CACFP Administrative Manual Section 7.1
Section 7: Procurement
Section 7.1 Procurement
Procurement is defined as a multistep process for obtaining goods and services at the lowest possible price. The steps in this process include planning, writing specifications, advertising the procurement, awarding a contract, and managing the contract. Procurement standards for the CACFP are located in Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations(2CFR), sections 200.317–200.326 and in Appendix II to Part 200. The regulations require all CACFP agencies to:
- Conduct procurements in a manner that promotes full and open competition.
- Develop and maintain a written Standard (or Code) of Conduct that covers conflicts of interest, including organizational conflicts of interest, and governs the performance of employees engaged in the selection, award, and administration of contracts.
- Develop and maintain written procurement procedures designed to avoid the acquisition of unnecessary or duplicative items.
For additional guidance on procurement, please access the CDSS Community Procurement Unit web page or contact the CDSS Community Procurement Unit by email at
References: 2 CFR, sections 200.318–326; 7 CFR, Section 226.22; USDA Policy Memo CACFP 03-2015 Written Codes of Conduct and Performance of Employees Engaged in the Procurement, Award, and Administration of Contracts.
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