CDSS – CDMIS User Manual; Appendix B: Error Message Codes

This appendix lists CDSS - CDMIS error message codes, descriptions, and trouble-shooting comments and tips.


The below table lists the error message codes with descriptions users may experience when submitting the CDD-801A and the CDD-801B via CDSS - CDMIS. Also included in the below table, are trouble shooting tips and comments, and references to the associate function or information field(s) for each error message code.

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Error Message Code Description Troubleshooting / Comments Associated Function or Information Field
EU1 The file cannot be processed as it is not an ASCII file. (EU1) Confirm the uploaded file is a tab delimited text file (.txt) (e.g., not a Microsoft Excel file [.xls or .xlsx]). CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer
EU120 The Child's Ethnicity is invalid. (EU120) Confirm the format of the child's ethnicity meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). Child's Ethnicity
EU130 The "Child's Race - American Indian or Alaskan Native" is invalid. Valid entries are "Y" or "N". (EU130) Confirm the format of the child's race meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). Child's Race
EU131 The "Child's Race - Asian" is invalid. Valid entries are "Y" or "N". (EU131) Confirm the format of the child's race meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). Child's Race
EU132 The "Child's Race - Black or African American" is invalid. Valid entries are "Y" or "N". (EU132) Confirm the format of the child's race meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). Child's Race
EU133 The "Child's Race - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" is invalid. Valid entries are "Y" or "N". (EU133) Confirm the format of the child's race meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). Child's Race
EU134 The "Child's Race - Caucasian" is invalid. Valid entries are "Y" or "N". (EU134) Confirm the format of the child's race meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). Child's Race
EU140 The "Child's Gender" is invalid. (EU140) Confirm the format of the child's gender meets the required electronic file format specifications (M or F). Child's Gender
EU146 Services Type and Length is invalid. (EU146) Confirm the format of the Services Type and Length meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). Services Type and Length
EU2 The file cannot be processed as it must contain 1 - 100,000 records. (EU2) Confirm the uploaded file contains a minimum of 1 record and a maximum of 100,000 records. CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer
EU25 Child Has Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must be "Y" or "N". (EU25) Confirm the format of the Child Has IEP meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). Child has IEP
EU26 Invalid IEP information. (EU26) Confirm the format of the Child Has IEP meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). Child has IEP
EU27 The TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid information is required. (EU27) Enter TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid information (Y or N). TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid Recipient
EU28 Invalid Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) information. (EU28) Confirm the format of the TANF/CalWORKs information meets the required electronic file format specifications (Y or N). TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid Recipient
EU29 The “Family Income Greater Than 85% of State Median Income Level” information is required (EU29) Confirm the format of the “Family Income Greater Than 85% of State Median Income Level” meets the required electronic file format specifications (i.e., Y, N, or U for unknown) Family Income Greater Than 85% of State Median Income Level Family Income Greater Than 85% of State Median Income Level
EU30 Invalid Family Income information. (EU30) Confirm the format of the Monthly Family Income meets the required electronic file format specifications (i.e., whole numbers only [0-9]; no letters or symbols). Monthly Family Income
EU32 Invalid Reason for Receiving Child Development Services. (EU32) Confirm the format of the Reason for Receiving Child Care meets the required electronic file format specifications (i.e., A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, or U...). Reason for Receiving Child Care
EU33 The row does not contain 40 tab delimiters and a carriage return/line feed. (EU33) Confirm the format of the uploaded file meets the required electronic file format specifications (i.e., no blank records, no extra fields). CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer
EU34 Invalid Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code. (EU34) Confirm the FIPS Code entered is valid. Confirm the format of the FIPS Code meets the required electronic file format specifications (i.e., field contains five digits; leading zero is included). Head-of-Household (HoH) FIPS Code, Provider FIPS Code
EU36 The child's last name is required. (EU36) Enter the child's last name. Child Last Name
EU39 The Child's last name must contain only letters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes. (EU39) Confirm the child's last name is entered correctly; remove invalid characters. Child Last Name
EU4 The report month/year is required. (EU4) Enter the report month and year. Report Month/Year
EU41 The child's first name is required. (EU41) Enter the child's first name. Child First Name
EU48 The child's date of birth is required. (EU48) Enter the child's date of birth. Child Date of Birth
