What Is Cell-Ed?
Cell-Ed is a voluntary remote learning platform that enables individuals to acquire essential skills and engage in educational courses via distance learning. Participants may access the Cell-Ed platform through any mobile device, ranging from a basic mobile flip phone to a computer.
Skills 4 Life (S4L)
Skills 4 Life is the program which makes content available to those clients receiving benefits through CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work (WTW), CalFresh Employment & Training (E&T), and Refugee Support Services programs on Cell-Ed as part of the partnership with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). Some of the courses currently available on Skills 4 Life include:
- WorkReady Series
- SkillBuilder Series for Life & Work (math and reading)
- English on the Go
- Spanish on the Go
- STEPs (Steps Toward Educational Pathway Success)
- Building Future Readers
- English for Customer Service
- Advanced SkillBuilder Series
- COVID-19 Guides
Cell-Ed Eligibility Requirements
There are no eligibility requirements to utilize the Cell-Ed platform. While any California resident may utilize the platform on their mobile device, clients in any of the above listed programs may utilize Cell-Ed to assist in meeting their CalWORKs WTW, CalFresh E&T, and Refugee Support Services requirements. Please contact your local County Welfare Department for more information on how to get started with Cell-Ed.
Laptop Loaner Program (Laptops 4 Life)
CDSS is partnering with Cell-Ed to distribute laptops to eligible clients participating in CalFresh E&T, CalWORKs Home Visiting Program (HVP) and Tribal TANF-Indian Health Clinics. In addition to providing equipment, the Laptops 4 Life (L4L) program provides clients with wraparound education and support to ensure they are set up for success. Cell-Ed will provide digital literacy courses and a coach to provide support on technical issues.
CDSS has released guidance for County Welfare Departments (CWDs) on how to opt-in to Cell-Ed and onboard clients to engage with Cell-Ed. CDSS has also released guidance on how CWDs can count and calculate homework time hours for clients utilizing Cell-Ed.
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