Transitional Housing Programs for Foster Youth in California
The Transitional Housing Program (THP) provides current and former foster youth additional supports they need to successfully transition to independence while reducing the risks of homelessness, unemployment, and instability after foster care. By providing housing, life skills training, and guidance, the program helps Nonminor Dependents build a strong foundation for independent living and self-sufficiency.
What is a Nonminor Dependent (NMD)?
A Nonminor Dependent (NMD) is a foster youth aged 18 to 21 who qualifies for the Extended Foster Care (EFC) program in California. NMDs voluntarily enter the program for access to housing, case management, and supportive services to help them transition successfully to adulthood.
- Must be 18 to 21 years old.
- Must have a court order for foster care placement before 18 years old.
- Must participate in at least one of the following:
- Completing high school or an equivalent program.
- Enrolled in college or vocational training.
- Working at least 80 hours per month.
- Participating in a program to remove barriers to employment.
- Unable to meet these requirements due to a medical condition.
Transitional Housing Program for Non-Minor Dependents (THP-NMD)
The Transitional Housing Program for Nonminor Dependents (THP-NMD) is a supervised, supportive housing program for young adults (ages 18-21) who are in California’s Extended Foster Care (EFC) program. This program helps NMDs transition from foster care to independent living by providing safe housing, case management, and life skills development. NMDs have the right to voluntarily remain in (or re-enter) foster care, live in approved housing options (e.g., THP-NMD), and receive support to develop life skills and self-sufficiency.
THP-NMD Housing Options
THP-NMD provides three types of supervised housing:
- Single-Site Housing – Apartments or dorm-style housing where multiple NMDs live in the same building with onsite support staff.
- Scattered-Site Housing – Individual apartments or shared housing located throughout the community, with regular case management visits.
- Host Family Model – NMDs live with a caring adult mentor (host family) who provides support and guidance while maintaining independence.
Program Benefits
- Safe and Stable Housing – Affordable, supervised living arrangements
- Case Management Support – Social workers help with goal setting and resources
- Life Skills Training – Budgeting, employment readiness, cooking, and daily responsibilities
- Education & Employment Support – Assistance with job placement, vocational training, and college enrollment
- Health and Well-Being – Access to medical, mental health, and other essential services
- Community Resources – Help with transportation, legal services, and financial literacy.
Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for THP-NMD, youth must:
- Be between 18 and 21 years old
- Be in Extended Foster Care (EFC) under a court-ordered placement
- Have a Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP)
- Be engaged in school, work, training, or treatment
- Be willing to participate in program activities and case management.
How to apply for the THP-NMD Program?
Contact one of the following to get started:
Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus)
About the THP-Plus program:
- Provides housing options for young adults who exited foster care (including those supervised by the Juvenile Probation) on or after their 18th birthday.
- Offers housing and supportive services for 36 cumulative months or until the age of 25, whichever comes first.
- The goal of THP-Plus is to provide a safe living environment, while helping participants develop the life skills needed to live independently.
- There are six housing models which may be offered in the THP-Plus program.
- Apartments
- Single family dwellings
- Condominiums
- College dormitories
- Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) or Group Home
- Host family models
For more information about the THP-Plus Program
Policy and Guidance
The Extended Foster Care (EFC) and Transitional Housing Program (THP) in California are guided by various All County Letters (ACLs) and All County Information Notices (ACINs) issued by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). These documents provide policies, procedures, and guidance for county agencies and service providers. These policies ensure that THP-NMD provides stable housing, life skills training, and support services to help foster youth transition successfully into adulthood.
- ACL 19-105 Placement Responsibilities for Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs) in Extended Foster Care
Provides guidance and clarification on the counties’ responsibility to offer safe and appropriate placements that meet the needs of each nonminor dependent in Extended Foster Care
- ACL 18-135 Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster Care (AFDC-FC) Payments for 16 to 18-Year-Old Dependents Placed in a Dormitory or Other Designated Post-Secondary Educational Institutional Housing
Provides guidance and instructions on the new non-federal placement option available for minors, which would allow dependent minors to reside in a dormitory or other post-secondary educational housing institution and receive their payment directly if they are at least 16 years old and pursuing a post-secondary education
- ACL 17-93 Use of Infant Supplement Payment for Transitional Housing Placement Plus Foster Care (THP+FC) Programs
Provides instruction on how the infant supplement payment can be utilized to meet the needs of parenting youth in the THP-PLUS-FC program
- ACL 17-83: Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP)- Residing with a Parent
Explains that non-minor dependents assessed as being ready for a SILP may now reside in a SILP in the same home as a parent or guardians, including the parent or guardian from whom the youth was initially removed, and receive foster care payments
- ACL 17-64: Changes in Placement Practices for Children, Youth, and Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs) in Foster Care
Provides information on placement practice changes resulting from Senate Bill 731, which requires children and non-minor dependents in out-of-home care to be placed according to their gender identity, regardless of the gender or sex listed in their court or child welfare records
- ACL 16-50: Additional Payment for a Non-Minor Dependent (NMD) Parent in a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) Questions and Answers
Provides information on frequently asked questions regarding the placement payment increase to non-minor dependent parents residing in a SILP, as outlined in Assembly Bill 2668
- ACL 15-67: Additional Payment for Non-Minor Dependent (NMD) Parent in a Supervisee Independent Living placement (SILP)
Provides information on the availability of an additional $200 in addition to the infant supplement paid to non-minor dependent parents residing in a SILP upon completion of certain requirements
- ACL 14-33: Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs) Placed out of State
Provides instructions on the policies and procedures of placing non-minor dependents in Extended Foster Care out of state
- ACL 13-109: Transitioning Youth from Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP) to the Transitional Housing Placement Plus Foster Care (THP+FC) Program
Provides additional information to licensed transitional housing placement providers caring for eligible non-minor dependents that are in a THPP for minors, while the provider expands to a THP+FC program, as originally set forth by ACL 12-44
- ACL 12-44: Transitional Housing Placement Plus Foster Care and Changes to Transitional Housing Placement Program and Transitional Housing Program Plus
Provides information on THP-PLUS-FC and changes to the requirements of the THPP and THP-Plus programs
- ACL 11-77: Extension of Foster Care Beyond Age 18: Part Two (Placement)
Explains the placement options available in extended foster care, including information on the Transitional Housing Program-Plus Foster Care program
- ACL11 -69: Extension of Foster Care Beyond 18: Part One
Provide counties with instructions on the policies and procedures for the Extended Foster Care Program created by Assembly Bill 12. It discusses non-minor dependent placement considerations in any licensed or approved facility that are available, including the new placement options THP-Plus-FC and SILP.
- ACL 11-53 Letter of Intent (LOI) and County Plan to Request Participation in the Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP), the Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-PLUS), and/or the Transitional Housing Program-Plus Foster Care (THP-PLUS-FC)
Provides updated instructions on Letter of Intent and County Plan requirements for THPP, THP-Plus, and THP-PLUS-FC
All County Information Notice