The Add/Edit Offices, Sites, or FCCHs screen is used to add or update information about offices, sites, or Family Child Care Homes (FCCH) site level information which are used by agencies in relation to their contract(s).
Each contract an agency holds must be assigned to at least one site or office based on the definitions below. Agencies with contracts that fall into both the site and office categories should have both sites and offices listed. For the purpose of maintaining information within the CDSS – CDMIS, sites, offices, and FCCHs are defined in the Required Information section below.
When viewing the table on the Add/Edit Offices, Sites, or FCCHs screen, the column "Facility Type" indicates whether the facility listed is a "Site,” "Office," or “FCCH.”
Required Information
Center-Based Site
A center-based site is the physical location (one or more classrooms) where child care and development services are provided to children through an agency’s contract(s).
Agencies with the following contract types have center-based sites: CCTR, CHAN, and CMIG.
Agencies are required to provide the following information for each site:
- At least one site must be listed to indicate where subsidized child care services were provided to children through an agency’s contract(s).
- Each site must have at least one assigned contract (i.e., the contract that funds the subsidized child care services provided to children at that location).
- Each site must have at least one license (whether license-exempt or not).
- Each contract associated with this facility type, as defined above, must be assigned to at least one site.
For each center-based site, agencies must provide the following information:
- Site name and address. For licensed facilities, the name and address should match the name and address on the license issued by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Community Care Licensing.
- First and last name of site supervisor.
- Phone number of site supervisor.
- All contracts that fund subsidized child care services provided to children at that site. Indicate the total number of children served by age group and funded by each contract in a typical day (for agencies adding new sites, enter the information based on anticipated numbers of children to be served). Enter zero (0) if there are no children in an age group.
- All licenses for that site issued by the CDSS, Community Care Licensing. If a site is license exempt, enter “EXEMPT” as the license number. If unsure, contact the agency’s consultant.
Note Regarding FCCHs: If agencies provide services to children in FCCHs through a CCTR or CMIG contract, agencies must also list this contract in the FCCH Information section of the Update Agency Information screen. The number of children reported by age group under the FCCH Information section is a sub-set of the number of children listed that are served at a site.
An office is the administrative facility where families apply for services or obtain information related to specific contracts.
Agencies with the following contract types have offices: C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CFCC, CMAP, and CRRP. (Occasionally CCTR, CHAN, and CMIG when only providing services via family child care homes and not in center-based locations.)
The following rules apply to agencies with these contract types:
- Each agency must have at least one office.
- Each of the agency's contracts that are associated with this facility type, as defined above, must be assigned to at least one office.
For each office, agencies must provide the following information:
- Office name and address.
- All contracts associated with the office and the total number of children served by age group and funded by each contract in a typical day, except as follows:
- CRRP contracts must be assigned to the office they are associated with; no child counts are collected for this contract type as it is a referral contract only.
- CFCC contracts must be assigned to the office they are associated with; no child counts are collected because this information is collected in the FCCH Information section along with the number of homes where children are served.
Note Regarding Facilities as Sites and Offices: If one or more of an agency’s facilities operates as both a site and an office, that facility should be listed twice. For example, an agency with a CAPP contract operates an administrative office at a facility where families can apply for services or obtain child care information; the same facility has a licensed classroom where services are provided to children funded from the agency’s CCTR contract. Because both services are provided at the same address, both facility types need to be listed.
Family Child Care Home
A Family Child Care Home is a residential setting, either large or small, where services are provided to children. These services are delivered through written agreements made by various contracted agencies with family child care home providers.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Add Office, Site, or FCCHs
Add Office, Site, or FCCHs
- On the "Add/Edit Offices, Sites, or FCCHs" page, select the “Add an Office, a Center-Based Site or a Family Child Care Home” button located at the bottom of the page.
- Note: Agencies are prompted to select the type of facility to be added. This ensures that agencies are provided with the correct screens to enter information.
- Select the desired facility type to add and select the "Continue" button.