EU5 The report month/year does not match the report month/year selected for file upload. (EU5) Confirm the report month and year are entered correctly. Confirm the file is uploaded to the correct report month and year. Report Month/Year
EU50 The Provider Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN)/Social Security Number (SSN) is required. (EU50) Enter the Provider FEIN/SSN. Provider FEIN/SSN
EU51 Provider FEIN/SSN is not numeric. (EU51) Confirm the Provider FEIN/SSN contains only numbers; remove invalid characters (e.g., dashes). Provider FEIN/SSN
EU52 Provider FEIN/SSN must contain nine (9) numbers. (EU52) Confirm the Provider FEIN/SSN contains nine numbers; remove invalid characters (e.g., dashes). Provider FEIN/SSN
EU53 You have entered a Provider FEIN/SSN. The child's information is required. (EU53) Enter the child's information. Provider FEIN/SSN
EU54 The Type of Child Care is required. (EU54) Enter the Type of Child Care. Type of Care
EU55 The Type of Care information is invalid. (EU55) Confirm that a valid two-digit Type of Care code is entered. Confirm the format of the Type of Child Care meets the required electronic file format specifications (i.e., leading zero is included). Type of Care
EU55A The Type of Care information is not applicable with the Services Type and Length. (EU55A) If the child indicated one of the following “Type of Child Care” codes (02,03,05,06,07,08). Then you can only choose one of the following options of the “Services Type and Length” field: C: Subcontracted/Voucher/FCCHEN Services Full-Day or D: Subcontracted/Voucher/FCCHEN Services Part-Day. Type of Care
EU56 You have entered a Type of Child Care. The child's information is required. (EU56) Enter the child's information. Type of Care
EU57 Program Code 1 is required. (EU57) Enter Program Code 1. Program Code
EU58 Invalid Program Code. (EU58) Confirm the format of the Program Code meets the required electronic file format specifications. Program Code
EU6 The vendor number/submission code is required. (EU6) Enter the vendor number/submission code. Vendor Number/Submission Code
EU60 The report month/year does not match the report specifications. (EU60) Confirm the format of the report month/year meets the required electronic file format specifications mm/yyyy (e.g., October 2024 should appear as 10/2024 in the file) Report Month/Year
EU61 The vendor number/submission code does not meet the file format specifications. (EU61) Confirm the format of the vendor number/submission code meets the required electronic file format specifications. Vendor Number/Submission Code
EU7 The vendor number/submission code does not match the vendor number/submission code selected for file upload. (EU7) Confirm the vendor number/submission code entered is correct. Confirm the file is uploaded under the correct vendor number/submission code. Vendor Number/Submission Code
EU9 A duplicate Family Identification/Case Number (FICN) already exists for this report month/year. (EU9) Confirm the FICN is entered correctly; update or delete incorrect information. Confirm the file is uploaded to the correct report month and year. Family Identification/Case Number
EU91 A family cannot have more than one start date. (EU91) Confirm the family start date is entered correctly; update or delete incorrect information. Family Start Date
EU92 All records are rejected. (EU92) Confirm the format of the uploaded file meets the required electronic file format specifications and data entry validation rules. CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer
EU93 The Head of Household “Family Details” information must be identical for all children reported under the same Family Identification Case Number. (EU93) Confirm that the family details areis identical for all children reported under the same Family Identification Case Number. CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer/ Family Details
EU98 A duplicate Family Identification/Case Number (FICN) already exists for this report month/year in another sub-agency. (EU98) Confirm the FICN is entered correctly for all sub-agencies; update or delete incorrect information. Confirm the file is uploaded to the correct report month and year, and sub-agency. Family Identification/Case Number
EU99 One or more duplicate records for this family. (EU99) Confirm the family record is entered correctly; update or delete incorrect information. Family Identification/Case Number
LA01 “Child is English Learner” must be answered “Not Applicable” in web input or blank in upload file when the child is too young to be enrolled in kindergarten or too old to be enrolled in high school. (LA01) Confirm “Child is English Learner” is entered correctly. Child is English Learner
LA02 Child is English Learner must be answered “Yes” or “No” (Y or N in upload file) because child’s date of birth indicates they are kindergarten through twelfth grade age. (LA02) Confirm “Child is English Learner” field is answered “Yes” or “No” (Y or N in upload file) for children with a date of birth that indicates they are kindergarten through twelfth grade. Child is English Learner
LA03 "Child's Primary Language" must be a valid two-digit language code. (LA03) Confirm a valid two-digit language code is entered. Confirm the format of the Child's Primary Language meets the required electronic file format specifications (i.e., leading zero is included). Child's Primary Language
LA04 Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Participation must be a valid one-digit participation code: 0, 1, 7, or 8. (LA04) Confirm a valid one-digit participation code is entered (i.e., 0, 1, 7, or 8). QRIS Participation
