Overview Medi-Cal and Child Welfare


Provide information to Child Welfare Agencies (CWAs) about Medi-Cal plans and the services they provide. Assist CWAs and the families they serve to gain a better understanding of Fee-For-Service (FFF) and Managed Care Plans (MCPs) so an educated choice can be made when picking a health care plan for foster youth.

Additionally, the purpose is to provide MCPs a high-level overview of the Child Welfare System in order to best serve foster youth who choose a MCP as their Medi-Cal provider.

Background of Medi-Cal:

Medi-Cal is the Medicaid program in California that allows low-income individuals and families access to medical providers and services. The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) oversee the program.

Background of Child Welfare:

Child Welfare Services (CWS), also referred to as child protective services (CPS), are the major system of intervention of child abuse and neglect in California. Existing law provides for services to abused and neglected children and their families. CWS goal is to keep the child in their home when it is safe, and when the child is at risk, to develop an alternate plan as quickly as possible. Resource Parents or Kinship Providers or Non-Relative Extended Family Members provide a supportive and stable family for children who cannot live with their parents due to challenges such as parental neglect, abuse, or exploitation that has led to an unsafe environment for the youth.

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  • APL 21-012- Provides guidance to all Medi-Cal MCP regarding the provision of the Enhanced Care Management benefit.
  • APL 21-017- Provides guidance to Medi-Cal MCP regarding the provisions of Community Supports.
  • APL 22-005- Provides Medi-Cal MCP with guidance and clarification regarding the No Wrong Door for Mental Health Services policy. This policy ensures that members receive timely mental health services without delay regardless of the delivery system where they seek care and that members are able to maintain treatment relationships with trusted providers without interruption.
  • APL 22-006- Provides Medi-Cal Dental Managed Care (DMC) plans with clarification and guidance regarding the application of federal and state legal requirements for processing grievances and appeals.
  • APL 22-008- Provides guidance to Medi-Cal MCP regarding non-emergency medical transportation, non-medical transportation services and clarifies MCP responsibilities regarding the coverage of transportation for pharmacy services with the implementation of Medi-Cal Rx, Medi-Cal enrollment requirements for transportation providers, as well as MCP coverage of transportation related travel expenses.
  • APL 23-001- Provides guidance to Medi-Cal MCP to submit evidence of network adequacy annually to demonstrate compliance with federal and state minimum standards.
  • APL 23-005- Clarifies the responsibilities of Medi-Cal MCP to provide Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) services to eligible Members under the age of 21. This guidance is intended to reinforce existing state and federal laws and regulations regarding the provisions of Medi-Cal services, including EPSDT. This guidance is also intended to outline requirements for MCPs to ensure Members have access to information on EPSDT and Network Providers receive standardized training on EPSDT utilizing the newly developed DHCS Medi-Cal for Kids and Teens Outreach and Education Toolkit.
  •  APL-23-022- Provides guidance on Medi-Cal MCP continuity of care for members who are mandatorily transitioning from Medi-Cal FFS to enroll into Medi-Cal MCP.
  • APL- 24-013-  Provides guidance to Medi-Cal MCP and CWA to the Managed Care Plan Child Welfare Liaison (MCP CW Liaison). The MCP CW Liaison supports foster youth with navigating their MCP services and supports.