Guaranteed Income Pilot Program for Older Californians
Per the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget agreed to by California’s Governor and the Legislature, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) will oversee a guaranteed income (GI) pilot program serving adults 60 years of age or older residing in California and either eligible for or receiving a means-tested benefit. This pilot program is currently in the early planning stage. Please check back here for updates or join the listserv below.
Community Partner Engagement
Prior to the awarding of grant funds, the CDSS will engage in a series of listening sessions to benefit from feedback from community partners on the solicitation and evaluation.
Request For Application and Funding Requirements
A Request For Application (RFA) will be released in Spring 2025. When responding to the RFA and to be considered for funding for this program, respondents must provide:
For all entities:
For nonprofits ONLY:
- Financial Statements:
- Each applicant must submit a copy of the most recent and complete audited annual financial statement (within the past 12 months).
- Proof of 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(5) Status:
- Be current and in good standing and provide proof of “Active” Legal Business Status from:
Stay in Touch
For the latest information regarding the State's Guaranteed Income Pilot Program for Older Adults, please sign up for email updates via the CDSS Guaranteed Income for Older Adults Listserv. For questions regarding the Guaranteed Income Pilot Program, please email our team at