CCB 18 - Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children (Bridge Program)

The quarterly CCB 18 report contains monthly statistical information on the Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children (Bridge Program) during the report quarter.  The report includes data on Bridge Program voucher eligibility and enrollment, types of voucher placements and child care settings, the length of time receiving Bridge Program voucher, and transition information.  The data also includes the number of referrals to and families served by child care navigators and the number of trauma-informed care trainings held.


Beginning March 1, 2020, all existing reports publicly accessible on web pages belonging to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) must comply with the CDSS Data De-identification Guidelines in order to more fully protect the identities of the vulnerable clients we serve. Cells that could identify an individual with a value of less than 11 have been replaced with a “*” to comply with the CDSS Data De-identification Guidelines

Report Period Updated

Fiscal Year 2024-25


Fiscal Year 2023-24 09/09/2024
Fiscal Year 2022-23 08/22/2023
Fiscal Year 2021-22 09/29/2022
Fiscal Year 2020-21 02/11/2022
Fiscal Year 2019-20 02/11/2022
Fiscal Year 2018-19 08/13/2020

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