Licensed Child Care Facility Stabilization Stipends

Registration Process

WATCH Video Demonstration to view a walk-thru of the three-step registration process

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STEP ONE: Read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below under ‘Resource and Information’ to learn about licensed stipend eligibility, amount, registration process, and the timeline to receive.

STEP TWO: Upon reading the Resource and Information FAQs, eligible licensees may now register to receive their licensed stipend here.

STEP THREE: Complete the licensed stipend related ARPA survey (American Rescue Plan Act Survey) here.

You may also visit the dedicated ARPA Survey Webpage for survey related FAQs, hardcopy format, and additional information.

Resource & Information

COVID-19 financial relief paid directly to the licensed child care providers is part of an April 2021 agreement between the State of California and California Child Care Providers United. The 2021-22 State Budget recently approved by the Legislature and signed by Governor Newsom includes stipend funds.

The Licensed Child Care Facility Stabilization Stipends approved were authorized to be distributed by the California Department of Social Services. These one-time “licensed stipends” will be facilitated by the Community Care Licensing Division, Child Care Program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These licensed stipends are intended to help stabilize existing licensed child care facility operations and provide support associated with expenses from the COVID-19 pandemic to include, but not limited to:

  • Staff incentives or bonus pay
  • Increased costs due to cleaning, sanitization, and other COVID-19 related operating expenses
  • Increased costs associated with distance learning
  • Support for decreased enrollment
  • Any other activity necessary to maintain or resume facility operations, including support for fixed costs

Separate from licensed stipends, there are additional stipends available for child care providers who care for children receiving state-funded subsidies. For information please visit the CDSS Webpage regarding subsidized stipends.

Licensed Stipends FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • The licensed stipend is a stabilization payment intended to support licensed providers with the increased costs associated with operating under the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Licensees who retained a child care license on June 25, 2021, are eligible to receive the stipend, subject to review for specific pending administrative actions that result in permanent closure.
  • This will affect a very small number of licensees who are pending loss of licensure due to very serious health and safety violations. Licensees who are subject of administrative actions are directly notified.
  • Only the administrative actions for “Temporary Suspension Orders” and “License Revocations” will be reviewed.  The review will determine if such actions will result in loss of licensure; facilities losing their license will not receive the licensed stipend and must permanently close operations.
  • The Child Care Licensing Program will contract with a third party called Blackhawk Network to facilitate the registration and verification of eligibility information and to distribute the stipend.
  • Upon third party verification of eligibility information, a check will be distributed via postal mail to the verified licensee mailing address.
  • Once registration becomes available, you may register securely online to confirm your licensee facility contact and tax information for verification to receive a licensed stipend check. Licensees will receive an email to inform when registration becomes available.
  • No, direct deposit is not an option.
  • Yes. Stipend payment amounts are above the non-taxable threshold and are subject to state and federal income tax.
  • Yes. Licensed facilities who were temporary closed or on inactive status on June 25, 2021 will receive a licensed stipend.
  • No, FFN providers will not receive a licensed stipend. To receive the licensed stipend, one must have had a child care license on June 25, 2021.
  • The Child Care Licensing Program has created this dedicated webpage to find the latest information about licensed stipends. 
  • Please contact your local licensing regional office to update the following information:
    • Licensee/facility mailing address
    • Licensee/facility landline phone number and/or cellular phone number (NOTE: inform the office if your primary phone contact is a cellular phone)
    • Licensee/facility email address
  • Upon verification of registration, a check will be disbursed within approximately 15 business days.
  • To complete the ARPA Survey, please select the link above indicated as “STEP THREE”.
  • Visit the dedicated ARPA Survey Webpage for survey related FAQs, hardcopy format, and information in other languages.
  • Licensees should complete a federally survey as part of this stipend payment process. One survey, per each license.
  • Surveys should be completed by the following entities who are in receipt of ARPA stabilization-funded investments: - License-exempt providers (i.e., family, friend, and neighbor providers); - Licensed Family Child Care Homes (one survey, per each license); - Licensed Child Care Center (one survey, per each license); - License-exempt Child Care Center directors, site supervisors, and/or administrators.
  • Visit the dedicated ARPA Survey Webpage for survey related FAQs, hardcopy format, and information in other languages.
  • For a list of immigration legal services providers, visit the CDSS Immigration Services Webpage. For additional information regarding the request for a taxpayer identification number and certification, please see the IRS form W-9.

We appreciate your patience as we await additional information on stipends.
This page will be updated when new information becomes available.

If you have additional questions regarding the Licensed Child Care Facility Stabilization Stipends, please contact the Department’s inbox at Please allow time for a response.