CDSS – CDMIS User Manual; Chapter 3: CDD-801A Reporting

This chapter contains information regarding CDD-801A reporting.


This chapter contains the following topics:

The CDD-801A is the collection in which agencies that maintain a child care and development contract report specific information on all children enrolled in subsidized child care services. This report is required for all agencies that hold a child care and development contract for the duration that contract is active.


Which agencies must submit the CDD-801A?

The CDD-801A must be submitted for each report period families and children were enrolled for subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract.

If no families and children were enrolled in subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract for a given report period, “No Services” must be reported. Detailed instructions for reporting “No Services” are provided in Chapter 6: Manage Program Information.

Which children should be reported in the CDD-801A?

Children enrolled and whose child care services were subsidized through an agency’s contract should be included in the CDD-801A.


What is the CDD-801A?

The CDD-801A is a list of children enrolled and whose child care services were subsidized through an agency’s contract for a given report period. The CDD-801A is submitted monthly by agencies that hold a contract to provide subsidized child care services.

The CDD-801A is also used to draw a sample of approximately 250 records per month from which more detailed information of children whose child care services were subsidized through an agency’s contract is gathered. Information gathered from this sample constitutes the CDD-801B Monthly Sample Report, a separate report.


When is the deadline for submitting the CDD-801A?

The CDD-801A is due on the twentieth of the month following the end of the report period. For example, the October 2024 CDD-801A is due by November 20, 2024. Late notifications are sent via email to agencies who fail to submit the CDD-801A or fail to report “No Services,” on the following business day.

Agencies who fail to submit the CDD-801A by the final date stated in the late notification email will have their apportionments withheld until a complete CDD-801A is submitted. Agencies should revise the CDD-801A as soon as possible if discrepancies are found in reported information.


Where is the CDD-801A submitted?

The CDD-801A is submitted by agencies electronically via the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal at


Why must agencies submit the CDD-801A?

All states receiving federal child care funding must submit the federally mandated ACF-801 report, which is a requirement of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PL 104-193). States were given a choice to submit the required information for one of the following groups: all children whose child care services are provided by federal funds, or a sample of children whose child care services are provided by federal funds. California currently submits sample information to fulfill the requirements of the ACF-801 report; the monthly information submitted via the CDD-801A is used to draw this sample.

Failure to submit the ACF-801 report to the federal government will result in a sanction (fiscal penalty) against the state. Therefore, the failure of agencies with contracts to submit the CDD-801A in a timely manner will result in the withholding of apportionments.


How do agencies submit the CDD-801A?

Submission of the CDD-801A is completed online via the CDSS – CDMIS. Agencies may submit the CDD-801A by utilizing one of the following functions:

  • CDD-801A Input/Edit: This function is used to carry out the following: copy records from month to month; fill in data entry screens to add new children enrolled in subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract; and delete children not enrolled and whose services were not subsidized during the reporting period. Step-by-step instructions addressing how to submit the CDD-801A using this method is available in the section below.
  • CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer: This function is used to submit text files created by agencies, which contain all required information and is formatted specifically for the CDSS – CDMIS to process. If agencies choose to submit the CDD-801A via this function, refer to Appendix C: Creating Electronic Files. Step-by-step instructions addressing how to submit the CDD-801A using this method are available in the section below.
  • A maximum of 20 families are displayed on each screen.
  • Families are displayed in alphabetical order by last name, then first name and middle initial.
  • The "Total Families this report month/year" is displayed at the top of the screen. This number is the total for the agency (if there are no sub-agencies) or for the sub-agency (if a sub-agency was selected).

How do agencies report “No Services”?

If an agency has a contract but does not have any families or children enrolled in subsidized child care services through the contract during a given report period, the agency must report “No Services.” Detailed instructions for reporting “No Services” are provided in Chapter 6: Manage Program Information.

How can agencies view previously submitted CDD-801As?

Submitted CDD-801As can be viewed or edited for a period of time after the report due date. Agencies may view or edit information submitted by utilizing the “CDD-801A Input/Edit” function, which is available on the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal, for approximately ninety (90) days after the CDD-801A due date.

Once a report period is locked, agencies may view, but not edit, information submitted by utilizing the “CDD-801A Management Reports” function available on the CDSS -CDMIS Web Portal.

How can previously submitted CDD-801As be revised?

If agencies find that a particular report period does not contain the correct information (e.g., children are not reported or children are incorrectly reported) or if minor changes to a record need to be made, it is encouraged that those changes are made to the CDD-801A as soon as they are discovered.

