Public Information and Policies
Community Care Licensing is a regulatory enforcement program that has a mission to protect the health and safety of children within our facilities. The program consists of three distinct functions: PREVENTION, COMPLIANCE, AND ENFORCEMENT.
Prevention is used to reduce predictable harm by screening out unqualified applicants through the application process, and to assist qualified applicants in the successful completion of the licensing process. This is done by obtaining the following:
- Criminal record clearance
- Financial information
- Health screening report & tuberculosis test
- Fire clearance
- Pre-licensing facility inspection
Compliance is the process which ensures that facilities are operated according to applicable laws and regulations. This is maintained through:
- Facility inspections
- Deficiency notices
- Providing consultations
Enforcement is only utilized when a licensee fails to protect the health, safety and personal rights of clients in care or is unwilling or unable to maintain compliance with licensing laws and regulations. The goal of regulatory enforcement is to gain compliance, and revoking a license is an action of last resort. The enforcement takes many forms, based on the severity of the violation. Some forms of Enforcement can usually result in corrective action:
- Denial of application for capacity increase (appeal rights)
- Deficiencies are cited
- Suspension or revocation of license
- Civil penalties are assessed
- Office conferences/noncompliance conferences
Other Resources
Make a Complaint
Find Licensed Care
Licensing Fees
Licensing Laws and Regulations
Facility Types
Forms and Publications
Translated Forms and Publications
Children's Residential Quarterly Updates
Foster Care Ombudsperson
Megan’s Law
Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006
Information Releases
Children’s Residential Regional Offices
Map of Children's Residential Regional Offices
Resource Family Approval Program - Assigned Liaisons/Policy Analysts
CA County Foster Family Home Licensing Directory
Health and Safety Information
Provider Information Notices