LA041 QRIS Participation is required. (LA041) Enter the QRIS Participation information. QRIS Participation
LA05 Accreditation Status must be a valid one-digit accreditation code: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 9. (LA05) Confirm a valid one-digit accreditation code is entered (i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 9). Accreditation Status
LA051 Accreditation Status is required. (LA051) Enter the Accreditation Status. Accreditation Status
LA06 When the child’s services are provided in a license-exempt home setting, the answer to “QRIS Participation” ca only be “7”, “8”, or “9”. Confirm only “7”, “8”, or “9” is entered for the child served in a license-exempt home setting QRIS Participation
LA07 'Child is English Learner' information provided is invalid. (LA07) Confirm English Learner information is entered correctly. Confirm the format of the Child is English Learner meets the required electronic file format specifications (i.e., Y, N, or blank); remove invalid characters. Child is English Learner
MN40 CDD-801B Input/Edit is not allowed because the selected month has been locked for Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Reporting. (MN40) The indicated CDD-801B report period is locked; no further edits to the CDD-801B for the indicated report period can be made. CDD-801B Input/Edit
WB10 The Family Size must be a whole number. (WB100) Confirm the Family Size value is a whole number. CDD-801A/B
WB101 The "State Subsidized Monthly Payment for this Child Care" must be greater than zero. (WB101) 1 Confirm the State Subsidized Monthly Payment for this Child Care is entered correctly. State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care
WB102 The "Total Hours of Care this Month" must be greater than zero. (WB102) 1 Confirm the Total Hours of Care this Month is entered correctly. Total Hours of Care this Month
WB103 The "State Subsidized Monthly Payment for this Child Care" exceeds the maximum hourly rate available based on the "Total Hours of Care". (WB103) 1 Confirm the State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care and Total Hours of Care are entered correctly. State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care, Total Hours of Care this Month
WB104 When "Family Size" = 1, the "Child's First Name" and the "Head-of-Household First Name" must be the same. (WB104) Confirm the family size and listed child(ren). If the family size represents only the child(ren) receiving subsidized child care services, change the HoH's name (first, middle initial, and last) to match the (oldest) child's name (first, middle initial, and last). Family Size, HoH First Name, HoH Middle Initial, HoH Last Name
WB105 When "Is the Head-of-Household Single?" = "Child is Head of Household" and "Family Size" is greater than "1", the "Child's First Name" of the oldest child and the "Head-of-Household First Name" must be the same. (WB105) Confirm that the child is the HoH. If yes, confirm the HoH First Name and the (oldest) Child First Name are the same. If no, correct the Is the Head-of-Household Single? information field accordingly. Is the Head-of-Household Single?, HoH First Name, Child First Name
WB106 When "Family Size" = 1, the "Child's Middle Initial" and the "Head-of-Household Middle Initial" must be the same. (WB106) Confirm the family size and listed child(ren). If the family size represents only the child(ren) receiving subsidized child care services, change the HoH's Middle Initial to match the (oldest) Child's Middle Initial. Family Size, HoH Middle Initial, Child Middle Initial
WB107 When "Is the Head-of-Household Single?" = "Child is Head of Household" and "Family Size" is greater than "1", the "Child's Middle Initial" of the oldest child and the "Head-of-Household Middle Initial" must be the same. (WB107) Confirm that the child is the HoH. If yes, confirm the HoH Middle Initial and the (oldest) Child Middle Initial are the same. If no, correct the 'Is the Head-of-Household Single?' information field accordingly. Is the Head-of-Household Single?, HoH Middle Initial, Child Middle Initial
WB108 The "State Subsidized Monthly Payment for this Child Care" cannot be less than the minimum hourly rate available based on the "Total Hours of Care". (WB108) 1 Confirm the 'State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care' and 'Total Hours of Care' are entered correctly. State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care, Total Hours of Care this Month
WB110 The "Total Hours of Care this Month" exceeds the maximum hours of care a child can receive in a month. (WB110) 1 Confirm the Total Hours of Care this Month is entered correctly. Total Hours of Care this Month
WB111 The "Total Hours of Care this Month" for this child exceeds the maximum hours of care a child can receive in a month for all types of care listed. (WB111) 1 Confirm the Total Hours of Care this Month is entered correctly. Total Hours of Care this Month
WB113 The "State Subsidized Monthly Payment for this Child Care" is required. (WB113) Enter the State Subsidized Monthly Payment for this Child Care. State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care
WB114 The "State Subsidized Monthly Payment for this Child Care" can only contain whole numbers. (WB114) Confirm the State Subsidized Monthly Payment for this Child Care contains only whole numbers (0-9); remove invalid characters (i.e., letters, symbols). State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care