- Result: A screen loads where information based on the facility type selected can be entered.
- Enter all required information for the office, center-based site, or family child care home (indicated by an *) and select the “Save Changes” button.
- Note: If red error messages appear regarding missing or invalid site information, correct the information and select the “Save Changes” button again. Repeat this process until no red error messages are displayed.
- For New Center-Based Sites: Once agencies have successfully submitted the requisite information, two additional sections appear that must be completed for the new site: Number of Children Served in Each Contract (under this section, agencies must add a contract to this new site), and License (under this section, agencies must add a license to the new site).
- For New Offices: Once agencies have successfully submitted the requisite information, an additional section appears that must be completed for the new office: Number of Children Served in Each Contract that contains an "Add Contract" button. Select this button to add a contract to the office. Agencies must assign at least one contract to an office before it is considered complete.
- For New Family Child Care Homes: Once agencies have successfully submitted the requisite information, two additional sections appear that must be completed for the new FCCH: Number of Children Served in Each Contract (under this section, agencies must add a contract to this new home), and License (under this section, agencies must add a license to the new site). If the home is exempt from needing a license, enter “Exempt” in the License Number test box.
Note Regarding New Offices, Sites, or FCCHs: New sites or offices are not submitted for approval to an agency’s consultant until all information has been provided. If an agency does not add a contract for a new office or if an agency does not add both a contract and a license to a new site, the Status column on the Add/Edit Offices, Sites, or FCCHs screen displays "Incomplete" and the new location added is not submitted to the agency’s consultant for review.
Cancel a Pending Office, Site, or FCCH
- Select the "Cancel Changes" button that appears to the left of the sites or offices name.
- Result: The following message appears below the table containing the sites and offices along with two additional buttons: "Keep Changes" or "Cancel Changes."
- Message: Selecting "Cancel Changes" removes all pending changes for the [site/office name] site/office. This includes any pending changes to the number of children for each contract and/or pending changes to licenses for the site/office.
- Select the "Cancel Changes" button to remove the add office/site/FCCH request. Select the "Keep Changes" button to keep the new site or office as pending; the request remains pending. The office/site/FCCH is added to the list of sites or offices along with their associated contracts and licenses when the agency’s consultant approves the changes.
- After selecting the "Cancel Changes" button, the pending site or office name is removed from the list.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Edit/Delete Office, Site, or FCCH Information
This section describes how to add, update, or delete information for a selected site or office. It also provides instructions on how to cancel pending changes made so they are not forwarded to an agency’s consultant for review and approval. Contracts should only be associated with an office, site or FCCH if funds from that contract are used to provide subsidized child care services at that location. The CDSS – CDMIS does not allow a contract to be deleted from a site or office if the contract is not associated with at least one other existing office, site, or FCCH.
Edit Office, Site or FCCH Information
- Select the "Edit" button to the right of the site or office to be updated.
- Result: The section expands for agencies to update the name, supervisor, phone number, and fax number for the location.
- Note: Agencies cannot update office, site, or FCCH addresses. If an address needs to be changed, agencies must add a new office, site, or FCCH with the updated address and delete the location with the outdated address.
- Select the “Save Changes” button.
- Result: The changes made were updated; the text "Approval Status: Edited – Pending" appears above the site or office name. The "Edit" button is displayed to allow changes to be made as necessary. The text "Your changes have been submitted" appears.
- Note: If there are error messages regarding missing or incorrect information, correct the related information and select the “Save Changes” button. Agencies must resolve all error messages or changes made are lost.
- Select the "Select another Site or Office to Edit" button.
- Result: Agencies return to the Add/Edit Offices, Sites, or FCCHs screen. The Status column displays "Edited – Pending" next to the site or office. A "Cancel Changes" button appears between the status column and the Site/Office name column, which allows agencies to undo changes submitted. In addition, the "Delete" button is no longer displayed. Agencies can continue to edit the information while edits are pending. Once changes have been approved by an agency’s consultant, the Status column is blank and the "Delete" button is displayed.
