Register for an Orientation

If you are interested in obtaining a California license to operate a family child care home or a child care center you have the option to attend either an online, live virtual, or an in-person orientation.

To register and complete an orientation consider the following:

  • Fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable between orientations.
  • A laptop or desktop computer is recommended to view and take the online or live virtual orientation.

Please verify that you are registering for the correct orientation. Refer to the descriptions below to ensure you are choosing the correction orientation type:

Family Child Care Homes Orientation (Available Formats: online, live virtual, in-person)

  • Care must be provided in the licensee’s own home
  • Licensee must live in the home
  • Care provided is less than 24 hours
  • Can provide care for up to 14 children depending on the license capacity

Child Care Centers Orientation (Available Formats: online)

  • Can provide care for more than 14 children
  • Directors and teachers will be required to have educational credits and experience
  • Care provided is less than 24 hours
  • May require city and/or county permits
  • Requires a fire clearance from the local fire authority
  • A business license may be required, depending on local requirements

To register for an upcoming in-person orientation, you must contact the regional office. Please click on the link below: In-Person Orientation

Contact Us

LA Wildfires Information and Resources:

Community Care Licensing Division
Child Care Licensing Program

744 P Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-6040

Child Care Advocates - (916) 654-1541

PDF of Child Care Licensing Regional Offices

CCLD Complaint Hotline

1-844-LET-US-NO (1-844-538-8766)
Information regarding filing a complaint
Communication with Complainants FAQ