CDSS – CDMIS User Manual; Appendix C: Creating Electronic Files

Section B: Electronic File Format Specifications

Within an electronic file, all data elements must be specifically formatted and meet specific criteria. The below table outlines each data element of a file. Additionally, the table provides descriptions and comments of each data element, including the data type, size, and entry requirement.

Electronic File Format Specifications Table

  • C: Character (upper- and lower- case letters, numbers, dashes, etc.)
  • N: Numbers only
Field Number Data Field Description Data Type Data Size Required Entry Comments
1 Report month and year C 7 Yes Required format is mm/yyyy. Example: October 2024 must be entered as 10/2024.
2 Vendor number/submission code1 C 7-8 Yes Example: Vendor number Z987 and submission code 000 is entered as Z987000.
3 Family Identification/Case Number (FICN) C Max. 15 Yes Only letters A-Z (both upper and lower case are acceptable) and numbers 0-9 are allowed. For each family you must report the FICN.
4 Head-of-Household Last Name C Max. 50; Min. 1 Yes Only letters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes are allowed.
5 Head-of-Household First Name C Max. 50; Min. 1 Yes Only letters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes are allowed.
6 Head-of-Household Middle Initial C 1 No This field must be included in the file, even if it is blank.
7 Head-of-Household Zip Code N 9 Yes Numbers only; do not include dash. Example: 999999999 (Five-digit Zip Code + 4 digit extension)
8 TANF/CalWORKs Cash Aid Recipient? C 1 Yes 3 valid entries are: Y (yes), N (no), or U (unknown).
9 Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of the State Median Income Level? C 1 Yes 3 valid entries are: Y (yes), N (no), or U (unknown).
10 Family Size N 2 Yes Numbers only; 0-9
11 Family Income N 4 Yes Numbers only; 0-9; no decimals.
12 Reason for Receiving Services C 1 Yes Only 9 valid entries: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, and V.
13 Head-of-Household FIPS Code N 5 Yes This field must contain five digits. Example: 06001, 06003. Leading zero must be included.
14 Family Start Date Date 10 Yes Required format is mm/dd/yyyy (include the slashes). Example: September 2, 2024, must be entered as 09/02/2024.
15 Child's Last Name C Max. 50; Min. 1 Yes Only letters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes are allowed.
16 Child's First Name C Max. 50; Min. 1 Yes Only letters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes are allowed.
17 Child's Middle Initial C 1 No This field must be included in the file, even if it is blank.
18 Child's Ethnicity C 1 Yes 2 valid entries; Y (yes) or N (no).
19 Child's Race: American Indian or Alaskan Native C 1 Yes 2 valid entries; Y (yes) or N (no).
20 Child's Race: Asian C 1 Yes 2 valid entries; Y (yes) or N (no).
21 Child's Race: Black or African American C 1 Yes 2 valid entries; Y (yes) or N (no).
22 Child's Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander C 1 Yes 2 valid entries; Y (yes) or N (no).
23 Child's Race: White C 1 Yes 2 valid entries; Y (yes) or N (no).
24 Child's Gender C 1 Yes 2 valid entries; M (male) or F (female).
25 Child's Date of Birth Date 10 Yes Required format is mm/dd/yyyy (include the slashes). Example: September 2, 2023, must be entered as 09/02/2023.
26 Child has an IEP or IFSP C 1 Yes 2 valid entries: Y (yes) or N (no).
27 Child's Primary Language N 2 Yes This field must contain 2 digits or be left blank. Example: 02, 04, etc. Leading zero must be included. See list of language codes on CCD-26 Confidential Application for Child Development Services and Certification of Eligibility form, Data Definitions.
28 Child is English Learner C Yes 3 valid entries; Y (yes), N (no), or blank.
29 Child Start Date Date 10 Yes Required format is mm/dd/yyyy (include the slashes). Example: September 2, 2023, must be entered as 09/02/2023.
30 Services Type and Length C 1 Yes 4 valid entries; A- Direct Services Full- Time; B- Direct Services Part-Time; C- Subcontracted Services Full-Time; D- Subcontracted Services Part-Time
31 Provider FEIN/SSN N 9 Yes Numbers only; do not include dashes (-).
32 Provider FIPS Code N 5 Yes This field must contain five digits. Example: 06001, 06003. Leading zero must be included.
33 Provider Zip Code N 9 Yes Numbers only; do not include dash. Example: 999999999 (Five-digit Zip Code + 4 digit extension)
34 QRIS Participation C 1 Yes