WB115 The "Total Hours of Care this Month" is required. (WB115) Enter the Total Hours of Care this Month. Total Hours of Care this Month
WB116 The "Total Hours of Care this Month" can only contain whole numbers. (WB116) Confirm the Total Hours of Care this Month contains only whole numbers (0-9); remove invalid characters (i.e., letters, symbols). Total Hours of Care this Month
WB120 If "Is the Head of Household Single?" = "Child is Head of Household", then Family Size cannot be less than the number of children listed. (WB120) Confirm the 'Is the Head of Household Single?' information and the Family Size are entered correctly. Is the Head-of-Household Single?, Family Size
WB122 Both the Month and Year are required for "Month and Year Child Care Assistance Began". (WB122) Enter the Month and Year Child Care Assistance Began. Month and Year Child Care Assistance Began
WB123 The "Month and Year Child Care Assistance Began" cannot be after report month. (WB123) Confirm the Month and Year Child Care Assistance Began is entered correctly. Month and Year Child Care Assistance Began
WB125 This Provider/Type of Child Care already exists for this child's services. (WB125) Confirm the Provider/Type of Child Care is entered correctly; update or delete inaccurate information. Type of Care
WB126 Provider's address is required. (WB126) Enter the Provider's address. Provider Address
WB127 Provider City is required. (WB127) Enter the Provider City. Provider City
WB135 The "Monthly Child Care Family Fee" cannot be zero unless the "Reduced Fee" box is checked to indicate the family's fee was reduced because they paid an amount to another agency for child care services for this month, or the "Reason for Receiving Child Development Services" is "A – Child Protective Services”, “C – Experiencing Homelessness”, or “J – Handicapped Program.” (WB135) Confirm the Monthly Child Care Fee is entered correctly and the 'Reduced Fee' box is checked appropriately. Monthly Child Care Family Fee, Reduced Fee
WB137 Family Income Sources cannot be "Unavailable" unless Reason for Receiving Child Development Services is "A – Child Protective Services”, “C – Experiencing Homelessness”, or “J – Handicapped Program.” (WB137) Confirm the Family Income Sources and Reason for Receiving Child Care are entered correctly. Family Income Sources, Reason for Receiving Child Care
WB138 All Race categories are answered No. At least one Race category must be answered Yes. (WB138) Enter 'Yes' for at least one Race category. Child's Race
WB139 Provider Address and "Provider City" cannot be identical. (WB139) Confirm the Provider Address and Provider City are entered correctly; update or delete incorrect information. Provider Address, Provider City
WB20 The information for 'Is either parent currently on active duty (i.e. serving full-time) in the U.S. Military?' is required. (WB20) Enter the 'Is either parent currently on active duty (i.e. serving full-time) in the U.S. Military?' information. Is either parent currently on active duty (i.e. serving full-time) in the U.S. Military?
WB21 The information for 'Is either parent currently a member of either a National Guard or Military Reserve Unit?' is required. (WB21) Enter the 'Is either parent currently a member of either a National Guard or Military Reserve Unit?' information. Is either parent currently a member of either a National Guard or Military Reserve Unit?
WB22 The information for 'Is the family homeless?' is required. (WB22) Enter the 'Is the family homeless?' information. Is the family homeless?
WB236 Unavailable for "Family Income Greater than 85% of State Median Income" is allowed only when "Reason for Receiving Child Development Services" is "A – Child Protective Services, “C – Experiencing Homelessness”, or “J – Handicapped Program.” (WB236) Confirm the "Family Income Greater than 85% of State Median Income" information field and Reason for Receiving Child Care are entered correctly Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of State Median Income (SMI) Level, Reason for Receiving Child Car
WB26 The information for 'Is the Head-of-Household Single?' is required. (WB26) Enter the 'Is the Head-of-Household Single?' information. Is the Head-of-Household Single?
WB27 The Monthly Child Care Family Fee is required. (WB27) Enter the Monthly Child Care Family Fee. Monthly Child Care Family Fee
WB32 The Monthly Family Income is below 75% of the State Median Income. The Monthly Child Care Fee for this family should be zero (0). (WB32) Confirm the Monthly Family Income and Monthly Child Care Fee are entered correctly. Monthly Child Care Family Fee, Monthly Family Income
WB326 The Provider Address must be at least seven characters long excluding spaces. (WB326) Confirm the Provider Address is at least seven characters long excluding spaces. Provider Address
WB327 The Provider Address cannot be a post office box. (WB327) Confirm no P.O. Box information is entered. Provider Address
WB328 The Provider Address can only include letters, numbers or commas, periods or dashes. (WB328) Confirm the Provider Address is entered correctly; remove invalid symbols. Provider Address
WB33 Family Fee cannot exceed the full time monthly fee on the family fee schedule for the family size and income provided. (WB33) Confirm the Monthly Child Care Fee, Family Size, and Monthly Family Income are entered correctly. Monthly Child Care Family Fee, Family Size, Monthly Family Income
