CDSS – CDMIS User Manual; Appendix A: Attendance Status Codes
Attendance Status Code(s)
The CDD-801A data fields “Attendance Status 1”, “Attendance Status 2”, and “Attendance Status 3”, will capture physical days of attendance for “Program Code 1”, “Program Code 2”, and “Program Code 3”, respectively.
Note: “Attendance Status 2”, and “Attendance Status 3” should only contain data if the child receives services from more than one program code. These fields must be included in the file, even if they are blank.
Where to Find It
Attendance information may be found in various sources, including but not limited to Sign-In Sheets, Student Information Systems, Attendance Logs, Child Care Management Software, Electronic Attendance Systems, State Reporting Systems, Manual Attendance Sheets, and Time-Tracking Software.
Rules and Guidelines
The data fields will only allow the following nine values:
- 01 – Child enrolled bud did not attend any day due to program closure (temporary or emergency).
- 02 – Child enrolled but did not attend any day; program is open and operating.
- 03 – Child attended all enrolled days with zero absences (do not consider excused or unexcused).
- 04 – Child attended 1-5 day(s) in the month.
- 05 – Child attended 6-10 day(s) in the month.
- 06 – Child attended 11-15 day(s) in the month.
- 07 – Child attended 16-20 day(s) in the month.
- 08 – Child attended 21+ day(s) in the month.
- 09 – Alternative Payment Program – No Need.
- For the purpose of this Attendance Status field, excused absences do not count as days of physical attendance.
- “09 – Alternative Payment Program – No Need” can only be used with the following Program Codes: C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, and CMAP.
- Program Closure refers specifically to unexpected closures or emergencies and should not be confused with non-operational days that were planned or projected.
Error Messages and Solutions
See Appendix B: Error Message Codes for solutions to error messages.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What Attendance Status do I report for a child who attended all enrolled days in the CCTR program, except for one excused absence
- Since the Attendance Status field is meant to capture days of attendance, the excused absence should not be counted as a day attended. In this case, select one option from 04 – 08.
- What Attendance Status do I select for a child in CAPP?.
- “09 – Alternative Payment Program – No Need” should be used for the following Program Codes” C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, and CMAP.
- Our agency uses the CDD-801A Copy Forward option. How will this affect our ability to copy our data from one reporting period to the next?
- Copy forward is still an available option, however, during the copy forward process, the Attendance Status must be completed for each child.
- My CCTR contract is ran through Family Child Care Homes, can I use Attendance Status 09- Alternative Payment Program – No Need?
- No. This attendance Status is only applicable with C2AP, C3AP,CAPP, and CMAP. Family Child Care Homes are required to capture attendance data.
- Are excused absences counted as attended?
- No. The purpose of the Attendance Status field is to capture physical days of attendance.
- My agency does not provide any services in the month of July as part of our Minimum Days of Operation reported on our Continued Funding Application. Do we still have to report all children as 01 – Child enrolled but did not attend any day due to program closure (temporary or emergency)?
- No. 01 – Child enrolled but did not attend any day due to program closure (temporary or emergency) is only used for temporary closures or emergencies, instead report “No Services”.