Program Overview

CalWORKs program and policy information

About CalWORKs

CalWORKs is a welfare program that gives cash aid and services to eligible California families in need. The program serves all 58 counties in the state and is operated locally by county health and human service agencies.

CalWORKs Funding

CalWORKs is funded through both state and federal allocations. More information on funding sources and allocations is available through this link.

CalWORKs Take-up

Take-up is a measure of program access that refers to the share of CalWORKs-eligible individuals and families that are participating in CalWORKs.

Eligibility and Participation / Program Requirements

Participants are required to meet specific income and family size criteria, actively engage in employment or job training activities, and comply with other state-imposed requirements to receive financial assistance and supportive services.

Recent Changes

CalWORKs has undergone several changes including state and federal policy changes, the Great Recession of the late 2000s and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The following chronology explains briefly, year by year, how CalWORKs has changed in response to mandates from the U.S. Congress and California law.