CalWORKs Family Stabilization

Banner Collage of different children doing various activities

What is Family Stabilization

Family Stabilization offers support and resources to eligible CalWORKs families who are in a crisis. A crisis can be, but are not limited to:

  • Homelessness or imminent risk of homelessness
  • A lack of safety due to domestic abuse; and/or
  • Untreated or undertreated behavioral needs, including mental health or substance abuse-related needs,
  • A bad situation that makes it harder to participate in Welfare-to-Work activities.

The goal is to ensure a basic level of stability before starting Welfare-to-Work activities.

About Family Stabilization

  • You are eligible to receive Family Stabilization services if you and/or your CalWORKs household has a member who is either exempt or required to participate in the Welfare-to-Work program. This includes households or families in which the only member who is non-compliant, sanctioned, or a recent non-citizen entrant.
  • Family Stabilization services are not limited to the aided or work eligible adult and will address family stabilization issues of the children in the household and ineligible unaided assistance unit members.
  • Contact your local county office to apply for Family Stabilization.
  • Community resources are available if your county does not offer Family Stabilization. Contact your local county office to request a referral.
  • If you are experiencing a crisis, please contact your local county office and speak with a worker about Family Stabilization.
  • Already a participant or exempt in the Welfare-to-Work program? Complete and submit a Family Stabilization Program Evaluation Request (FSP 1) to a county worker in person or upload it through