Training and Educational Resources
The Child Care Videos for Providers and Parents found on The California Child Care Licensing: Resources for Parents and Providers website addresses three user groups: 1) child care center operators, 2) family child care providers, and 3) parents and families. Within each category, you will find topics tailored to the needs of that specific group. Each topic on the website contains videos and resources designed to benefit prospective and current child care providers, families who are seeking child care for the first time, and families with children in care.
Mandated Reporter Training provides an overview of the significant definitions, requirements and protections of the California Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act. You will learn:
- How the law defines child abuse and neglect
- What the law requires of you as a mandated reporter
- What protections the law provides for a mandated reporter
- How to spot evidence of child abuse
- How to report child abuse
- What happens after a report is filed
- Definitions of some of the terms used in this program
You will receive a Certificate for your records upon completion of the training. Beginning January 1, 2018, Health and Safety Code 1596.8662 requires all licensed providers, applicants, directors and employees to complete training as specified on their mandated reporter duties and to renew their training every two years. The following is a list of approved Alternate Mandated Reporter Trainings. All trainings on this list are approved statewide.
California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) approves training programs for child care providers for Pediatric First Aid/CPR and Preventive Health Courses.
Family Child Care at its Best
The Family Child Care at Its Best program, funded by the California Department of Social Services, delivers research-based professional development to licensed family child care and providers serving children in mixed age groups. Offered statewide, this series of workshops helps providers improve their knowledge, skills and quality of care. Workshops may be requested by local Resource and Referral agencies, county offices of education, Quality Counts California (QCC), or other groups that provide training and support to Family Child Care or family friend and neighbor providers. Please visit Family Child Care at Its Best for more details.
PediaLink Child Care Courses created by the American Academy of Pediatrics online learning center courses including:
Zero to Three works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the early connections that are critical to their well-being and development by providing training for child care providers and caregivers.
Child Care Aware Training Academy has online training programs which are used by providers and R&R staff across the United States, offering: Center-Based Training, Family Child Care Training, General Training and Webinars & Blended Learning.
Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (R&Rs)