CDSS – CDMIS User Manual; Appendix A: Program Codes
Program Code(s)
The Program Code information field indicates the agency’s contract type under which a child is receiving subsidized child care services. Program codes are four-character designations and are a part of an agency’s contract number. An agency with more than one contract will have a different program code for each type of contract. The current program codes are as follows: C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CCTR, CFCC, CHAN, CMAP, and CMIG.
- CDD-801A only: The data entry screen allows agencies to list up to three different program codes, if necessary. Enter more than one program code only if the child’s care from the same provider is paid for by more than one program code during the report month.
- CDD-801B only: Only the following program codes are included in the CDD-801B reports: C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CCTR, CFCC, CMAP, and CMIG.
Where to Find It
On the CCD 26 Form, look in the box “Program Code” in Section IV: Data on Children.
Rules and Guidelines
- Only program codes for which an agency has a contract directly with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) should be reported
- Program Code 1 must contain a valid four-character program code. Program Code 1 should be the program code of the funding source that paid for the greatest amount of subsidized child care services during the report period.
- If a child’s subsidized child care services are paid for by more than one program code by an agency during a report period, indicate this information under Program Code 2 and Program Code 3, as applicable. A maximum of three different program codes may be selected for a Type of Care.
- If the program code changed from the prior report period or changed during the report period, change the Services Date to the date when the change became effective.
- All subsidized child care services funded through an agency’s contract during a given report period must be reported.
Error Messages and Solutions
See Appendix B: Error Message Codes for solutions to error messages.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why are there three blanks for Program Codes on the CDD-801A?
- Most children receive subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract under one program code. In these cases, enter the information under Program Code 1 and leave Program Code 2 and Program Code 3 set to “Select from list.”
- Some children receive subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract under more than one program code [e.g., CCTR and CFCC]. In these cases, enter the information under Program Code 1 and Program Code 2. Program Code 1 should be the program where the majority of the services were provided during the report period. If services were provided equally across programs, enter either program code in either spot.
- I entered a program code and received an error message that says the Program Code is not valid. The family file shows this program code, but your system won’t allow me to save it. What do I do?
- An old program code may be indicated in the family file. Program codes may be changed or eliminated at the beginning of a FY for a variety of reasons. Check with the agency’s program director to find out what the correct program code should be for this child. Agencies may also request clarification of their consultant.
- Additionally, agencies may find that the child’s subsidized child care services are not being paid by the contracts the agency maintains with the CDSS. For example, Agency A may be serving a family whose care is paid for by a voucher from Agency B. If this is the case, Agency A should not report this family as being served by their agency. Agencies should report only families and children whose subsidized child care services are paid for by contracts maintained directly with the CDSS.
- Our agency has Migrant Child Care and Development Programs (CMIG) and CCTR contracts. The CMIG program closes in mid-November each year and reopens the last week in April. How do we notify you that we will not submit the CDD-801A for the CMIG program from December through March because we do not provide any services during those months under that program?
- If an agency’s program(s) will not provide any services for an entire report period, an agency’s super user must report this information by using the “Sub-agency/No Services” function available within the CDSS - CDMIS. Under the “No Service Periods” section of the Sub-agency/No Services screen, place a check mark in the appropriate boxes and click the “Save No Service Periods” button. This indicates to the state that an agency’s program(s) is closed for the specified report period.
- On the CDD-801B, one of the children listed shows they received services from the CCTR program. This child actually received services from the CHAN program, and we realize this was reported incorrectly on our CDD-801A. We have corrected the CDD-801A for this child, but, since the child was selected for the CDD-801B, how do we report for this child in the CDD-801B? [801B only]
- Because this child was originally reported in the CDD-801A with a qualifying program code, the child was sampled for the CDD-801B. However, if an agency identifies that a child was actually in a program that should NOT have been included in the CDD-801B, the agency must exclude this child from the CDD-801B. If only one child in the family is indicated as receiving subsidized child care through an agency’s contract, the agency must exclude the whole family. Instructions for excluding information is available in Chapter 4: CDD-801B Reporting in the CDSS - CDMIS User Manual as well as on the CDD-801B Edit Family Information screen within the CDSS - CDMIS.