Legal Services Assistance

The State of California is not a direct legal service provider, however, the Immigration Services Bureau does award non-profit organizations and community colleges funding to provide a limited number of immigration legal services. To find these direct service legal providers, view the Legal Services Providers' Information webpage. 

Disclaimer: the resources below are not endorsed or sponsored by the State or CDSS. These are solely resources available for the general public. For more information about your specific situations, reach out to the organizations listed on our Legal Services Providers' Information webpage who have attorneys available to answer any questions. 


Family Preparedness Plan. Every family should have a family preparedness plan in case of an emergency. It is critical to think ahead and set concrete plans for immigration emergencies that can arise. Visit Immigration Legal Resource Center's Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan toolkit for steps on how to prepare yourself and your family.  

Other resources

Red Cards. All people in the United State have certain rights and protections. The Immigration Legal Resource Center's (ILRC) Red Cards help people assert and defend their rights. Visit ILRC's Red Card webpage to order or download copies for yourself and others. 

Know Your Rights. Immigrants who are stopped, arrested, or detained by Immigration or other law enforcement have certain rights. The National Immigration Law Center's Know Your Rights webpage has vital information that can be useful. However, this is general advice and you should consult with an immigration lawyer for questions specific to your situation. 

California Attorney General Immigration Resources. Visit the Attorney General's Immigration webpage for information regarding your rights, scams, and other vital information. 

Immigration Law Help. The Immigration Law Help webpage is for low-income immigrants needing legal help across the United States, by searching using a zip code or the name of a detention facility. 

Contact Us:

Phone: (916) 651-8017
Fax: (916) 654-7187

California Department of Social Services
Immigration Services Unit, MS 9-6-33
P.O. Box 944243
Sacramento, CA 94244-2430