Conlan II Process

Since 1997, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has been involved in litigation resulting in the decisions of Conlan I and Conlan II. The court ordered DHCS to ensure that Medi-Cal recipients receive reimbursement for medically necessary, out-of-pocket expenses received during specific time periods. In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) recipients who are Medi-Cal eligible are included in this class action lawsuit.

On November 16, 2006, the State's revised Conlan II Implementation Plan was approved by the court. Specifically, DHCS is required to provide recipients reimbursements for medically necessary services received and paid for during the following time periods:

  1. the retroactive period which is up to three months prior to the time of application for Medi-Cal;
  2. the evaluation period which includes the time between the dates that an application for Medi-Cal eligibility was submitted and approved; and
  3. the post approval period which is after the recipient was approved for Medi-Cal and addresses the excess Share of Cost (SOC) expenses.

Reimbursement Process

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Adult Programs Division, Conlan II Unit has the primary responsibility for adjudicating Conlan II claims for IHSS. In order to be considered for reimbursement, the recipient must have experienced an actual out-of-pocket expense for the excess SOC amount. IHSS recipients who paid their provider an excess SOC can file a Conlan II claim to request reimbursement.

In order to be reimbursed, the recipient must:

  1. Contact the DHCS Beneficiary Services Center (BSC) at (916) 403-2007 to request a Conlan II claim packet for IHSS, and
  2. Complete the claim packet and return it directly to the BSC at the address provided in the claim packet.

Once the Claim has been Submitted

Once the recipient has submitted their claim packet and the BSC determines the claim packet is complete, the packet will be forwarded to the CDSS Conlan II Unit for adjudication. A recipient may call the toll free number at 1 (877) 508-1327 to obtain the status of their claim.

If the claim is denied by CDSS, the recipient will be notified in writing the reason for the denial which will include a notice of the recipient's rights and instructions for requesting a state hearing.

Letters and Notices

The following are All County Letters (ACLs), All County Information Notices (ACIN) and County Finance Letters (CFLs) posted for the Conlan program (in date order with the most recent at the top). All letters and notices are pdf.

Quick Links

IHSS Recipients:

IHSS Training/Information -

IHSS Providers:

IHSS Timesheet Issues/Questions:
IHSS Service Desk for Providers & Recipients, (866) 376-7066

Suspect Fraud?
IHSS Fraud Hotline: 888-717-8302
Help Stop Medi-Cal Fraud and Abuse
Provider Fraud and Elder Abuse complaint line:

Fee Restrictions

  • Health care providers and clinics shall not charge a fee to a patient for filling out any forms related to an IHSS applicant’s eligibility determination or providing information responsive to forms that support a claim or appeal regarding eligibility for a public benefit program (Health and Safety Code Section 123114).
  • Prohibited form fees should be reported to Adult Programs Division, Policy and Quality Assurance Branch, Policy, and Operations Bureau at (916) 651-5350.

Adult Protective Services