Foster Care Rate Applications

Rate applications must be submitted, in its entirety to Rates Oversight Unit mailbox at

Please note: IMC applications can ONLY be requested by the Placing County.

Foster Family Agency (FFA):

Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC):

Transitional Housing Placement Non-Minor Dependent (THP-NMD):

Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP):

Innovative Model of Care (IMC):


Foster Family Agency (FFA) – New Provider

A Foster Family Agency (FFA) is a public agency or private organization, organized and operated on a nonprofit basis. FFAs recruit, approve, provide training for, and provide support and services to Resource Families. FFAs coordinate with county placing agencies to find homes for dependent children in need of care. An FFA suboffice is any additional, independently licensed office set up by the FFA to supplement the services provided by the administrative office.

Required Documentation:

  • Form FCR 1 FFA - Data and Certification
  • Form FCR 2 FFA: Program Description Checklist
  • Board of Directors: List containing the name, address, telephone number and position of each member of the Board of Directors, and their relationship to one another, if any.
  • Non-Profit Declaration Statement: A declaration signed by the non-profit Board of Directors that the non-profit corporation will operate during the rate period in the public interest for scientific, education, service, or charitable purposes; is not organized for profit making purposes; and uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve or expand its operations.
  • Tax Exempt: Copy of your federal Internal Revenue Service tax exempt letter or your California Franchise Tax Board tax-exempt letter designating your corporation as tax-exempt.
  • Articles of Incorporation: Endorsed copy of your Articles of Incorporation/By-laws filed with the California Secretary of State.
  • Facility License: Copy of the license issued by CDSS, Community Care Licensing (CCL) Division for ALL locations under the program.
  • Organizational Chart: Copy of the agency’s organization chart
  • Duty Statements: All duty statements describing each type of position utilized by the agency.
  • Letter of Support: Copy of the HOST county support letter is required in MPP Section 1-403(g)(2)(c).
  • Social Worker Degree: Copy of the degree for each social worker employed or who is in a contractual agreement with the provider.
  • Program Statement: Electronic copy of approved Program Statement (LIC 9128, 5/23) as submitted to and approved by CCL.

Maintaining AFDC-FC RATE Requirements:

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Foster Family Agency (FFA) Biennial – Existing Provider

Providers are required to submit a biennial rate request in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 11463. An FFA that does not submit a complete rate request by the rate effective date shall not have a rate set for the new rate period and shall not be eligible to receive AFDC-FC funds 60 days after the rate effective date, pursuant to Manual of Policies and Procedures section 11-403(f)(1)(C).

Required Documentation:

  • Form FCR 1 FFA: Data and Certification
  • Form FCR 2 FFA: Program Description Checklist
  • Form FCR 3FFA: Days of Care Schedule - One for each Reporting Period containing actual data.
  • Board of Directors: List containing the name, address, telephone number and position of each member of the Board of Directors, and their relationship to one another, if any.
  • Non-Profit Declaration Statement: A declaration signed by the non-profit Board of Directors that the non-profit corporation will operate during the rate period in the public interest for scientific, education, service, or charitable purposes; is not organized for profit making purposes; and uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve or expand its operations.
  • Tax Exempt: Copy of your federal Internal Revenue Service tax exempt letter or your California Franchise Tax Board tax-exempt letter designating your corporation as tax-exempt.
  • Articles of Incorporation: Endorsed copy of your Articles of Incorporation/By-laws filed with the California Secretary of State.
  • Facility License: Copy of the license issued by CDSS, Community Care Licensing (CCL) Division for ALL locations under the program.
  • Social Worker Degree: Copy of the degree for each social worker who was hired during the biennial rate periods (last two fiscal reporting periods) who is in a contractual agreement with the provider.
  • Accreditation: Proof of accreditation reflecting issue date and length of accreditation/expiration.

Maintaining AFDC-FC RATE Requirements:

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Foster Family Agency (FFA) Regional Center Biennial – Existing Provider

Providers are required to submit a biennial rate request in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 11463. An FFA that does not submit a complete rate request by the rate effective date shall not have a rate set for the new rate period and shall not be eligible to receive AFDC-FC funds 60 days after the rate effective date, pursuant to Manual of Policies and Procedures section 11-403(f)(1)(C).

Required Documentation:

  • Form FCR 1 FFA: Data and Certification
  • Board of Directors: List containing the name, address, telephone number and position of each member of the Board of Directors, and their relationship to one another, if any.
  • Non-Profit Declaration Statement: A declaration signed by the non-profit Board of Directors that the non-profit corporation will operate during the rate period in the public interest for scientific, education, service, or charitable purposes; is not organized for profit making purposes; and uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve or expand its operations.
  • Tax Exempt: Copy of your federal Internal Revenue Service tax exempt letter or your California Franchise Tax Board tax-exempt letter designating your corporation as tax-exempt.
  • Articles of Incorporation: Endorsed copy of your Articles of Incorporation/By-laws filed with the California Secretary of State.
  • Facility License: Copy of the license issued by CDSS, Community Care Licensing (CCL) Division for ALL locations under the program.
  • Accreditation: Proof of accreditation reflecting issue date and length of accreditation/expiration.
  • Regional Center Vendorization / Contractual Agreement Letter