WB34 Monthly Family Income for this Family Size cannot exceed 85 percent of the State Median Income. (WB34) Confirm the Monthly Family Income and Family Size are entered correctly. If the monthly family income exceeds 85 percent of the SMI, exclude the family from the CDD-801B and update the record in the corresponding CDD-801A (i.e., answer 'Yes' to the "Family Income Greater than 85% of State Median Income" information field). Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of SMI Level
WB36 The Monthly Family Income is required. (WB36) Enter the “Monthly Family Income” information. Monthly family Income
WB38 A valid Monthly Family Income must contain whole numbers. (WB38) Confirm the “Monthly Family Income” is entered correctly. Monthly Family Income
WB40 The Monthly Family Income should be greater than the Monthly Child Care Fee. (WB40) Confirm the “Monthly Family Income” is entered correctly. Monthly Family Income
WB43 Answer to "Family Income Greater than 85% of the State Median Income Level" is inconsistent with "Family Size" and "Monthly Family Income" information provided. (WB43) Confirm the Monthly Family Income and Family Size are entered correctly. Confirm the “Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of the SMI Level” information field is answered accordingly. Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of SMI Level, Family Size, Monthly Family Income
WB43CC IEP Field should be checked “Y”. (WB43CC) Confirm the “IEP” Field is checked. Child has an IEP or IFSP
WB45 The Family Size is required. (WB45) Enter the Family Size. Family Size
WB48 Family Size must be at least 1. (WB48) Confirm Family Size is entered correctly. Family Size
WB49 Family Size cannot be less than the total number of children listed plus the head-of-household. (WB49 Confirm Family Size is entered correctly. Family Size
WB51 The Family Income Sources are required. (Yes, No, or Unavailable for each source) (WB51) Enter the Family Income Sources. Family Income Sources
WB52 Monthly Family Income must be zero because countable income has not been identified. (WB52) Answer 'Yes' to at least one family income source. Family Income Sources
WB64 The child's ethnicity is required. (WB64) Enter the Child's Ethnicity. Child's Ethnicity
WB65 The child's race (American Indian or Alaskan Native) is required. (Yes or No) (WB65) Enter the Child's Race. Child's Race
WB66 The child's race (Asian) is required. (Yes or No) (WB66) Enter the Child's Race. Child's Race
WB67 The child's race (Black or African American) is required. (Yes or No) (WB67) Enter the Child's Race. Child's Race
WB68 The child's race (Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander) is required. (Yes or No) (WB68) Enter the Child's Race. Child's Race
WB69 The child's race (Caucasian) is required. (Yes or No) (WB69) Enter the Child's Race. Child's Race
WB70 The Child's gender is required. (WB70) Enter the Child's Gender. Child's Gender
WB96 Family Size can be “1” only if “Is the Head of Household singe? = “Child is Head of Household – Family of One”.(WB96) Confirm the Family Size and Is the Head of Household Single are entered correctly. Family Size and Is the Head of Household Single
WB98 Family Size cannot be greater than 15. (WB98) Confirm the Family Size is entered correctly. If the Family Size exceeds 15, enter 15 to save the family's information. Family Size
WB99 The "Monthly Family Income" for this family's size cannot exceed 85% of the "State Median Income" unless the "Reason for Receiving Child Care" is “A – Child Protective Services or At-Risk. (WB99) Confirm the Monthly Family Income, Family Size, and Reason for Receiving Child Care are entered correctly. If the monthly family income exceeds 85 percent of the SMI, exclude the family from the CDD-801B and update the record in the corresponding CDD-801A (i.e., answer 'Yes' to the "Family Income Greater than 85% of State Median Income" information field). Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Reason for Receiving Child Care, Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of SMI Level
WI10 The last name of the Head-of-Household must contain only letters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes. (WI10) Confirm the HoH's Last Name is entered correctly; remove invalid characters. HoH Last Name
WI100 The year of Family's start date must be after 2002. (WI100) Confirm the Family Start Date is entered correctly. Family Start Date
WI101 The year of Child's start date must be after 2002. (WI101) Confirm the Child Start Date is entered correctly. Child Start Date
WI102 The year of Provider's start date must be after 2002. (WI102) Confirm the Provider Start Date is entered correctly. Services Date
WI103 The year of Child's date of birth must be after 1980. (WI103) Confirm the Child's Date of Birth is entered correctly. Child Date of Birth
WI104 The "Reason for Receiving Child Development Services" cannot be "J" unless all children in the family receive services only in the California State Program for Severely Disabled Children (CHAN) program. (WI104) Confirm the Reason for Receiving Child Care and Program Codes are entered correctly. Reason for Receiving Child Care, Program Code
WI108 When the family size is the same as the number of children reported, the oldest child must be listed as the Head-of-Household. The first name, last name, and middle initial of the (oldest) child reported and those of the Head-of-Household must be the same. (WI108) Confirm the Family Size and listed child(ren). If the family size represents only the child(ren) receiving subsidized child care services, change the HoH's name (first, middle initial, and last) to match the (oldest) child's name (first, middle initial, and last). Family Size, HoH First Name, HoH Middle Initial, HoH Last Name
