Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Extended Foster Care Benefits

  1. Can a Non-Minor Dependent (NMD) in a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) receive CalFresh benefits?
  2. In reference to ACL-12-12, we have a question about the terms "TILCP" and "TILP". Is it the State's intention that these are two separate documents, or one document being the Case Plan, which includes the TILP within it, hence the term "TILCP"?
  3. We have a youth who turned 18 in October of 2011. He was living with a relative who was non-federally eligible, so the funding was coming from non-needy relative through CalWORKS because there was no eligibility for federal foster care. This youth remained in foster care beyond January 1, 2012 and was eligible for extended benefits through CalWORKS, which he continued to receive until he left the home of the relative on February 17, 2012. He is now living with friends.Can this new living arrangement be considered as a SILP and paid for using state foster care funding with the youth as the payee?
  4. Can a facility licensed by the state as an adult residential facility be considered a placement under Extended Foster Care? Can youth be placed under a SILP in these facilities?
  5. There isn't anything in the ACLs specific to youth (supervised by child welfare) who are AWOL upon turning 18, so we are assuming the process is that we would set up a termination of jurisdiction hearing where the Court would retain general jurisdiction and the youth would be able to re-enter foster care under AB12 at a later time (provided the age limits and other requirements were met).
  6. We have a case where a youth was dismissed very early in 2012 and the new dismissal order (retaining court jurisdiction for re-entry purposes) wasn't used. Is there any mechanism to correct for that so that the youth can re-enter, or is she now ineligible?
  7. In the Governor’s budget it looks like they are expanding eligibility for Extended Foster Care (EFC) also known as he “After 18” program, to cover the “gap” in eligibility for youth turning 19 in 2012. How will this be implemented? How are the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (Kin-GAP) and the Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) affected? What about youth receiving benefits with a Non-Related Legal Guardian (NRLG)?
  8. Regarding the re-entry process, it is a requirement that the county of residence contact the county of jurisdiction the same day that youth comes in to complete re-entry paperwork to obtain the county of jurisdictions signature. Is there an established AB12 county point of contact listing?
  9. What eligibility criteria must a youth who is the client of a regional center meet in order to be eligible for Extended Foster Care benefits under AB 12?
  10. May a Non Minor Dependent be placed outside of the United States?
  11. Can an Adult Residential Treatment Facility be considered a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) for a Non Minor Dependent?

For Additional Information :

Transition Age Youth Policy Unit
744 P Street, MS 8-13-78
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-7465

Contact Us

Transition Age Youth Policy Unit
744 P Street, MS 8-13-78
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-7465