Removal Defense
The Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) 13302-13307 authorize the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to fund qualified nonprofit organizations (Grantees) to provide pro bono legal services to immigrants residing in, or formerly residing in, the State of California.
The goal of removal defense funding is to provide quality representation in removal defense proceedings, expand access and referrals, and build capacity and expertise of organizations that provide services across the State.
State Fiscal Years (SFY) 2022-2024 Awarded Organizations
The CDSS’ Immigration Services Bureau (ISB) has released the award announcement of award recipients for SFY 2022-2024 for the availability of $23.8 million for the Removal Defense (RD) Program to 27 Grantees. Review the SFY 2022-24 Award announcement for a list of awarded Grantees and other updates.
Request for Application (RFA)
The next open competitive RD program RFA will be conducted soon and is contingent upon funds made available through the State Budget.
More Information
To learn more about the RD program details, review the documents below.
For questions regarding the RD Program, email