled nursing services must hold a Skilled Nursing Facility License issued by the California Department of Public Health.

The California Department of Social Services (Department), is responsible for the oversight of continuing care providers. The Department's Community Care Licensing Division has two branches that participate in the regulation. The Adult and Senior Care Program monitors continuing care providers for compliance with the Community Care licensing laws and regulations regarding buildings and grounds, accommodations, care and supervision of residents, and quality of service. The Continuing Care Branch is responsible for reviewing and approving applications to operate a CCRC and monitors the ongoing financial condition of all CCRC providers and their ability to fulfill the long-term contractual obligations to residents.

Whether you are a prospective resident, current resident or care provider, we are sure you will find useful information on our home page. It is the Department's goal to provide the best possible community care licensing service for the people of the State of California.

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Continuing Care Contracts Bureau Provider Information Notices:

Contact Us

Community Care Licensing Division
Continuing Care Branch
744 P Street MS 9-14-91
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 654-0591

CCLD Complaint Hotline

If you see something, let us know!

To file a complaint regarding a state licensed community care facility , child care facility, or home care organization, visit our Complaint Hotline Page for contact information and more.


CCLD Services and Notifications