Live Scan Application Process and Associated Fees

Special Website Update

In response to COVID-19 related closures, CDSS is providing a list of recently active Live Scan providers. This list will be periodically updated as additional information is received from the Department of Justice. However, applicants are encouraged to contact the Live Scan providers in advance to verify their current operating hours, fees, etc. This is a partial list of Live Scan providers who have recently submitted fingerprint images. It does not represent an exhaustive list of operating Live Scan providers. Additional Live Scan providers close to your location may be operating. Please utilize the Attorney General’s website for additional vendor locations.


Electronic fingerprinting technology has replaced the rolling of fingerprints that use ink and a standard fingerprint card. This fingerprinting technology is inkless and electronically transfers images of fingerprints and personal information to the Department of Justice (DOJ) in a matter of seconds. Once completed, the results of the DOJ fingerprint check are sent electronically to the Care Provider Management Branch (CPMB) of the Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD).

The DOJ only accepts electronically transmitted fingerprint images and related information to process requests for criminal record checks. Fingerprints submitted on a hard copy Applicant Fingerprint Card (FD258) will be returned to the submitting agency for submission in the electronic format. In specific, pre-approved situations the DOJ may exempt individuals from the electronic submission requirement and allow the use of the fingerprint cards instead. You can request an exemption from the electronic submission requirement, however, this process may be lengthy and should be used only for hardship situations.

Individuals can obtain a Request for Live Scan form LIC 9163 or from any local Community Care Licensing Division office. This form will automatically request a Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) check if needed. For Home Care Organizations and Home Care Aides, a hard copy Live Scan Submission form may be obtained by contacting the Home Care Services Branch at (916) 657-3570 or by email at Please note that a CACI check is not required for individuals solely associated to Home Care Organizations or the Home Care Aide Registry.

It is very important for you to use only the Live Scan form provided to you by the potential employer, licensee or provider. These forms contain information that is unique to each agency and this information must be on the form before arriving to have fingerprints taken.

At the Live Scan site, the Live Scan operator will inform the individual of the charges, which include the transmission of the prints and all necessary services from the DOJ, the Federal Branch of Investigation, and the CACI check if applicable.

  • After recording the fingerprints and applicant information, the data will be electronically transmitted to the DOJ for processing.
  • Once completed, the DOJ will send the results of the fingerprint check to the CPMB.

Estimated time to receive results from the date the fingerprints are submitted to the DOJ if there is no criminal history:

Live Scan Fingerprints (DOJ)— Approximately 3 days

Fingerprints (FBI)— Approximately 5 days

Child Abuse Central Index check — 4-6 weeks

Time frames will be significantly longer if the applicant has a criminal history or if a fingerprint/Live Scan transmittal is rejected by the Department of Justice.

The following additional information and materials are available to help you.

  • Request for Live Scan form LIC 9163
  • Instructions for - Resource Family Approval Applicant Live Scan Request Form BCIA 8016

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Community Care Licensing Division
Care Provider Management Branch

Live Operators Available: 8:00am - 12:00pm M-F

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