WI11 The Head-of-Household first name must be more than one character long. (WI11) Enter a HoH first name that is at least two characters long. HoH First Name
WI110 The Family Start Date must contain a four-digit year. (WI110) Enter the year of the Family Start Date as four digits. Family Start Date
WI111 The Child's Start Date must contain a four-digit year. (WI111) Enter the year of the Child Start Date as four digits. Child Start Date
WI112 The Services Date must contain a four-digit year. (WI112) Enter the year of the Services Date as four digits. Services Date
WI113 The Child's Date of Birth must contain a four-digit year. (WI113) Enter the year of the Child's Date of Birth as four digits. Child Date of Birth
WI12 The first name of the Head-of-Household is required. (WI12) Enter the HoH First Name. HoH First Name
WI120 The "Family Size" cannot be less than the total number of children listed. (WI120) Confirm the Family Size is entered correctly. Family Size
WI125 The "Monthly Family Income" for this family's size cannot exceed the income ceiling unless the "Reason for Receiving Child Care" is "Child Protective Services", "Handicapped Program", or the family is a TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid recipient. (WI125) Confirm the Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Reason for Receiving Child Care, Program Code(s), and Child Receives Part-Time Care are entered correctly. Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Reason for Receiving Child Care, TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid Recipient
WI127 The "Monthly Family Income" for this family's size cannot exceed 85% of the "State Median Income" unless the "Reason for Receiving Child Care" is "Child Protective Services", "Handicapped Program", “Means Tested Government Program”, or the family is a TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid recipient. (WI127) Confirm the Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Reason for Receiving Child Care, and TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid Recipient are entered correctly. Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Reason for Receiving Child Care, TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid Recipient
WI129 The "Monthly Family Income" for this family's size must be less than 85% of the State Median Income unless the "Reason for Receiving Child Development Services" is "A – Child Protective Services", "J – Handicapped", – “V – Government Means Tested Program”, or all children listed are only in CHAN. (WI129) Confirm the Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Reason for Receiving Child Care, Program Code(s) are entered correctly. Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Reason for Receiving Child Care, Program Code
WI13 The first name of the Head-of-Household must contain only letters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes. (WI13) Confirm the HoH's first name is entered correctly; remove invalid characters. HoH First Name
WI133 The Child’s date of birth indicates the child is too young or too old for the reason code. (WI133) Confirm the child’s age is qualified for the reason code. Child’s Date of Birth
WI138 At least one Race must be answered "Yes". (WI138) Enter 'Yes' for at least one Race category. Child's Race
WI14 A valid Head-of-Household middle initial must be one letter. (WI14) Enter a HoH middle initial that is one letter; remove invalid characters (e.g., periods) HoH Middle Initial
WI140 Services Type and Length is required. (WI140) Enter the ServicesType and Length information. Services Type and Length
WI15 A Head of Household zip code is required. (WI15) Enter the HoH Zip Code. HoH Zip Code
WI16 A valid Head of Household zip code must have nine numbers. (WI16) Confirm the HoH Zip Code contains five or nine numbers (e.g., 0-9); remove invalid characters (i.e., dashes). HoH Zip Code
WI161 A valid Head of Household zip code must have nine numbers. (WI161) Confirm the HoH Zip Code contains nine numbers (e.g., 0-9); remove invalid characters (e.g., letters, symbols). HoH Zip Code
WI17 The Head of Household zip code is invalid. (WI17) Confirm the HoH Zip Code is entered correctly. Confirm the format of the HoH Zip Code meets the CDMIS-required electronic file format specifications (e.g., numbers only [i.e., 0-9]). HoH Zip Code
WI18 The Head of Household zip code does not exist in the FIPS Code provided. (WI18) 5 Confirm the HoH Zip Code and the HoH FIPS Code are entered correctly. HoH Zip Code, HoH FIPS Code
WI2 A duplicate Family Identification/Case Number (FICN) already exists for this report month/year. (WI2) Confirm the FICN is entered correctly; update or delete incorrect information. Family Identification/Case Number
WI20 The TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid information is required. (WI20) Enter the TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid information. TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid Recipient
WI200 The Family has no child. (WI200) Child information must be included in the CDD-801A. Child Information
WI211 The 'Family Income Greater Than 85% of State Median Income' information is required. (WI211) Enter the 'Family Income Greater Than 85% of State Median Income' information (Y, N or U). Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of SMI Level
WI22 The 'Reason for Receiving Child Development Services' is required. (WI22) Enter the Reason for Receiving Child Care. Reason for Receiving Child Care
WI23 The FIPS code is required. (WI23) Enter the FIPS Code. HoH FIPS Code, Provider FIPS Code
WI24 The Child's last name must be more than one character long. (WI24) Enter a child last name that is at least two characters long. Child Last Name
