CDSS – CDMIS User Manual; Appendix A: Reason for Receiving Child Care

Reason for Receiving Child Care

The Reason for Receiving Child Care Services information field indicates the primary reason that subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract are needed by the family. This is the primary reason used to determine “need” for services.

Where to Find It

On the CCD 26 Form, determine the primary reason from the boxes checked in Section II: Reason for Needing Service

Note: Section II: Reason for Needing Services is not applicable to for Children with Severe Disabilities (CHAN). See Rules and Guidelines below.

On the Notice of Action (CCD 7617), determine the primary reason from the boxes checked in “Basis for Family Need for Services.”

Note : Check to see if the family has a subsequent Notice of Action on file (not the initial notice) that applies to the report period (i.e., completed on or before the report period, as indicated by the effective date of action). If a Notice of Action is on file and the reason has changed, enter the updated information.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This information field is required.
  • For Reason Codes A – H, the choices are as defined in Funding Terms and Conditions, Section I, Need Criteria. Reason Codes J, and V are used for families who are eligible for specific subsidized child care services for other reasons.

Possible Choices for the CDD-801A

If the child is a recipient of protective services or is at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, select the reason below:

  • A – Child Protective Services (CPS) or At-Risk (child is a recipient of protective services or is at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation)

If the primary reason below applies to the parent(s) and any other adult counted in the family size, select one of the following:

  • B – Parent/Caretaker Incapacitated
  • C – Experiencing Homelessness
  • D – Employment
  • E – Education/Vocational Training (participating in vocational training leading directly to a recognized trade, paraprofession, or profession)
  • F – Both employment and Education/Vocational Training
  • G – Seeking Employment
  • H – Seeking Permanent Housing (seeking permanent housing for family stability)

The following reasons apply to families where all children in the family only receive services in CHAN:

  • J – Handicapped Program

The following reasons applies to families where all children in the family do not qualify for any other reason:

  • V – Means-Tested Government Program

Note: If more than one reason applies to a family, use the following to determine which choice to select:

  • When a family has two reasons from A – H and one of those reasons is A, select only A.
  • When a family has two reasons from B – H and one of those reasons is C, select only C.
  • When a family has two reasons from B – G select the reason that provides the most hours subsidized child care services to the child(ren) in the family.
  • When all children in a family are in part-day CHAN only, select J.

Possible Choices for the CDD-801B

If the child is a recipient of protective services or is at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, select the reason below:

  • A – CPS or At-Risk (child is a recipient of protective services or is at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation)

If the primary reason below applies to the parent(s) and any other adult counted in the family size, select one of the following:

  • D – Employment
  • E – Education/Vocational Training (participating in vocational training leading directly to a recognized trade, paraprofession, or profession)
  • F – Both Employment and Education/Vocational Training
  • G – Seeking Employment

Error Messages and Solutions

See Appendix B: Error Message Codes for solutions to error messages.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What reason do we check for receiving child care services in the situation where grandparents or an aunt is the caretaker for a child? None of the reasons shown seem appropriate.
    • Each situation is different. Treat the grandparents or aunt as "Parent/Caretaker," and carefully consider why it was determined that the Head-of-Household needed subsidized child care services. For further guidance, an agency may contact their Program Quality Implementation (PQI) Consultant.
  • What reason do we use for receiving child care services in the case of a foster child?
    • Use the most appropriate reason for the situation. For example, if the foster parent is working, select the "employment" reason. For further guidance, an agency may contact their consultant.
  • Our agency has a CHAN contract. What reason do we select?
    • When a family has a child or children receiving services only in CHAN, select “J – Handicapped Program” as the Reason for Receiving Child Care Services.
  • If a family’s reason code changes, should I update the CDD-801A report?
    • The reason code reported should mirror the reason code used for certification purposes on the CCD 26 Form.

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