Agency Super Users can manage other users by selecting the “Add/Edit Users” function from the User Settings drop-down menu.
Add Users
At the bottom of the Users screen, there is a “Register New User” button. Agency Super Users can use this function to request a new user. When all required information is entered, a request for the new user is sent to CDSS – CDMIS Support for approval.
Important Reminder
Use the navigation buttons and links on the screen. Do not select the "Back" button on the browser as this may result in error messages or duplicate information. Always select the "Save" button when information is entered on the screen.
Required Information
Required information is indicated with an asterisk (*). For every user, agencies must enter the following information:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number with area code
- Email address (ensure that users’ email addresses are entered correctly; incorrect email address entries will result in users not receiving notifications from the CDSS – CDMIS)
- User access level (i.e., Agency Super User or Agency User)
- Agency Super Users do not need a sub-agency assignment
- Agencies must select a sub-agency assignment for new users if all of the following apply:
- An agency has created sub-agencies for reporting (the sub-agency selection option is not displayed for agencies that have not created sub-agencies), and
- The new user is an Agency User (not a super user), and
- The new user will submit the CDD-801A; sub-agency assignments are not used for the CDD-801B.
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Enter the required information as indicated with an (*) about the new user
- Select the "Save" button
- Read all error messages that appear at the top of the screen; correct all error messages by adding or changing information
- Select the "Save" button
- Repeat Steps 3 – 5 until all error messages are resolved
- Select the "Return to Previous Page" button
Result: The Add New User screen is displayed; error messages are displayed at the top of the screen in red text
Result: The Users screen is displayed.
What Happens Next
After all required information about the new user is entered and the "Save" button is selected, the following happens:
- CDSS – CDMIS Support reviews and approves the new user request.
- The new user receives an automated email from the CDSS – CDMIS. This email includes the name and phone number of the person who requested the new user.
- The new user contacts the person listed in the email notification to receive login credentials.
- The new user logs on to the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal. The first time a new user logs on, the user is required to change their initial password.
About Users and Sub-Agency Reporting
Reporting by sub-agency is available for the CDD-801A; agencies cannot report by sub-agency for the CDD-801B.
Reporting by sub-agency is optional; agencies are not required to report by sub-agency.
An Agency Super User has access to the CDD-801A for all sub-agencies. An Agency User must be assigned to one sub-agency if he or she is to enter the CDD-801A.
An Agency User can be assigned to only one sub-agency (or no sub-agency if the user will not enter any the CDD-801A).
An Agency User cannot change the sub-agency assignment. Only an Agency Super User can change a sub-agency assignment.
Edit Users
On the Users page within CDSS – CDMIS, select on the name of any registered user to reach the Edit User screen. This screen is used to view or update information for a specific user. Each user can update their individual contact information as necessary.
Agency Super Users can update information for any user within their agency, as well as change sub-agency assignments and deactivate user access to the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal.
Note Regarding User Name Changes: Do not use this screen to change a user's name. If a person with access to the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal no longer needs access (e.g., due to staff leaving the agency, etc.), deactivate that user's account. New persons needing access to the CDSS – CDMIS should have their own username and password. Security of children information submitted by agencies is crucial; only those who should be accessing the information should have usernames and passwords.
Important Reminder
Use the navigation buttons and links on the screen. Do not select the "Back" button on the browser as this may result in error messages or duplicate information.
Always select the "Save" button when entering information on the screen.
Required Information
Required information is indicated with an (*).
For every user, the following information must be entered:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number with area code
- Email address (ensure that users’ email addresses are entered correctly; incorrect email address entries will result in users not receiving notifications from the CDSS – CDMIS)
Step-by-Step Instructions
UPDATE user information (Agency Super Users and Agency Users):
- On the Edit User screen, make necessary changes to the user's contact information and select the "Save" button
- Read any error messages that appear at the top of the screen; correct all error messages by adding or changing information
- Select the "Save" button
- Repeat Steps 2 – 5 until all error messages are resolved
- Select the "Return to Previous Page" button
Result: If all information was provided, the text "User Information Updated Successfully" is displayed. To return to the Users screen, select the "Return to previous page" button. Error messages are displayed at the top of the screen in red text.
Result: The "Users" screen is displayed.
DEACTIVATE accounts (Agency Super Users only):
- Locate the user account on the Users screen within CDSS – CDMIS
- Locate the column “Deactivate/Disapprove Reason” and select the most accurate reason from the drop-down menu
- Choose Deactivate from the drop-down menu in the next column, “Action,” and select the "Save" button
Result: The text "Information for Username: *** has been updated successfully" is displayed. This user is no longer able to log on to the CDSS – CDMIS website.
REACTIVATE a deactivated account (Agency Super Users only):
- Locate the user account on the Users screen within CDSS – CDMIS
- Locate the column “Action” and select “Activate” from the drop-down menu
- Hit the "Save" button
Result: The text "Information for Username: *** has been updated successfully" is displayed. This user is reactivated and able to log on to the CDSS – CDMIS website.
What Happens Next
Once all required user information is completed and the "Save" button selected, the new user information is submitted to and stored within CDSS – CDMIS.
Once a user is deactivated, that user’s account is immediately deactivated and cannot access the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal.
Once an account is requested to “Activate”, the following occurs:
- CDSS – CDMIS Support reviews user requests.
- If the user is approved, the user receives an automated email from CDSS -CDMIS. This email includes the name and phone number of the Agency Super User who originally created the user’s account.The user is directed to contact this person for the account login credentials.
- If the new user request is disapproved, the Agency Super User can enter the Users screen and see the reason why CDSS – CDMIS Support disapproved the user request. The user can contact the CDSS – CDMIS Supports with any questions or concerns.
- If the user cannot remember their CDSS – CDMIS password, the user should contact their Agency Super User for assistance.
- If the Agency Super User is not available, the user can contact the CDSS – CDMIS Support for assistance.
- Once the user logs on to the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal, the user is required to change their password. Passwords must contain only alphanumeric characters with a minimum of fifteen characters in length to include at least one capital/uppercase letter, and at least one unique character (!@#$^*).
About Users’ Current Statuses
A user can have one of three status levels:
- Active (the user can access the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal), or
- Request activation (the user cannot access the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal until their Agency Super User or the CDSS – CDMIS Support approves the reactivation request), or
- Deactivated (the user cannot access the CDSS – CDMIS Web Portal).