For agencies that use the CDD-801A Input/Edit function, select the report period to be updated. Make the necessary changes to reflect accurate information for that report period.

For agencies that use the CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer function, carry out one of the following: use the CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer function to resubmit a corrected text file that includes all records or use the CDD-801A Input/Edit function to add, delete, or modify individual records.

The family, child, and provider information fields from the CDD-801A and the CDD-801B have their own definitions, guidelines, and frequently asked questions (FAQs). Appendix A: Data Definitions provides a comprehensive description of all data fields in the CDD-801A and the CDD-801B. Those can be found at Appendix A: Data Definitions

The Input/Edit method of submitting the CDD-801A consists of agencies utilizing the CDD-801A Input/Edit function on the CDSS – CDMIS to copy records from one month to the next; and add, delete, or modify those records to reflect accurate information for a given report period.


The CDD-801A Input/Edit function is for agencies who manually enter family and child data to submit the CDD-801A. Agencies may opt to enter family and child data manually for each report period or use the copy forward function to copy all family and child data from one report period to the next; and add, delete, or modify these records to reflect current information.

Important Reminder

Use the navigation buttons and links on the screen. Do not select the "Back" button on the browser as this may result in error messages or duplicate information.

Required Information

Information of all families and children who enrolled in subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract for the given report period.

Step-by-Step Instructions

View Families

This is the main screen in CDSS-CDMIS once the user navigates to CDD-801A Input/Edit and selects a reporting period. Use this screen to view the families for your agency (or sub-agency) for the selected report period.

About This Screen:

  • A maximum of 20 families are displayed on each screen.
  • Families are displayed in alphabetical order by last name, then first name and middle initial.
  • The "Total Families this report month/year" is displayed at the top of the screen. This number is the total for the agency (if there are no sub-agencies) or for the sub-agency (if a sub-agency was selected).
Add a Family

To add a new family to the CDD-801A, follow the below steps:

  1. Log on to the CDSS-CDMIS.
  2. Select the “Input/Edit” function from the "CDD-801A" drop down menu.
  3. Indicate the report period for which family and child data will be entered. Select the "Submit" button.

Result: The View CDD-801A Families screen is displayed. Should data already exist in the indicated report period, the first 20 reported families are displayed. Should data not already exist in the indicated report period, no families are displayed.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Add a Family” button.

Result: The Add/Edit CDD-801A Family screen is displayed.

  1. Fill in all required fields with the pertinent family, child, and provider information.

  • By default, the Add Family screen maintains only one Child information section. If multiple children in a family received subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract for a given report period, agencies may add additional children’s information by selecting the “Add Child to Family” button.
  • By default, the Add Family screen maintains only one Provider/Type of child care section. If a child in a family received subsidized child care services through multiple contracts maintained by an agency for a given report period, agencies may add additional provider/type of child care information by selecting the “Add Provider/Type of Child Care to Child” button.
  • Within the Add/Edit CDD-801A Family screen, agencies may click on the hyperlinked data field name for online instructions and guidance regarding the indicated data field.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Save Changes” button.

Result: If no data entry errors are detected, the text “Family Data has been saved” will be displayed.  If data entry errors are detected, the pertinent error message will be displayed. All error messages must be resolved to save the record’s information; partial or incomplete information will not be saved.

Add a Child

Additional children can be added to an existing family reported in the CDD-801A within the CDSS - CDMIS upon their receipt of subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract.

Important Note Regarding Families with Multiple Children:  If a family has multiple children certified to receive subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract, all children should be included in the same family’s file within the CDSS - CDMIS (i.e., all children within the same family should maintain the same Family Identification Case Number [FICN]).

Do not create separate records within the CDSS - CDMIS for multiple children certified to receive subsidized child care services within the same family (i.e., children within the same family should maintain the same FICNs).

To add additional children to a family in the CDD-801A, follow the below steps:

  1. Log on to the CDSS - CDMIS.
  2. Select the “Input/Edit” function from the "CDD-801A" drop down menu.
  3. Indicate the report period for which family and child data will be entered. Select the "Submit" button.

Result: The View CDD-801A Families screen is displayed. Should data already exist in the indicated report period, the first 20 reported families are displayed. Should data not already exist in the indicated report period, no families are displayed.

  1. Locate the family record to be edited. Select the hyperlink on the head of household’s (HoH’s) name.

Result: The Add/Edit CDD-801A Family screen for the selected family is displayed.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Add Child to Family” button.

Result: A Child #2 information section will be displayed.