WI25 The Child's last name is required. (WI25) Enter the Child's Last Name. Child Last Name
WI250 The "Provider FIPS Code" is required. (WI250) Enter the Provider FIPS Code. Provider FIPS Code
WI251 The "Provider FIPS Code" is invalid. (WI251) Confirm the Provider FIPS Code is entered correctly; remove invalid characters. Confirm the FIPS Code entered is valid in California. Provider FIPS Code
WI252 The "Provider Zip Code" is Required. (WI252) Enter the Provider Zip Code. Provider Zip Code
WI254 The "Provider Zip Code" does not exist in the "Provider FIPS Code" provided. (WI254) 5 Confirm the Provider Zip Code and the Provider FIPS Code are entered correctly. Provider Zip Code, Provider FIPS Code
WI255 Child Care provided in Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona is only allowed when all services to child are provided by CalWORKS Stage 2 or 3 or Alternative Payment Program types. (WI255) Confirm the Program Code information is entered correctly. Program Code
WI256 A valid "Provider Zip Code" must have 9 numbers. (WI256) Confirm the Provider zip code contains nine numbers (e.g., 0-9); remove invalid characters (e.g., letters, symbols). Provider Zip Code
WI26 The child's last name, first name, middle initial, and birthday already exist for this family for this report month/year. (WI26) Confirm the child's last name, first name, middle initial, and birthday are entered correctly; update or delete incorrect information. Child Last Name, Child First Name, Child Middle Initial, Child Date of Birth
WI260 Family must reside in California to receive services. (WI260) Confirm the HoH FIPS Code and HoH Zip Code are entered correctly. HoH FIPS Code, HoH Zip Code
WI27 Incomplete information for the child. The child's last name, first name, and date of birth are required. (WI27) Enter the child's last name, first name, and date of birth. Child Last Name, Child First Name, Child Date of Birth
WI28 The Child's last name must contain only letters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes. (WI28) Confirm the child's last name is entered correctly; remove invalid characters. Child Last Name
WI30 The Child's first name is required. (WI30) Enter the child's first name. Child First Name
WI131 The No Service Periods for the program and report month you checked cannot be saved because services have already been reported for that program in the report month selected. (WI131) Confirm the report period you selected as “No Services” has not already been reported. No Services
WI32 Program Code 3 is marked as "No Service" for this reporting period. (WI32) 6 'No Services' was indicated for the program code for the report period; the program code cannot be indicated for the report period. Program Code
WI33 The Child's first name must contain only letters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes. (WI33) Confirm the child's first name is entered correctly; remove invalid characters. Child First Name
WI34 A valid Child's middle initial must be one letter. (WI34) Enter a child middle initial that is one letter; remove invalid characters (e.g., periods) Child Middle Initial
WI35 The Child's month of birth is required. (WI35) Enter the child's month of birth. Child Date of Birth
WI36 The Child's day of birth is required. (WI36) Enter the child's day of birth. Child Date of Birth
WI37 The Child's year of birth is required. (WI37) Enter the child's year of birth. Child Date of Birth
WI38 The Child's date of birth must be on or before the report month/year. (WI38) Confirm the child's date of birth is entered correctly. Child Date of Birth
WI39 The Child's date of birth indicates the child is too young or too old for the program type. (WI39) Confirm the child's date of birth and program code(s) are entered correctly. Child Date of Birth, Program Code
WI40 The Provider FEIN/SSN is required. (WI40) Enter the Provider FEIN/SSN. Provider FEIN/SSN
WI41 Invalid Provider FEIN/SSN. (WI41) Confirm the Provider FEIN/SSN is entered correctly; remove invalid characters. Provider FEIN/SSN
WI42 Provider FEIN/SSN must contain nine (9) numbers. (WI42) Confirm the Provider FEIN/SSN contains nine numbers (e.g., 0-9); remove invalid characters (i.e., dashes). Provider FEIN/SSN
WI43 Program Code 1 is marked as "No Service" for this reporting period. (WI43) 6 'No Services' was indicated for the program code for the report period; the program code cannot be indicated for the report period. Program Code
WI44 The Type of Child Care is required. (WI44) Enter the Type of Child Care. Type of Care
WI45 Program Code 2 is marked as "No Service" for this reporting period. (WI45) 6 No Services' was indicated for the program code for the report period; the program code cannot be indicated for the report period. Program Code
WI46 Program Code 1 must be completed. (WI46) Enter Program Code 1. Program Code
WI47 Program Code 2 cannot be completed if Program Code 1 is blank. (WI47) Enter Program Code 1. Program Code
WI48 Invalid Child's date of birth. (WI48) Confirm the Child's Date of Birth is entered correctly. Child Date of Birth
WI49 The Family's start month is required. (WI49) Enter the family start month. Family Start Date
WI50 The Family's start day is required. (WI50) Enter the family start day. Family Start Date
WI51 The Family's start year is required. (WI51) Enter the family start year. Family Start Date
WI52 The Family Start Date must be on or before the report month/year. (WI52) Confirm the Family Start Date is entered correctly. Family Start Date