Maintaining AFDC-FC RATE Requirements:

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Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC)

ISFC is an intensive services program providing specialty mental health or medical health treatment that is delivered by a Foster Family Agency and in a specialized ISFC Resource Family home. ISFC is intended to be a short-term placement (approximately 12-18 month to complete the goals outlines in their Needs and Services Plan) intervention to stabilize youth placed in home settings by providing intensive supports, services, and interventions. Each youth gets an ISFC team that work specifically to meet the youth’s needs, participates in Child and Family Team meetings, and supports the caregiver. The FFA also provide 24/7 crisis intervention, an FFA Social Worker, and depending on the youth' needs, either a clinical and an In-Home Support Counselor, or a Registered Nurse.

Required Documentation:

Required Provider Documentation:

  • Facility License: Copy of the license issued by CDSS, Community Care Licensing (CCL) Division for ALL locations under the program.

Maintaining AFDC-FC RATE Requirements:

  • Maintaining CCL licensure and non-profit status.
  • Timely submission of your Financial Audit Report (FAR).
  • Accreditation: Must obtain accreditation within 24 months from the date of licensure as specified by ILS § 87089. CDSS will accept accreditation from the following entities:

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Transitional Housing Placement Non-Minor Dependent (THP-NMD)

Transitional Housing Placement for Non-Minor Dependent, formerly known as THP+FC, was created by Assembly Bill (AB) 12. It provides housing placement options for non-minor dependents in Extended Foster Care. This placement option provides transitional housing and supportive services based on a Transitional Independent Living Plan. AB 12 was authorized by the Federal Public Law 110-351, the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008. For more information on eligibility and provider requirements please refer to All County Letter 12-44.

The goal of this type of placement is to offer supportive services to assist non-minor dependents in developing skills needed to transition to independent living, which may include assistance with meeting educational goals, obtaining employment, and learning financial management, relationship, and daily living skills.

Required Forms:

  • SOC 179: Transitional Housing Program Non-Minor Dependent Rate Application: Please ensure all program models are indicated on rate application.
    • Host Family Model, where the non-minor dependent lives with a caring adult who has been approved by the transitional housing placement provider.
    • Staffed Site Model, where the non-minor dependent lives in an apartment, condominium, or single-family dwelling, rented or leased by the THP-NMD provider, in which one or more adult employees of the THP-NMD provider resides on site.
    • Remote Site Model, where the non-minor dependent lives in a single housing unit rented or leased by the housing provider. The non-minor dependent can be a co-lessee on the lease. The non-minor dependent lives independently, but still receives regular supervision from the provider.

Required Provider Documentation:

  • Board of Directors: List containing the name, address, telephone number and position of each member of the Board of Directors, and their relationship to one another, if any.
  • Non-Profit Declaration Statement: A declaration signed by the non-profit Board of Directors that the non-profit corporation will operate during the rate period in the public interest for scientific, education, service, or charitable purposes; is not organized for profit making purposes; and uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve or expand its operations.
  • Tax Exempt: Copy of your federal Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt letter or your California Franchise Tax Board tax-exempt letter designating your corporation as tax-exempt.
  • Articles of Incorporation: Endorsed copy of your Articles of Incorporation/By-laws filed with the California Secretary of State.
  • Facility License: Copy of the license issued by CDSS, Community Care Licensing (CCL) Division for ALL locations under the program.
  • Organizational Chart: Copy of the agency’s organization chart
  • Duty Statements: All duty statements describing each type of position utilized by the agency.
  • Letter of Support / County Certification: Copy of the HOST County Support Letter.
  • Social Worker Degree: Copy of the degree for each social worker employed or who is in a contractual agreement with the provider.
  • Facility Rental Agreement: Copy of facility rental agreement, leases, or deeds.
  • Program Statement: Electronic copy of approved Program Statement (LIC 9128, 5/23) as submitted to and approved by CCL.

Maintaining AFDC-FC RATE Requirements:

  • Maintaining CCL licensure and non-profit status.
  • Timely submission of your Financial Audit Report (FAR), see (FCARL) NO. 2018-03 for more information.

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Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)

Effective January 1, 2017, Assembly Bill (AB) 403 (Chaptered 773, Statues of 2015) established a new community care facility category called Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP). An STRTP is a residential facility operated by a public agency or private organization that provides an integrated program of specialized and intensive care and supervision, services and supports, treatment, and short-term 24-hour care and supervision to children and nonminor dependents. The care and supervision provided by an STRTP shall be nonmedical, except as otherwise permitted by law. Private STRTPs shall be organized and operated on a nonprofit basis.

