State Policy Letters

Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)

ACL 25-10
Updated Requirements for Administration of the Integrated Practice-Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Tool and Child and Family Teams.

ACIN I-35-24
New Resources Available to Enhance Fidelity and Support of Child and Family Team (CFT) Meetings and the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)

ACL 21-27
Child Welfare Requirements for Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) training, certification, and entry of CANS data into the CARES-Live system

ACL 18-09/MHSUDS IN 18-007
Requirements for Implementing the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Assessment Tool Within a Child and Family Team.

ACL 18-81
Requirements and Guidelines for Implementing the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment Tool Within a Child and Family Team (CFT) Process.

ACL 18-85/MHSUDS IN 18-029
Clarification Regarding Sharing of CANS Assessments by County Placing Agencies and Mental Health Programs.

ACIN I-21-18/MHSUDS IN 18-022
The California Children, Youth, and Families Integrated Core Practice Model and the California Integrated Training Guide.

Child and Family Team (CFT)

ACL 25-08
The purpose of this ACL is to provide statewide implementation guidance for the formation of CFTs and for the provision of CFT meetings for youth who have voluntary or court-ordered Family Maintenance status.

ACIN I-35-24
New Resources Available to Enhance Fidelity and Support of Child and Family Team (CFT) Meetings and the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)

ACL 24-24
Funding for county readiness and workforce training activities to support of Family Maintenance Child and Family Teams.

ACL 22-73
Assembly Bill (AB) 1068 and Practice Guidance for the Child and Family Team (CFT) Process

ACL 22-35
Timing and Frequency of Child and Family Team Meetings. 

ACL 21-113
Assessments by a Qualified Individual (QI) for placement in Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPs) under the requirements of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) and Assembly Bill (AB) 153 (chapter 86, Statutes of 2021).

ACL 21-105
Updates To CWS/CMS Functionality And New Documentation Requirements Regarding Child Participation During Child And Family Team (CFT) Meetings

ACL 20-33
Placement Preservation Guidance For County And Tribal Child Welfare Agencies, Probation Departments, And Children’s Residential Care Providers In The Event A Child, Nonminor Dependent, Or Care Provider Is Exposed To, Presents Symptoms Of, Or Tests Positive For, Covid19

ACL 20-25
Providing Optimal Child Welfare And Probation Services To Children And Families During Coronavirus (Covid-19) California State Of Emergency

ACL 19-26
Placement change requirements, exemptions from placement change requirements, placement preservation strategies, and best practices

ACIN I-71-18
Using Team Meetings To Increase Cross-system Collaboration Between Local Child Welfare And Education Agencies (LEAs)

ACL 18-23
The Child and Family Team (CFT) Process Frequently Asked Questions.

ACL 17-104
Documentation of Child and Family Teams (CFTs) in the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS)

ACL 17-104E
Erratum to ACL 17-104: Documentation of Child and Family Teams (CFTs) in the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS)

ACL 16-84
Requirements and Guidelines for Creating and Providing a Child and Family Team.

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