How to Get SUN Bucks

Most eligible children are considered “streamlined certified” and do not have to apply for SUN Bucks. Children who qualify for free or reduced-price meals through school meal application or Alternative Income Form, or get CalFresh, CalWORKs, or Medi-Cal, are automatically enrolled. They don't need to do anything to sign up.

However, children attending public school who have not previously qualified for free or reduced-price meals may also qualify for SUN Bucks. To check if your children are eligible, ask your child’s school for a school meal application or an Alternative Income Form. Complete the form and return it to the school. They will evaluate the form and determine if your children are eligible for SUN Bucks.

SUN Bucks Card Mailing Schedule

Most families will begin receiving their 2024 SUN Bucks cards in mid-June through August. Due to the large volume of automatically eligible children (nearly 5 million), issuances will occur in two stages:

  • Stage 1: Automatically enrolled kids will begin receiving their cards mid-June and continuing through August. Cards will be mailed in alphabetical order by the child’s last name (A-Z).
Stage 1: Estimated Card Delivery by Month & Last Name for Automatically Enrolled Kids
Month Last Name Starting Letter
Mid-June A-D
July E-L
August M-Z
  • Stage 2: Kids will get their cards in Stage 2 if they were: (1) not automatically enrolled in Stage 1, and (2) determined eligible after the start of Stage 1. This includes kids who were determined eligible based on:
    • Alternative Income Forms,
    • School meal applications, or
    • Getting CalWORKs, CalFresh, or Medi-Cal (below 185% FPL)

Regardless of when the card is received, every SUN Bucks card will be loaded with the full $120 per child.

SUN Bucks Card Expungement

You must use your SUN Bucks within 122 days of funds being loaded on the card. It is recommended to use SUN Bucks before CalFresh, if your family receives both benefits. Any unused money on your card after 122 days will expire, or be expunged. Expired benefits cannot be replaced or put back on your card.

To check your SUN Bucks card balance and claim status, visit the California EBT cardholder website.

Last Updated: August 1, 2024


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