Required Documentation:

  • Form SR 1A: STRTP Rate Application: Please ensure that an email address is included on your rate application, as your agency will receive important information and updates via e-mail.
  • Form FCR 16: GH/STRTP Shelter Cost Declaration and Survey
  • Board of Directors: A complete listing of the corporation’s Board of Directors containing the name, address, telephone number and position of each member of the Board of Directors, and their relationship to one another, if any.
  • Non-Profit Declaration Statement: A declaration signed by the non-profit Board of Directors that the non-profit corporation will operate during the rate period in the public interest for scientific, education, service, or charitable purposes; is not organized for profit making purposes; and uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve or expand its operations.
  • Tax Exempt: Copy of your federal Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt letter or your California Franchise Tax Board tax-exempt letter designating your corporation as tax-exempt.
  • Articles of Incorporation: Endorsed copy of your Articles of Incorporation/By-laws filed with the California Secretary of State.
  • Administrator Certificate: Copy of a current CCL Approved STRTP Administrator’s Certificate.
  • Facility License: Copy of the STRTP license issued by CDSS, Community Care Licensing (CCL) Division for ALL locations under the program.
  • Organizational Chart: Copy of the agency’s organization chart
  • Duty Statements: Copy of duty statements describing each type of position utilized by the agency.
  • Letter of Support / County Support: Copy of the HOST county support letter as required in MPP Section 1-403(g)(2)(c).
  • Facility Rental Agreements: Copy of facility rental agreement, leases, or deeds.
  • Program Statement: Electronic copy of approved Program Statement (LIC 9106A, 9/24) as submitted to and approved by CCL.

Maintaining AFDC-FC RATE Requirements:

  • Maintaining CCL licensure and non-profit status.
  • Timely submission of your Financial Audit Report (FAR).
  • Mental Health Program Approval: STRTPs have up to 12 months from the date of licensure to obtain a mental health program approval from the California Department of Health Care Services, or from a delegated county Mental Health Plan.
  • Accreditation: STRTPs have up to 24 months from he date of licensure to obtain accreditation as specified by ILS § 87089. CDSS will accept accreditation from the following entities:

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Innovative Model of Care (IMC)

The Innovative Model of Care (IMC) Rate is created in partnership with a County, Provider, and the Rate’s Oversight Unit, to support foster children and Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs) with complex needs unable to be met in existing Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster Care (AFDC-FC) programs. For more information see ACL 22-21 (

Required Documentation:

  • IMC Rate Request
  • CDSS Budget Template (per youth, per month) 
  • Program Description
  • Proof of Accreditation
  • Duty Statements (Any position budgeted in the IMC Rate) 
  • Letter of Support / County Certification
  • Current Assessment (Child-Specific Request only) 

Types of IMC Rates:

  • ISFC Plus: Enhanced Intensive Services Foster Care Plus Rate for individual child or program. This rate cannot exceed the current STRTP rate. The following placement types are acceptable: ISFC, FFA, or RFA.
  • STRTP: Enhanced STRTP model (of 1, 2, 3, etc.) for an individual child/NMD or program.
  • CCRP: An enhanced STRTP model that services youth experiencing an acute mental health crisis as an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization.

Rate Categories:

  • Child-Specific: This is an individualized IMC Rate assigned to a child/NMD for the length of placement with a specified provider. Once the child/NMD leaves their current placement, the rate is terminated and cannot be transferred to a new provider. The County would need to request a new IMC Rate.
  • Program-Specific: This is a program rate assigned to a provider. This rate stays in effect until the County determines there is no longer a need for an Innovative Model of Care model.

Funding an IMC Rate:

For youth that are IV-E eligible, a county will receive federal financial participation (FFP) consistent with sharing ratios established by the CDSS each Fiscal Year (FY). The county must pay the entire non-federal share of an IMC, above the existing rate structure established by CDSS. For claiming instructions, please see COUNTY FISCAL LETTER CFL 22/23-16.

The county may utilize grant funding received pursuant to the Children’s Crisis Continuum Pilot Program or the county allocation for Complex Care pursuant to ACL 21-119 or ACL 21-143 to pay all or a portion of the non-federal share of an IMC.

  • California Necessities Index (CNI) Increase: Innovative Models of Care rates are ineligible to receive an annual CNI increase. Per ACL 22-21 (, all IMC individualized or program rates approved under AB 2944 will not be adjusted annually to reflect the California Necessities Index, unless rate was established prior to the release of ACL 22-21. The county must pay the entire nonfederal share of any IMC program or individualized rate approved under AB 2944 that exceeds the amount of a CDSS established statewide rate, as required by WIC 11460(a)(3)(B).
  • Provider Accreditation Requirements: Newly licensed providers have up to 24 months to be accredited by one of the three accrediting agencies (COA, CARF, Joint Commission). Placement with a non-accredited provider, will be ineligible to be paid Federal Financial Participation (FFP) beyond two-weeks. Please note, the two-week period is contingent upon an assessment of the Qualified Individual being conducted within 30 days of the placement.
    • For more information on accreditation requirements or to view the STRTP Accreditation Tracker, please see FFPSA Accreditation (
    • If the provider has not met accreditation requirements, please see CFL 22/23-57 ( for information on a how the county can submit a General Fund (GF) reimbursement for Federal Financial Participation (FFP)

If you would like to schedule a TA meeting to discuss options for an IMC, please contact the Rates Oversight Unit at

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Foster Care Rates & Data Section