Immigration Core Areas of Service
Senate Bill (SB) 79 (Section 24, Chapter 5.6) authorizes the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to contract with qualified nonprofit organizations to provide services to immigrants who reside in the State of California. Nearly $30 million is available in local assistance to qualified non-profit organizations for five types of services:
- Screening for eligibility and assisting with the application process for initial or renewal requests of deferred action under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
- Screening for eligibility and assisting with the application process for initial or renewal requests of deferred action under the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) policy with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
- Screening for eligibility and assisting with the application process for other immigration remedies.
- Screening for eligibility and assisting with the application process for naturalization and any appeals arising from the process.
- Services to provide legal training and technical assistance to other contracted organizations that provide immigration legal services to assist with DACA, DAPA or naturalization.
- Providing free education and outreach information, services and materials about DACA, DAPA, naturalization or other immigration remedies potentially available to individuals.
Unaccompanied Undocumented Minors Legal Services
Senate Bill (SB) 873 (Statute of 2014, Chapter 685) authorizes the California Department of Social Services to award funding to qualified nonprofit legal services organizations to provide legal services to eligible Unaccompanied Undocumented Minors (UUMs) present in California who are in the physical custody of the federal agency or residing with a sponsor.
The Budget Act provides $3 million for the purpose of providing legal representation for UUMs for the following immigration relief:
- Asylum
- T-Visa
- U-Visa
- Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)
- Other Immigration Remedies