California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Crediting Luncheon and Processed Meats/Meat Alternates (M/MA) in the CACFP
Provides guidance for crediting luncheon and other processed M/MA in the CACFP.
CDSS Serving Cheese in the CACFP
Provides guidance for serving creditable cheeses in the CACFP.
CDSS RTE Breakfast Cereal Categories: Flakes, Rounds, Puffed, and Granola
Provides guidance on the amount of ready-to-eat (RTE) breakfast cereal in each cereal category (flakes, rounds, puffed, and granola) that CACFP Operators must provide to meet the minimum serving size requirements for the grains components.
CDSS Crediting Grains Using Ounce Equivalents (oz eq)
Provides guidance on determining the amount of creditable grains present in a food item, product, or recipe using oz eq. Additional guidance is available in the online USDA Food Buying Guide (FBG) Grains and in the Grains Oz Eq section of the USDA CACFP Meal Pattern Training Worksheets.
CDSS Determining Whole Grain-rich (WGR) Products in the CACFP
Provides guidance for identifying creditable (WGR) items in the CACFP. Additional guidance is available in the USDA Policy Memorandum CACFP 09-2018, Grain Requirements in the CACFP; Questions and Answers and in the WGR section of the USDA. Adding Whole Grains to Your CACFP Menu Training Worksheet on the USDA Training Worksheets web page.
CDSS Determining Creditable Grain Products in the CACFP
Provides guidance on crediting grain products in the CACFP. Additional guidance is available in the USDA Policy Memorandum CACFP 09-2018, Grain Requirements in the CACFP; Questions and Answers and in the Grains section of the USDA CACFP Meal Pattern Training Worksheets.
Flowchart for Determining Creditable Grains in the CACFP
Provides flowcharts with guidance on how to determine if a grain product is creditable in the CACFP. Additional guidance is available in the USDA Policy Memorandum CACFP 09-2018, Grain Requirements in the CACFP; Questions and Answers.
CDSS Introducing Solids to Infants in the CACFP
Provides guidance on assessing an infant's developmental readiness for solid foods, engaging communications with parents or guardians about offering solids, and understanding infant eating habits for all CNP operators. Additional guidance is available in the USDA Policy Memorandum CACFP 11-2023, Feeding Infants and MP Requirements in the CACFP; Questions and Answers, USDA Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant Developmental Skills Job Aid, and the American Academy of Pediatrics Starting Solid Foods web page.
CDSS Serving Smoothies in the CACFP
Provides smoothie recipes and guidance on crediting fruit, vegetable, milk, and yogurt smoothies served as part of reimbursable meals and snacks in the CACFP. Additional guidance is available in the USDA Policy Memorandum SP 40-2019, CACFP 17-2019, SFSP 17-2019, Smoothies Offered in CNPs, USDA Policy Memorandum CACFP 09-2017, Vegetable and Fruit Requirements in the CACFP: Questions and Answers, and the CDSS MB CNP-04-2020, Smoothies Offered in the CNPs, on the CDSS CACFP Bulletins.
USDA Crediting Handbook for the CACFP (English) (Spanish)
Supplement to the Food Buying Guide (FBG) for CNPs and contains additional information on creditable foods served in child and adult care centers.
USDA Team Nutrition (TN) CACFP Meal Pattern Training Tools
The USDA TN developed materials for CACFP operators and sponsors to implement the CACFP MP. Some materials include, training worksheets, grains oz eq resources, posters, and webinar information.
The FBG for CNPs is now an online interactive tool. It was updated to reflect the MP. It can help with purchasing the required quantities of foods and determining the contribution each food makes toward the MP requirements.
USDA FBG Mobile App
The FBG mobile app can be used to compare yield information or create a favorites list of the food items that are commonly purchased. The app is available on iOS and Android platforms.
CDSS FBG Yield Tables and In-House Study Instructions
Provides guidance on how to conduct and submit to the CDSS an in-house yield study to verify the yield for a product when it differs from the yield, or is not included, in the FBG.
CDSS FBG Calculator Steps
Provides the steps for using the USDA FBG Calculator to determine required quantities of foods to purchase to meet the meal pattern requirements.
USDA FBG - PDF Download
The FBG is available to download and print as a PDF.
Exhibit A Grains Requirements for CNPs Chart in the Exhibit A: Grain Requirements for the CNPs tab on the USDA FBG Grains web page
Provides a general guideline for crediting prepared grains items.
USDA TN Feeding Infants in the CACFP Guide web page
The Feeding Infants Guide is a training tool for CACFP Operators with infants enrolled at their child care site. The guide covers topics such as the infant meal pattern, developmental readiness, hunger and fullness signs, handling and storing breastmilk and infant formula, solid foods, and much more.
Institute of Child Nutrition Education and Training Resources for CACFP Professionals
The Institute of Child Nutrition developed resources for participants in the CACFP. Some useful resources include fact sheets, posters, sample menus, and much more.
USDA CACFP Meal Pattern Training Slides
The USDA CACFP meal pattern training PowerPoint slides are ready to go and can be used to train staff working with the CACFP. These training slides are designed to be interactive 30-minute trainings, and are offered on topics, such as using ounce equivalents for grains, feeding infants, menu planning, serving milk, and choosing breakfast cereals and yogurt that are lower in added sugars. These training slides are offered in English and Spanish.
USDA Mealtimes with Toddlers in the CACFP
USDA mealtimes with Toddlers in the CACFP resources assist CACFP Operators in meeting meal pattern requirements and creating positive mealtime environments for children one to two years old. Resources offered in English and Spanish.
USDA CACFP Grains Ounce Equivalents Resources
These USDA training resources help CACFP Operators use ounce equivalents to determine the amount of grains for meals and snacks.
USDA Family Style Meal Service with Children in the CACFP Training Resources
The USDA created this web page which includes training slides, a CACFP Operator booklet, social media graphics, posters and additional resources to assist operators in implementing family-style meal service in the CACFP.
USDA Calculating the Added Sugars Limit for Breakfast Cereals in the CACFP
The USDA updated this worksheet to align with the new added sugars limit for breakfast cereals as part of the Final Rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
USDA Choose Breakfast Cereals that are Lower in Added Sugars in the CACFP
The USDA updated this worksheet to align with the new added sugars limit for breakfast cereals as part of the Final Rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
USDA Calculating the Added Sugars Limit for Yogurt in the CACFP
The USDA updated this worksheet to align with the new added sugars limit for yogurt as part of the Final Rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
USDA Choose Yogurt that is Lower in Added Sugars in the CACFP
The USDA updated this worksheet to align with the new added sugars limit for yogurt as part of the Final Rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.