  1. Enter all required information for the additional child. Repeat steps 5 – 6 for all pertinent children within the family.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Save Changes” button.

Result: If no data entry errors are detected, the text “Family Data has been saved” will be displayed.  If data entry errors are detected, the pertinent error message will be displayed. All error messages must be resolved to save the record’s information; partial or incomplete information will not be saved.

Copy Forward

To copy CDD-801A information from one report period to another report period, follow the below steps:

  1. Log on to the CDSS - CDMIS.
  2. Select the “Input/Edit” function from the "CDD-801A" drop down menu.
  3. Indicate the report period from which family and child data will be copied. Select the "Submit" button.

Result: The View CDD-801A Families screen is displayed and the first 20 reported families are displayed.

Use the buttons and links found below the listed families to “Jump to” specific families that should or should not be copied forward to another report period:

  • Select "Previous Page" to view the previous 20 families.
  • Select "Next Page" to view the next 20 families.
  • Select a page number from the drop down list to view the families on that page.
  • Select on a letter under the "Jump to families" to move to the first family with a last name that begins with that letter.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the "Copy Families to a Future Month" button.

Result: The Copy CDD-801A Families screen is displayed. All families are automatically selected to be copied, as indicated by the check mark next to each family's name. If only a few families are to be copied forward to another report period, select the "Uncheck All" button. Recheck only those few families to be copied forward. Select the "Check All" button to check or recheck all families.

The subsequent report period is pre-selected. The report period can be changed should agencies wish to copy families to a later report period; however, agencies cannot copy families to a prior report period or to a report period that has not yet ended.

If an agency uses sub-agencies, the system automatically selects the same sub-agency to receive the copied families. Only Agency Super Users can select a different sub-agency to copy forward families’ information, should an agency wish to report families in a different sub-agency during the next report period.

  1. Select the "Copy Checked Families" button.

Result: A confirmation screen(s) is displayed. Read the confirmation screen(s) carefully. One of two screens are displayed depending on if family information is or is not already present in the target report period:

  • If there are already families in the target report period, agencies are informed of the number of families already in that report period. Agencies are prompted to delete the existing information and replace it with the information being copied forward, or to add the copied information to the information already in the target report period, or
  • If there are no families in the target report period, agencies are prompted to confirm the copying forward of the information.
  1. Once one of the above choices is selected, the copy forward process begins and a Family List appears. Attendance Status information must be entered for each child and program for which subsidized services were provided.
  2. After all Attendance status information has been entered, click the “Save Changes and Continue Copy Forward” button or the “Cancel Copy Forward and Return to View Families” link.
  3. The Copy Forward Results screen is displayed; two buttons are displayed on this screen.
  1. Return to the prior report period (should agencies want to double check that report period’s information), and
  2. Continue to the target report period.
  1. Families selected to be copied forward but were not copied forward into the target report period are listed in a table; these families could not be copied forward due to some error.
  1. To see the error and possibly resolve the problem, select the "Edit" button located to the right of the family's name. The Edit Family screen for that family and the relevant error message(s) printed in red text are displayed. To copy the family forward, all error messages must be resolved and saved. Agencies must ensure that all error messages are corrected before returning to the Copy Forward Results screen.
  2. Correcting the error messages and saving the information for each family automatically copies them forward into the target report period.
  1. Select the “Continue to the target report period” button to make changes to the families in the target report period; add or delete pertinent family, child, and provider information.
  1. The only time agencies should add families (or children) is when the family (or child) being added was claimed for fiscal reimbursement purposes through an agency’s contract during that report period. The only time agencies should delete families (or a child within a family) is when the family (or child) was reported incorrectly and was not claimed for fiscal reimbursement purposes through an agency’s contract during that report period.
  1. Complete family, child, and provider records are automatically saved to the CDSS - CDMIS database.

Important Note Regarding Copy Forward: Do not make changes to the CDD-801A before copying forward to the target report period.

For example, if an agency is copying forward information from May to June, the agency should not change the information reported in May before copying forward to June, or agencies will have changed May's report and it will no longer reflect accurate information for that report period.

What Happens Next

  1. Incomplete family, child, and provider information is not saved; pertinent error messages are displayed.
    1. All error messages must be resolved in order to save the record’s information; partial or incomplete information will not be saved.
  2. Complete family, child, and provider information free of data quality errors is automatically saved to the CDSS - CDMIS database.

The Electronic File Transfer method of submitting the CDD-801A consists of agencies utilizing the CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer function within CDSS - CDMIS to upload a specifically formatted text file that contains all information for a particular report period.

