Welcome to
Child & Family Teams
Child & Family Teams bring families together with natural supports, service providers, trusted community members, professionals, and others with the goal of providing safety and stability for the children and families.
Overview of CFT
Child and Family Teams (CFTs) bring together loved ones and experts to support the child in reaching their potential and are dedicated to helping the family thrive.
- CFTs draw on a child and family’s strengths, experiences, knowledge, and network of
support to create a plan for the safety, stability, and well-being of the children and
- The CFT process is intended to be inclusive of multiple formal support systems
a family may need, as well as the informal, community, and natural supports that
surround a family.
- The CFT process provides children and families opportunities to use their experiences
and contribute their ideas to help them reach their goals.
Every child and family is unique, requiring support be tailored with them. To help with this
work, CFTs use a proven tool called the Integrated Practice - Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (IP-CANS). The IP-CANS, developed by the
John Praed Foundation, helps teams organize shared information and make collaborative decisions.
Why Child and Family Teams?
What Role Do You Play in the Child & Family Team Process?
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