Project Roomkey/Housing and Homelessness COVID Response
Project Roomkey was established in March 2020 as part of the state response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of Project Roomkey and Rehousing Strategy was to provide non-congregate shelter options, such as hotels and motels, for people experiencing homelessness, to protect human life, and to minimize strain on health care system capacity.
As the response to the pandemic evolved, so did Project Roomkey. In November 2020, a new phase of Project Roomkey began, called Project Roomkey and Rehousing Strategy. This new phase of the program built on existing emergency shelter efforts while also supporting permanent transitions to safe and stable housing to ensure homelessness is non-recurring.
Project Roomkey and Rehousing Strategy gives people who are experiencing homelessness and recovering from COVID-19, or have been exposed to COVID-19, a place to recuperate and properly quarantine outside of a hospital. It also provides a safe place for isolation for people who are experiencing homelessness and at high risk for medical complications should they to become infected.
Project Roomkey and Rehousing Strategy is designed to quickly provide dedicated resources to ensure Project Roomkey units remain online through the continued public health emergency and that homelessness is non-recurring. Project Roomkey units are intended to be temporary, emergency shelter options, while the Rehousing Strategy is to ensure no Project Roomkey occupant is forced to exit into unsheltered homelessness by developing and implementing plans to transition individuals from Project Roomkey sites into permanent housing.
Building on the success of Project Roomkey and Rehousing Strategy, the Homekey grant program, which is administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), created additional opportunities for agencies to acquire hotels, motels, apartments, and other buildings to provide long-term homes for people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness. Homekey converts commercial properties and other existing buildings to permanent or interim housing, including but not limited to, hotels, motels, hostels, single-family homes and multifamily apartments, adult residential facilities, and manufactured homes.
Eligibility/For Whom
CDSS recommends prioritizing this resource in a manner consistent with state and federal public health guidance, and FEMA Reimbursement Eligibility Criteria, for people experiencing homelessness which includes people who have tested positive for COVID 19, have been exposed to COVID 19, or are “high risk” of health complications.
How to Apply
Project Roomkey Program and Rehousing Strategy is administered locally and eligibility varies by community. Project Roomkey is in the process of determining the appropriate ramp down schedule. The dates for site closures will vary based on local needs and are made in consultation with local emergency managers and public health departments.
Information for Project Roomkey/Homelessness Response Providers During COVID
- County Letter: Fiscal Year 2021-22 Project Roomkey and Rehousing Strategy Program Allocation (October 27, 2021)
- County Letter: Project Roomkey (PRK) Allocations Available For Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 (July 29, 2021)
- County Letter: Resources and Guidance for Eviction and Homelessness Prevention
(January 14, 2021)
- County Letter: Joint Letter to Continue Non-Congregate Shelter for People Experiencing Homelessness
(January 13, 2021)
- County Letter: Project Roomkey and Rehousing Strategy Funding Announcement and Guidance (November 18, 2020)
- County Notice: Continued Provision of Timely Access to and Receipt of Benefits and Services to Clients During an Emergency or Disaster (November 5, 2020)
- County Letter: CalWORKs, RCA/ECA, TCVAP, CalFresh, Housing and Homelessness Programs Guidance Regarding The California Wildfires (September 1, 2020)
- County Notice: Issuance of CalWORKs Homeless Assistance Benefits During COVID-19 (July 28, 2020)
- County Letter: Project Roomkey Initiative Guidance (June 1, 2020)
- County Letter: Interim Housing and Homelessness Program Guidance and Recommendations on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (March 31, 2020)
- County Letter: Interim Housing and Homeless Program Guidance and Recommendations on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (March 19, 2020)
- County Letter: Implementation of SB 1380: Housing First (December 13, 2019)
Stay Informed on CDSS Housing and Homelessness Program updates and guidance.
Emergency Planning and Response Guidance for Homeless Services Providers
Additional Emergency Planning and Response Resources
Funding Considerations for Homelessness Response During COVID
State and Federal Resources
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES Act)
Stay Informed on CDSS Housing and Homelessness Program updates and guidance.
FEMA Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS) Reimbursement Guidance
The California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Recovery Section acts as the grantee for FEMA’s Public Assistance Program. Tribal and local governments are among the entities eligible to apply for Public Assistance (i.e., a subgrant). This is the mechanism by which local governments and tribes will seek FEMA reimbursement for eligible Project Roomkey expenses. CalOES can assist applicants in applying for a Public Assistance subgrant and understanding eligibility requirements. Applicants should also work with their Emergency Services partners in applying for a FEMA Public Assistance subgrant.
Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS): FEMA Approval Letters
- Memorandum to Extend Federal Support to Governors’ Use of the National Guard to Respond to COVID-19 and to Increase Reimbursement and Other Assistance Provided to States
- Governor’s Project Roomkey 100 Percent FEMA Reimbursement Letter (January 29, 2021)
- Governor Newsom Project Roomkey Letter for Ongoing FEMA Approval (December 18, 2020)
- Project Roomkey: FEMA Approval Extension (November 30, 2020)
- Project Roomkey: FEMA Approval Extension (October 30, 2020)
- Project Roomkey: FEMA Approval Extension (October 1, 2020)
- Project Roomkey: FEMA Approval Extension (August 29, 2020)
- Project Roomkey: FEMA Approval Extension (July 30, 2020)
- Project Roomkey: FEMA Approval Extension (July 1, 2020)
- Project Roomkey: FEMA Approval Extension (June 1, 2020)
- Project Roomkey: FEMA Approval Extension (April 29, 2020)
- Project Roomkey: FEMA Approval Letter for Local Governments (April 2, 2020)
- Project Roomkey FEMA Approval Letter (March 27, 2020)
Stay Informed on CDSS Housing and Homelessness Program updates and guidance.
Key Guidance
Prioritization and Working with Coordinated Entry
FEMA Reimbursement Screening and Intake Resource Tools
- Project Roomkey Screening and Documentation for Priority Populations for FEMA Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS) Reimbursement
Outlines the recommended practices for screening and documenting across triage, eligibility and program enrollment for NCS FEMA reimbursement for Project Roomkey. It is strongly recommended that all staff responsible for Project Roomkey screening/intake take this training.
Data and HMIS
- HMIS tracking for Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS)/Project Roomkey
The State, HUD, and HMIS experts developed a new NCS workflow in HMIS as a tool to support local implementation of Project Roomkey in tracking all NCS utilization for NCS reimbursement for FEMA during COVID.
Stay Informed on CDSS Housing and Homelessness Program updates and guidance.
Project Roomkey Site Operations
Project Roomkey Wraparound Supports and Services
Stay Informed on CDSS Housing and Homelessness Program updates and guidance.
- Issue Brief: Project Roomkey Issue Brief, which highlights the success and impact of the program.
- Abt Global Evaluation of California’s Project Roomkey Program: Final Report
- Evaluation of California’s Project Roomkey Program: Year 1 Report- Abt Associates
- Governor Newsom Statement on Extended Federal Support for Local Governments Participating in Project Roomkey (August 17, 2021)
- NEW: CDSS Issue Brief on Project Roomkey | Translation: Español (Coming Soon!)

This short video features county partners, community-based service providers, and Project Roomkey participants who highlight this life-saving and life-changing effort.
- ‘I’m Going To Be Here For Awhile’: One Man’s Journey From The Streets To A New Home (June 17, 2021)
- Assessment of a Hotel-Based COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Strategy for Persons Experiencing Homelessness (March 02, 2021)
- Governor Newsom Statement on Increased Federal Support from Biden-Harris Administration for COVID-19 Relief Programs in California (February 05, 2021)
- Governor Newsom Announces Emergency Allocation of $62 Million to Local Governments to Protect People Living in Project Roomkey Hotels (November 16, 2020)
- At West Sacramento Motel Where he Launched Project Roomkey in April, Governor Newsom Announces the Site will Become a Homekey Location as Part of the Seventh and Final Round of Awards (October 19, 2020)
- Governor Newsom Visits Project Roomkey Site in Santa Clara County to Highlight Progress on the State’s Initiative to Protect Homeless Individuals from COVID-19 (June 30, 2020)
- Governor Newsom visits Project Roomkey Site in Santa Clara County to Highlight Progress on the State’s Initiative to Protect People Experiencing Homelessness (April 18, 2020)
- At Newly Converted Motel, Governor Newsom Launches Project Roomkey: A First-in-the-Nation Initiative to Secure Hotel & Motel Rooms to Protect Homeless Individuals from COVID-19 (April 3, 2020)
- Governor Newsom Takes Executive Action to Establish a Statewide Moratorium on Evictions (Mar 27, 2020)
- California Secures Presidential Major Disaster Declaration to Support State’s COVID-19 Emergency Response (March 22, 2020)
- Governor Newsom Takes Emergency Actions & Authorizes $150 Million in Funding to Protect Homeless Californians from COVID-19 (March 18, 2020)
- At Newly Converted Motel, Governor Newsom Launches Project Roomkey: A First-in-the-Nation Initiative to Secure Hotel & Motel Rooms to Protect Homeless Individuals from COVID-19 (April 3, 2020)
- Governor Newsom Takes Executive Action to Establish a Statewide Moratorium on Evictions (Mar 27, 2020)
- California Secures Presidential Major Disaster Declaration to Support State’s COVID-19 Emergency Response (March 22, 2020)