Welcome to the CDSS Housing and Homelessness Division Tribal Grantee Page

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Housing and Homelessness Division (HHD) is committed to fostering meaningful and respectful partnerships with all federally recognized Tribes, tribal organizations (including Tribal 638 Providers and Urban Indian Organizations), tribal consortia, and tribally led nonprofit organizations in California (hereafter “tribal grantees”). Our goal is to engage collaboratively with tribal communities to enhance housing stability, reduce homelessness, and promote equitable access to resources.

CDSS honors the sovereignty, culture, and traditions of Tribes, and we strive to ensure that our programs and services are inclusive, culturally appropriate, and responsive to the unique needs of Tribes and tribal communities.

As a part of the CDSS organization, we work in coordination with the CDSS Office of Tribal Affairs toward a shared CDSS mission that seeks to lift up values such as:

  • Respect for Tribal Sovereignty
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Solutions Focused

Tribal Set-Aside

On July 26, 2022, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) issued the All Tribal Leaders Letter dated July 26, 2022, to announce the availability of $17.5 million for Fiscal Year (FY) 21/22 and $17.5 million for FY 22/23, for a total of $35 million in match-exempt funds designated for tribal grantees to establish new homelessness programs implemented by Tribes and tribal communities through the Bringing Families Home (BFH) Program, Home Safe Program, and the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP). As a result of the tribal set-aside funding, the number of tribal programs grew from three to 65, with all 65 of the new programs executing MOUs with CDSS in 2024 to receive funding and deliver services to tribal members.

Invoicing and Fiscal Documents

HHD Tribal Invoice Office Hour, May 15, 2024 - Recording (YouTube)

For all inquiries and submissions regarding invoicing, please contact us at AdminServices.HHD@dss.ca.gov

Tribal Waivers

On November 6, 2024, CDSS sent out the All Tribal Leader Letter (ATLL) No. 24-04 to inform tribal grantees about changes enacted by Assembly Bill (AB) 120 (Chapter 43, Statutes of 2023) that authorizes CDSS to waive or modify CDSS program requirements if any provisions of tribal law, tribal governance, tribal charter, or difference in tribal entity or agency legal structure would cause a violation of, would fail to satisfy, or would create inconsistencies with, program requirements for the BFH, Home Safe, HDAP or CCE Programs. CDSS will consider waiver and modification requests related to tribal law or customs that fall within the eligible parameters.CDSS authority is limited to modifying California state regulations or program requirements developed by CDSS, and does not apply to state statute, or federal statute or regulations outside the purview of CDSS.

Tribal grantees wishing to waive any CDSS regulatory or program requirement in the implementation of these programs should submit a request to waive or modify program requirements to HHD, instructions for submission are found in ATLL 24-04, Section II.A template for waiver and modification requests is included as an attachment to ATLL 24-04.

Technical Assistance (TA) is available for tribal grantees needing assistance with planning and developing their waiver or modification request, and for tribal grantees to ensure programs can be operated in accordance with promising and best practices, while also remaining in compliance with tribal laws, tribal governance, tribal charter, tribal custom, or difference in tribal entity or agency legal structure and is further described in ATLL 24-04, Section III, including the procedure for requesting assistance.

Upcoming HHD Webinars

Coming Soon

Technical Assistance

The Housing and Homelessness Division (HHD) of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is committed to supporting tribal grantees through its partnership with the Change Well Project. Change Well Project focuses on helping tribal grantees build community housing and income support programs, nurture a workforce that can respond to emerging challenges, and advance systems integration efforts to strengthen their ecosystem of housing, income advocacy and social service programming.Tribal grantees are strongly encouraged to request a one-on-one technical assistance (TA) meeting with the Change Well Project via their TA Request Form. This collaborative effort between HHD and the Change Well Project ensures that tribal grantees receive the guidance needed to navigate program requirements and design. All technical assistance provided by Change Well Project is cost-free.

Link for TA Assistance: 

Click the link below to register for upcoming Change Well Project events and webinars!


Contact Us

General Inquires Email: housing@dss.ca.gov

Invoice Inquiries

Email: AdminServices.HHD@dss.ca.gov

Important Resources

  • All Tribal Leader Letter dated November 6, 2024
    Informing tribal grantees participating in the Bringing Families Home program (BFH), the Home Safe program, the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP), or the Community Care Expansion Program (CCE) programs of a tribal waiver and modification process pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code section 10618.8(g) enacted by Assembly Bill (AB) 120 (Chapter 43, Statutes of 2023)
  • All Tribal Leader Letter dated November 1, 2024 Informing participating tribal grantees of the extension of expenditure and invoicing deadlines for Tribal Set-Aside Funding appropriated in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 for BFH, Home Safe Program, and HDAP
  • All Tribal Leader Letter dated May 10, 2024 Informing tribal grantees of the statutory changes made by AB120 (Chapter 43, Statutes of 2023) to BFH, Home Safe program, and HDAP
  • All Tribal Leader Letter dated July 26, 2022 Informing tribal grantees of the availability of $17.5 million Noncompetitive  Tribal Set-Aside Funds for eligible tribal entities to establish housing and  homelessness assistance through BFH, Home Safe Program, and HDAP
  • County Fiscal Letter (CFL) 22/23-43 (December 30, 2022): Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 BFH, Home Safe, HDAP, and California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Housing Support Program (CalWORKs HSP) Allocation
  • ACWDL (September 21, 2022) Notice of Funding for CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP), BFH, HDAP, and Home Safe Program
  • ACWDL (July 19, 2021) Funding for Continuation of CalWORKs HSP, BFH, HDAP, Home Safe Program and Project Roomkey and Rehousing Initiative

Additional Resources and Information

Webinars and Trainings

Quick Links 