Cancel Pending Changes
- Select the "Cancel Changes" button that appears to the left of the site or office name.
- Result: The following message appears below the table containing the sites and offices along with two additional buttons: "Keep Changes" or "Cancel Changes."
- Message: Selecting "Cancel Changes" will remove all pending changes for the [site/office name]. Any pending changes to contracts or licenses associated with a site or office are also cancelled and the original information is restored. If some changes need to be made, the information must be submitted again.
- Select the "Cancel Changes" button to remove the changes and restore the original information. Select the "Keep Changes" button to keep the changes made; the changes remain pending.
- After selecting the "Cancel Changes" button, the Status column is blank as there are no longer any pending changes for the site or office. The original information is restored and the "Delete" button is displayed.
Delete Office, Site, or FCCH Information
- Under the Number of Children Served in Each Contract section, select the “Delete” button to the right of the site or office to be deleted.
- Result: The following message appears below the list of sites and offices along with two additional buttons: "Cancel Delete" and "Confirm Delete"
- Message: Confirm Deletion of the [site/office name] site/office.
- Select the “Confirm Delete” button to submit the delete request. Select the “Cancel Delete” button to cancel the delete request.
- Result: After confirming the delete, the Status column displays “Delete – Pending” next to the site or office; the "Delete" and "Edit" buttons are no longer displayed. Once an agency’s consultant approves the delete, the site or office is removed from the list.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Number of Children Served in Each Contract
This section describes how to cancel a pending add, update, or delete for an agency’s contract.
If an agency needs to undo any changes made to a contract, the agency must cancel all changes for the site or office. This undoes all the changes made to the site or office that are still pending approval.
Age Group Descriptions
The age groups defined below are displayed based on the type of contract agencies are updating.
- Infants: Birth to 18 months
- Toddlers: 18 months to 36 months
- Preschoolers: 36 months to kindergarten
- School-age: Kindergarten to age 13
- Three-year-olds: CDSS contracts will not use this section to document number of children.
- Four-year-olds: CDSS contracts will not use this section to document number of children.
Add Information
- Under the Number of Children Served in Each Contract section, select the “Add a New Contract” button.
- Result: The section expands to allow information to be added.
- Select the contract from the dropdown list to be added to the site or office. Depending on the type of contract selected, certain fields are displayed for agencies to enter number of children served by age group and funded by the contract based on the typical daily enrollment. If no children are served in a particular age group, enter zero (0). Only add contracts to sites or offices that fund subsidized child care services to children through that site or office.
- Select the “Save Changes” button to add the contract to this site or office.
- Result: The changes made are updated and the Status column displays "New – Pending" next to the contract. The text "Child count changes were submitted" appears below the contracts list. The "Edit" button is displayed to allow changes to be made, if needed.
- Repeat Steps 1–3 to add additional contracts to the site or office.
- Result: If red error messages appear when the "Save Changes" button is selected, agencies must resolve the error messages indicated and select the "Save Changes" button again; this process must be repeated until error messages no longer appear. When all error messages are resolved, the Number of Children Served in Each Contract list is displayed and the text "Child count changes were submitted" appears below the list of contracts.
Update Information
- In the Number of Children Served in Each Contract section, select the “Edit” button to the right of the contract to be updated.
- Result: The section expands and agencies can update information for the different age groups displayed.
- Update the information as necessary to reflect the typical daily enrollment. If no children are served in a particular age group, enter zero (0) for that age group.
- Select the “Save Changes” button to save changes.
- Result: The changes made were updated, the Status column displays "Edited – Pending" next to the contract, and the text "Child count changes were submitted" appears below the list of contracts.
- If red error messages appeared when the "Save Changes" button is selected, agencies must resolve those error messages indicated and select the "Save Changes" button again. This process must be repeated until red error messages no longer appear.
Delete Information
Agencies should only delete a contract from a site or office because funding from that contract no longer provides child care services to children at the site or office. To delete contract information, follow the steps below. Once an agency’s consultant approves the delete, the contract is no longer displayed.
