Refugee Programs Bureau (RPB)
Mission | Who We Serve | What We Do | Population-Specific Information | Other Resources
The RPB’s mission is to provide state-level leadership and coordination of programs and services to achieve successful resettlement and integration of vulnerable populations in California. Our vision is to empower individuals to successfully transition and grow in California communities.
Who We Serve
Refugee youth, adults, families, and other vulnerable populations including:
What We Do
The RPB oversees culturally-sensitive and linguistically-appropriate services that helps clients attain the skills needed to achieve self-sufficiency and a successful integration. We achieve our goals by partnering with counties, resettlement agencies, school districts, and community based organizations. Current programs include:
Population-Specific Information
Additional population-specific information is included below:
- Ukrainians: for more information and resources to support Ukrainian newcomers, visit the Ukrainian Arrivals webpage.
- Afghans: for more information and resources to support afghan newcomers, visit the Afghan Arrival Response webpage.
- Cuban and Haitian Entrants: you may qualify as a Cuban and Haitian Entrant if you are a Cuban or Haitian national (1) granted parole as a Cuban and Haitian Entrant; (2) in removal proceedings; or (3) have an application for asylum pending. For more information, please find the pdf named “Benefits for Cuban/Haitian Entrants” on the ORR Resources-Fact Sheet page and the All County Information No. I-63-22.
Other Resources
- Office of Immigrant Youth (OIY): administers culturally responsive social support programs for immigrant youth and partners with school districts and non-profit community based organizations to administer programs. These state and federally funded initiatives include the California Newcomer Education & Well-being (CalNEW) program, Opportunities for Youth (OFY) project, the Refugee School Impact program (RSI), the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor (UUM) program, and the Youth Mentoring (YM) program.
- Immigration Services Bureau (ISB): ensures the effective development and implementation of programs and funding initiatives necessary to support legal services, outreach, community education, and other immigrant integration efforts. The ISB funds legal services and education and outreach to increase access to legal immigration remedies, as well as to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), naturalization, and removal defense. The ISB also administers legal services program for Unaccompanied Undocumented Minors (UUM) and other special projects focused on underserved immigrant populations.
- Office of Refugee Health - CDHP: works with impacted local health jurisdictions, health providers, and voluntary resettlement agencies to provide culturally and linguistically-appropriate comprehensive health assessments, and other health services, to newly arrived refugees, asylees, victims of severe forms of human trafficking (federally-certified), and other eligible entrants to assist them by becoming and staying healthy.
- Private Sponsorship: the U.S. Department of State, in coordination with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, launched Welcome Corps on January 19, 2023. Welcome Corps is designed to empower Americans to form private sponsor groups to welcome and support refugees.
- Public Charge: most immigrants are not subject to Public Charge; however, Afghan Humanitarian Parolees, Afghan SI/SQ Parolees, and Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees are not currently explicitly exempted. The new rule details change in how DHS will interpret public charge, clarifies DHS policy regarding those to whom the public charge rule applies, and explicitly exempts those granted refugee benefits by congress.
- Technical Assistance for Resettlement Providers: Switchboard, a technical assistance provider funded by the office of refugee resettlement, provides a “one-stop resource hub for refugee service providers in the U.S.”
- Expedited Professional Licensure Process: this resource provides information about expedited professional licensure eligibility and processes for refugees, asylees, and special immigrant visas holders.
- COVID-19 updates: for information and updates related to COVID-19, please visit the links below:
Please use the RPB contact us page.
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