OCAP Grant/Contract Opportunities
The California Department of Social Services’ (CDSS) Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) is pleased to announce the Innovative Partnerships program Request for Applications (RFA) for fiscal years 2024-27. The OCAP is currently accepting applications to fund up to six qualified Applicants to implement grants for the following purpose(s): to develop regional collaborative networks between Child Abuse Prevention Councils (CAPCs) and community stakeholders to improve child abuse prevention outcomes, build protective factors and improve child, parent, family, and community wellbeing. To apply, please access the OCAP Grant Portal. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on February 23, 2024.
Innovative Partnerships Grant Award Notification
Innovative Partnerships RFA and Scope of Work
Innovative Partnerships RFA Q & A
RFA Process
Requests for application (RFA’s) provide the information and electronic forms necessary to prepare an application for the California Department of Social Services’ (CDSS) Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) grant funds. The Narrative Budget Page and the Budget Narrative templates provided are formatted to CDSS standards. You may find the forms necessary to complete an RFA with a brief description of each.
Narrative Report (Document A)
The Narrative Report is the main body of information describing the plan to address the identified problem. The Narrative Report should demonstrate through appropriate and achievable goals, objectives, activities, and deliverables, the evaluation and sustainability plans, collaboration, and the ability and qualifications of the Applicant to implement the proposed plan.
Budget Detail and Budget Narrative (Document B)
The purpose of the Budget Detail and Narrative is to demonstrate how the applicant will implement the proposed plan with the funds available through this program. The budget must cover the entire grant period. In the budget, include only those items covered by grant funds which will enable the project to meet the intent and requirements of the program. The applicant should prepare a realistic and prudent budget avoiding unnecessary or unusual expenditures which detract from the accomplishment of the objectives and activities of the project. Budgets are subject to OCAP modifications and approval.
Grant Work Plan (Document C)
The Grant Work Plan should address the goals, objectives, activities, deliverables, performance measures and timeline directed to accomplishing specific goals and objectives. Objectives included should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic / reasonable, and time-bound (SMART). Activities should support efforts to effectively meet the objectives and address the challenges of the target population. All activities, deliverables, measures, and timelines should be numbered (i.e., 1a., 1b., 2a., etc.) to correspond to the applicable objective.
Application Information (Document D):
The Application Information document collects basic information such as the name of the organization, applicant, Director, and any other information the applicant shall find pertinent to the application.
Grantee Certification of Federal Requirements (Document E):
The Grantee Certification of Federal Requirements document certifies that the applicant is eligible for federal funds and that to the best of his/her knowledge and belief that he/she and their principals or affiliates are not debarred or suspended from federal financial assistance programs and activities nor proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in covered transactions by any federal department or agency.
Evaluation Plan (Document F)
Awarded grantees can anticipate quarterly reporting on participant data (withholding identifying information) and aggregate data. Within the Evaluation Plan, the applicant must provide a program logic model which shows output and outcome measures of performance.
Applicant Qualifications (Document G)
The Applicant Qualifications document describes how the applying agency or organization is qualified to implement or perform the goals and objectives of the RFA. This includes an organizational chart, letters of support, and a description of how the agency has the capacity to meet the objectives of the project.
Note: Please refer to the applicable RFA for the specific requirements for each application document.
Road to Resilience Program
The California Department of Social Services’ (CDSS) Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) is pleased to announce the Road to Resilience program Request for Applications (RFA) for fiscal years 2024-27. This RFA will award competitive grant funds to partnerships that, through interagency collaboration and integration of services, identify and serve pregnant individuals with known histories of substance use, pregnant individuals with current substance use, and parents/caregivers of substance-exposed infants. To apply, please access the OCAP Grant Portal. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on January 12, 2024.
Road to Resilience Grant Award Notification
Funding Opportunity or Road to Resilience program, Fiscal Year 2024/2027
Road to Resilience Scope of Work 2024-2027
Road to Resilience RFA Q&A
Road-Resilience-RFA24-27 Addendum1