Disaster Grant Assistance for Individuals and Families

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Disaster Services Branch (DSB), can provide grant assistance through two programs. They are the State Supplemental Grant Program (SSGP) and the Disaster Case Management Program (DCMP).

State Supplemental Grant Program (SSGP)

California's SSGP, administered by the CDSS’ DSB, may provide grant funds to assist people who have suffered damage in a disaster area declared by the President when the federal assistance to Individuals and Household Program (IHP) is implemented. The SSGP is 100 percent State funded. The grant may assist with any eligible items not already addressed by the IHP. However, individuals must have applied to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and maximized the IHP award in order to be eligible for SSGP. State grants cover disaster-relief needs in the same categories as the IHP.

If you have reached the maximum IHP assistance, FEMA will automatically transmit your application information to SSGP. There is no separate application process for SSGP. If you have questions about the SSGP, you may contact SSGP at 1-800-759-6807, or for the speech- or hearing-impaired, the TTY number is 1-800-952-8349.

Click on the following links for more detailed information about the SSGP.

Disaster Case Management Program

The DCMP is FEMA-funded and provides supplemental Disaster Case Management services to vulnerable populations in the event of a Presidential major disaster declaration that includes Individual Assistance.

The DCMP is a limited-term, holistic partnership between a case manager and an individual survivor or household to identify and address unmet needs caused by the declared disaster. Through this partnership, the case manager works with the survivor to develop a comprehensive recovery plan to assist the survivor with any un-resourced items, support, or assistance that has been assessed and verified as necessary for the survivor to recover from a disaster.

Active DCMPs:

  • DR-4683 - 2023 Winter Storms (January)
  • DR-4699 - 2023 Winter Storms (February-March)
  • DR-4758 - 2024 California Severe Storm and Flooding (January)
  • DR-4856 - 2025 Wildfires Straight-line Winds (January)

To see if you qualify, please call (833) 775-DCMP or (833) 775-3267. You can also scan this QR code

QR Code to scan to qualify for supplemental Disaster Case Management services Funding

Federal Assistance - Individuals and Households Program

Individuals or households that have suffered damage in a Presidentially-declared disaster that has been approved for Individual Assistance can register for assistance online at www.disasterassistance.gov or by calling the FEMA registration toll-free phone number at 1-800-621-3362. For the speech or hearing-impaired, the toll-free phone number is 1-800-462-7585.

Contact Us

CDSS Disaster Services Branch
744 P St / MS 8-10-143
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-8880

Disaster Services Branch Programs

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