WI53 Invalid Family Start Date. (WI53) Confirm the Family Start Date is entered correctly. Family Start Date
WI54 The Child's start month is required. (WI54) Enter the child's start month. Child Start Date
WI55 The Child's start day is required. (WI55) Enter the child's start day. Child Start Date
WI56 The Child's start year is required. (WI56) Enter the child's start year. Child Start Date
WI57 The Child Start Date must be on or before the report month/year. (WI57) Confirm the child's start date is entered correctly. Child Start Date
WI58 The Child Start Date must be on or after the Family Start Date. (WI58) Confirm the child's start date is entered correctly. Child Start Date
WI59 Invalid Child Start Date. (WI59) Confirm the Child Start Date is entered correctly. Child Start Date
WI60 The Services month is required. (WI60) Enter the services start month. Services Date
WI61 The Services day is required. (WI61) Enter the services start day. Services Date
WI62 The Services year is required. (WI62) Enter the services start year. Services Date
WI63 The Services Date must be on or before the report month/year. (WI63) Confirm the Services Date is entered correctly. Services Date
WI64 The Services Date must be on or after the Child Start Date. (WI64) Confirm the Services Date is entered correctly. Services Date
WI65 Invalid Services Date. (WI65) Confirm the Services Date is entered correctly. Services Date
WI67 The Child Start Date must be after Child's date of birth. (WI67) Confirm the Child Start Date is entered correctly. Child Start Date, Child Date of Birth
WI68 The Family Start Date is required. (WI68) Enter the Family Start Date. Family Start Date
WI69 The Child Start Date is required. (WI69) Enter the Child Start Date. Child Start Date
WI70 The Services Date is required. (WI70) Enter the Services Date. Services Date
WI71 The Child's date of birth is required. (WI71) Enter the Child's Date of Birth. Child Date of Birth
WI72 The FICN can contain only letters and numbers. (WI72) Confirm the FICN is entered correctly; remove invalid characters. Family Identification/Case Number
WI73 Program Code 3 cannot be completed if Program Code 1 or 2 is blank. (WI73) Enter Program Code 1 and Program Code 2. Program Code
WI75 Invalid Report month format. (WI75) Confirm the report month is entered correctly. Report Month/Year
WI76 The FICN is required. (WI76) Enter the FICN. Family Identification/Case Number
WI77 The FICN cannot contain the first or last name of the child or head of household. (WI77) Confirm that the FICN does not contain the child or HoH first or last name. If names are contained in the FICN, assign an FICN that does not contain the child or HoH first or last name. Family Identification/Case Number
WI80 The same program code cannot be listed more than once for a setting. (WI80) Change the duplicate Program Code in Program Code 2 and/or Program Code 3 to 'Select from list.' Program Code
WI83 Program Code is required when subsidized monthly payment or hours of child care are provided. (WI83) Enter the Program Code or delete the additional Provider Section if it was added by mistake. Program Code
WI86 Unable to delete the only child in the family. (WI86) Child information must be included in the CDD-801A. Child Information
WI87 Unable to delete the only setting of the child. (WI87) Confirm the Type of Child Care is entered correctly. Type of Care
WI9 The last name of the Head-of-Household is required. (WI9) Enter the HoH Last Name. HoH Last Name
WI91 This is not a valid Program Code for your agency. (WI91) Confirm the Program Code is entered correctly. Program Code
WI92 Invalid Reason for Receiving Child Development Services. (WI92) Confirm the Reason for Receiving child care is entered correctly. Reason for Receiving Child Care
WI93 The "Reason for Receiving Child Development Services" is not valid for the Program Code selected. (WI93) Confirm the Reason for Receiving Child Care and Program Codes are entered correctly. Reason for Receiving Child Care, Program Code
WI95 Reason for Receiving Child Development Services must be "J" when all children listed are only in CHAN program. (WI95) Confirm the Reason for Receiving Child Care and Program Codes are entered correctly. Reason for Receiving Child Care, Program Code


  1. The amount entered for “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” cannot be 0 (zero) as this would indicate that no services were provided to the child by a provider for the given report period.
  2. The amount entered for “Total Hours of Care this Month” cannot be 0 (zero) as this would indicate that no services were provided to the child by a provider for the given report period.
  3. Amounts for C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CMAP, and CFCC contracts services must be consistent with the Regional Market Rates Ceilings in effect for the report period. Amounts for CCTR, CHAN, and CMIG contracts services must be consistent with the contractor’s Standard Reimbursement Rate in effect for the report period.
  4. The total hours of care for this child’s care is more than 713 hours (23 hours a day x 31 days in the month), which exceeds the maximum number of hours of care a child can receive in a month.
  5. Agencies may use the “Zip/FIPS Lookup” function available on the Main Menu of the CDSS – CDMIS website to verify the accuracy of the FIPS code based on the first five digits of the zip code.
  6. If an agency did operate a program during a report period and mistakenly reported “No Services,” an agency’s super user must complete the steps outlined in the manual to uncheck the “No Services” box for that report period.

Contact CDSS – CDMIS Support