Extended Foster Care (AB 12)
Assembly Bill 12 was signed into law on September 30, 2010 and took effect on January 1, 2012. AB 12, and the subsequent AB 212, implement provisions of the Federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (PL 110-351) to improve outcomes for youth in foster care. A provision of the Federal Fostering Connections to Success law permits states to extend title IV-E assistance to eligible child welfare or probation youth that remain in foster care up to age 21.
AB 12 created California’s Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program which allows eligible youth in the child welfare and probation systems to remain in foster care until age 21. Youth may leave extended foster care and later choose to re-enter the program up to age 21. To remain eligible for EFC, youth must meet at least one of five participation criteria. Additionally, AB 12 extended Kin Guardianship Assistance Payments (Kin-GAP) and Adoption Assistance Payments (AAP) up to age 21 for youth who meet certain eligibility requirements. More information on AB 12 is provided below.
To find your local EFC Coordinator, refer to the Extended Foster Care County Contact List.
CDSS Notifications Pertaining to Extended Foster Care
All County Letters (ACL)
All County Information Notice (ACIN)
- ACINI-29-13 Extended Foster Care Update
Provides information to counties about the statutory changes to the Welfare and Institutions Code via passage of AB 1712, signed on September 30, 2012, and SB 1013, signed on June 27, 2012, concerning the EFC Program
- ACIN I-76-15 Extended Foster Care Update
Discusses additional populations eligible to re-enter foster care as NMDs, pursuant to AB 787 and AB 2454; the ability of juvenile courts to make orders for probation NMDs; transition dependents; in-progress reunification plans for NMDs; voluntary out-of-home placements for NMDs; and NMD adoption
- ACINI-42-17 Revised Extended Foster CareForms
Introduces revised versions of the Supervised Independent Living Program forms, the Mutual Agreement for Extended Foster Care, Voluntary Re-Entry Agreement for Extended Foster Care, and the Transitional Independent Living Plan
County Fiscal Letters (CFL)
Community Care Licensing Information Release
- No. 2011-06
Pertains to non-minor dependents interim standards