The field must contain a single digit.
The ten valid entries are:
0 – No. Provider is eligible but does not participate in a QRIS.
1 – Yes. Provider does participate in a QRIS and tier rank is 1.
2 – Yes. Provider does participate in a QRIS and tier rank is 2.
3 – Yes. Provider does participate in a QRIS and tier rank is 3.
4 – Yes. Provider does participate in a QRIS and tier rank is 4.
5 – Yes. Provider does participate in a QRIS and tier rank is 5.
6 – Yes. Provider does participate in a QRIS but is not rated yet.
7 – The State has an operating QRIS in the Provider's area, but the Provider is not eligible to participate.
8 – The State does not have an operating QRIS in the Provider area.
9 – The State has an operating QRIS in the Provider's area but information is currently unavailable at the Provider level.

35 Accreditation Status C 1 Yes

The field must contain a single digit.
Six valid entries are:
0 – No
1 – Yes: National Accreditation
2 – Yes: State Accreditation
3 – Yes: Other Accreditation (not National or State Level)
4 – Yes: Level/Type of Accreditation Unavailable
9 – NA: Information Currently Unavailable

36 Type of Child Care N 2 Yes

This field must contain 2 digits. Example: 02, 04, etc. Leading zero must be included.

8 valid entries are:
02- Licensed family child care home
03- Licensed large family child care home
04- Licensed center-based care
05- License-exempt in child’s home by a relative
06- License-exempt in child’s home by a non-relative
07 -License-exempt outside the child’s home by a relative
08- License-exempt outside the child’s home by a non-relative
11- License-exempt center-based care

37 Program Code 1 C 4 Yes

Program Code 1 is required.

8 valid entries are:

38 Program Code 2 C 4 No This field should only contain data if the child receives services from more than one program code. This field must be included in the file, even if it is blank.
39 Program Code 3 C 4 No This field should only contain data if the child receives services from more than two program codes. This field must be included in the file, even if it is blank.
40 Attendance Status 1 N 2 Yes

Attendance Status 1 is required. This field is the attendance for program code 1.

This field must contain two digits. Leading zero must be included
9 valid entries are:
01 – Child enrolled but did not attend any day due to program closure
02 – Child enrolled but did not attend any day; program is open and operating
03 – Child attended all enrolled days with zero absences
04 – Child attended 1–5 day(s) in the month
05 – Child attended 6–10 days in the month
06 – Child attended 11–15 days in the month
07 – Child attended 16–20 days in the month
08 – Child attended 21+ days in the month
09 – Alternative Payment Program – No Need

Note- 09 must be used with C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CMAP

41 Attendance Status 2 N 2 No

This field is the attendance for program code 2 and should only contain data if the child receives services from more than one program code. This field must be included in the file, even if it is blank.

42 Attendance Status 3 N 2 No

This field is the attendance for program code 3 and should only contain data if the child receives services from more than two program codes. This field must be included in the file, even if it is blank.

43 Services Date Date 10 Yes

Required format is mm/dd/yyyy (include the slashes). Example: September 2, 2024, must be entered as 09/02/2024.

1 The default submission code for agencies that do not report by sub-agency is "000". If an agency has created sub-agencies for reporting purposes, then each sub-agency has its own submission code. The list of submission codes for each agency is available on the Sub-agency/No Services screen of the CDSS - CDMIS.

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