Warning: Transferred files overwrite existing information

The CDSS - ‑CDMIS allows multiple file transfers for the same report period; however, every successful file transfer completely overwrites all existing family, child, and type of child care information for the specified agency (or sub-agency) for that report period.


The CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer function is only for agencies who upload a file to submit the CDD-801A. The file must contain the following:

  • Information of children whose days of enrollment were claimed for fiscal reimbursement purposes under an agency’s contract
  • Information for one report period
  • Information for one sub-agency (if the agency reports by sub-agency)

Important Reminder

The file must contain information in a very specific format. Refer to Appendix C: Creating Electronic Files for details.

Required Information

A sub-agency must be selected if an agency has created sub-agencies and if an Agency Super User is transferring the file.

The sub-agency selection option is not displayed if an agency has not created sub-agencies or if a super user is not transferring the file; files uploaded by an Agency User are automatically uploaded to the sub-agency to which they are assigned.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Transfer a File
  • Log on to the CDSS - CDMIS.
  • Select the function "Electronic File Transfer" from the “CDD-801A” drop down menu.
  • Indicate the report period for which a file will be transferred. Select the "View Report Month-Year" button.
  • Select a sub-agency, if the sub-agency drop down list is displayed.
  • Select “Choose File” to locate the correct file within the agency’s computer:
  • Select the "Upload File" button.
  • If information for the specified report period has already been received within CDSS – CDMIS, a screen explaining that there is already data in the target report period is displayed. If agencies choose to proceed, the data currently in the database for that report period is deleted and replaced by the data in the file being transferred:
  • Read the text on the CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer Confirmation screen.

Result: An “Open File” dialog box is displayed.

  • Search the computer for the file.
  • Highlight the file name.

Select the "Open" button.

Result: The file transfer process begins.

  • Select the "OK" button to proceed with the file transfer, or
  • Select the "Cancel" button to discontinue the file transfer and return to the Main Menu.
Access the Electronic File Transfer Status Report
  • Log on to the CDSS - CDMIS.
  • Select the function “Management Reports-Electronic File Status Report" from the “CDD-801A” drop down menu.
  • Indicate the report period and sub-agency (if available) and select the "Submit" button.
  • Select the desired report number to view.
  • Read the file transfer status report thoroughly.

  • Errors listed on the Electronic File Status Report must be corrected. The file must be resubmitted until all error messages are resolved, the file passes, and the information is successfully loaded to the database.

Result: The Available CDD-801A Electronic File Status Reports screen is displayed.

Result: The CDD-801A Electronic File Status Report for that report number is displayed.

  • If the File Status says "Passed, Loaded to database," the file has no error messages and the families and children in that file have been added to the report period and can be viewed in the database the following day.
  • If the File Status says "Failed, Not loaded to database," the file has error messages, and the families and children were not added to the report period.

Optional: Use the browser's "Print" button to print the report. Select the "Download this Screen to Excel File" button to save this report as an Excel Spreadsheet while working to resolve the error messages or to have a hard copy of the report.

What Happens Next

After transferring a file via the CDSS - CDMIS, the following happens:

  • The original file is stored in the database.
  • The CDSS - CDMIS processes files each day at 2:45 a.m. After that time, families and children uploaded can be viewed within the database.  Family and child counts are also updated at this time.
  • The file is either
    • Accepted, all of the information is copied into the database, or
    • Rejected, none of the information is copied into the database.
  • A file transfer status report is created and stored.
  • Agencies must read the file transfer status report and confirm that the file was accepted.

For more information, read the Step-by-Step Instructions: Access the Electronic File Transfer Status Report section above.

The CDSS – CDMIS maintains different reports, referred to as CDD-801A Management Reports, agencies may find useful in reviewing information submitted for the CDD-801A.

CDD-801A Management Reports are available from the “CDD-801A” drop down menu. To access CDD-801A Management Reports, select the “CDD-801A” drop down menu and navigate to “Management Reports.”

Four reports are displayed on the drop-down menu and are as follows:

CDD-801A Electronic File Status Report

This report indicates whether a CDD-801A Electronic File was successfully processed and uploaded to the database.

CDD-801A Submission Report

This report displays all families included in the CDD-801A submission in a specified report period and agency/sub-agency.

CDD-801A Submission Export

This report displays all families included in the CDD-801A submission in a specified report period and agency/sub-agency. It can be exported to an Excel document and saved by the user to their computer.

CDD-801A Program Code Report

This report displays child count by Program Code included in the CDD-801A submission in a specific report period and agency/sub-agency.

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