- In the Number of Children Served in Each Contract section, select the “Delete” button to the right of the contract to be deleted from the site or office.
- Result: The message "Confirm deletion of this contract" appears.
- To delete the contract, select the “Confirm Delete” button to submit the delete request. The message "The deletion was submitted" appears below the list of contracts.
- Result: The main Add/Edit Offices, Sites, or FCCHs screen reloads; agencies see “Delete – Pending” in the Status column next to the contract and the "Delete" and "Edit" buttons are no longer displayed. Once an agency’s consultant approves the delete, the contract is removed from the list.
- Agencies cannot delete the only remaining contract from a site or office if that contract is not associated with at least one other site or office. To modify information, follow the instructions above or add the contract to the site or office it should be associated with and delete it from the site or office where it should not be listed.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Licenses
Sites are required to have licenses or be exempt from licensing per regulations. Questions regarding licensing should be directed to an agency’s consultant.
Add License
- Select the “Add a New License” button.
- Result: The section expands to allow information to be added.
- Enter the License Number as it appears on the license from the CDSS, Community Care Licensing. If agencies or family child care homes are exempt from licensing, enter "EXEMPT" (do not include the quotation marks) in the license field and select the closest License Type that applies to the site. License Types are as follows:
- I: Infant Care Center (birth through 24 months)
- D: Day Care/Child Care Center (25 months through kindergarten)
- S: School Age Center (kindergarten through age 17)
- H: Center for Mildly Ill Children
- Enter the License Capacity as it appears on the license. If agencies are exempt from licensing, enter the capacity determined by the Fire Marshall or Fire Department inspections.
- Select the Start and End times, including AM and PM, to indicate the hours of operation.
- Select the “Save Changes” button to submit the information and add the license to the site.
- Result: The changes made are updated and the Status column displays "New – Pending" next to the license. The "Edit" button is displayed to allow changes to be made and the text "Your changes have been submitted" appears below the License list.
- If red error messages appear when the "Save Changes" button is selected, agencies must resolve the error messages indicated and select the "Save Changes" button again; this process must be repeated until error messages no longer appear. When all error messages are resolved, the text "Your changes have been submitted" appears below the list of licenses.
Update License
- Select the “Edit” button to the right of the license to be edited.
- Result: The section expands and agencies can update the information for the license.
- Update the information as necessary.
- Select the “Save Changes” button to submit the changes.
- Result: The changes made are updated and the Status column displays "Edited – Pending" next to that license. The text "Your changes have been submitted" appears below the list of licenses.
- If red error messages appear when the "Save Changes" button is selected, agencies must resolve the error messages indicated and select the "Save Changes" button again; this process must be repeated until error messages no longer appear. When all error messages are resolved, the text "Your changes have been submitted" appears below the list of licenses.
Delete License
Agencies should only delete a license from a site because that license is no longer applicable. Once an agency’s consultant approves the delete, the contract is no longer displayed in that list.
- Select the “Delete” button to the right of the license to be deleted.
- Result: The following message appears below the license table along with two additional buttons: "Cancel Delete" and "Confirm Delete"
- Message: Confirm Deletion of License [license number] from this site.
- Select the “Confirm Delete” button to submit the delete request. Select the “Cancel Delete” button to cancel the delete request.
- Result: After confirming the delete, the Status column displays “Delete – Pending” for that license and the "Delete" and "Edit" buttons are no longer displayed. Once an agency’s consultant approves the delete, the license is removed from that site.
- Agencies cannot delete the only remaining license for a site. If agencies wish to update license information, follow the instructions above under the Update License section.
Cancel Pending License
- Select the "Cancel Changes" button that appears next to a site's name on the Add/Edit Offices, Sites, or FCCHs screen to undo pending changes for a site (i.e., add a license to a site [status is "New – Pending"], update license information for a site [status is "Edited – Pending"], or submit a delete request for a site [status is "Delete – Pending"]).