NYTD Contacts for Each County

County Name Title Phone Number Agency  Updated
Alameda Nicole Ruiz Child Welfare Supervisor (510) 780-8855 ruizna@acgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Alameda Jon Pettigrew Social Services Program Manager (510) 268-4298 pettij@acgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Alameda Matt Azbill Supervising Clerk II Desk: (510) 667-4467
Cell: (510) 507-2695
mazbill@acgov.org Probation 12/19/24
Alpine Kati Forster Social Worker I (530) 694-2235 ext. 232 keforster@alpinecountyca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Alpine Brian Lowry Senior Deputy Probation Officer (530) 694-2192 ext. 351 blowry@alpineso.com Probation 12/19/24
Amador Mikey Habbestad Children's Services Program Manager (209) 223-6550 mhabbestad@amadorgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Amador James King Unit Supervisor (209) 223-6455 jking@amadorgov.org Probation 12/19/24
Butte Annaliesa Batts Health and Human Service Program Analyst II (530) 552-6220 abatts@buttecounty.net Child Welfare 12/19/24
Butte Sarah Kuhn Deputy Probation Officer, Supervisor (530) 552-4348 skuhn@buttecounty.net Probation 12/19/24
Calaveras Rachel Cox Social Services Supervisor II (209) 754-6635 rcox@calaverascounty.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Calaveras Mayle Johnson Deputy Director (209) 754-6548 mjohnson@calaverascounty.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Calaveras Kelli Whittle Asst. Chief Probation Officer (209) 754-6051 KWhittle@calaverascounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
Calaveras Tara Johnson Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (209) 754-6039 TJohnson@calaverascounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
Colusa Donna Denis Program Manager II (530) 458-0290 donna.dennis@countyofcolusa.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Colusa Jaynae Grass Social Worker Supervisor (530) 458-0293 Jaynae.Grass@countyofcolusaca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Colusa Felcia Saona Social Worker Supervisor (530) 458-0271 Felicia.Saona@countyofcolusaca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Colusa Jamie Sachs Supervising Probation Officer (530) 458-0665 jsachs@countyofcolusaca.gov Probation 12/19/24
Contra Costa Timothy Hamp Assistant Coordinator Contra Costa County CFS ILSP Desk: (925) 655-0253
Cell: (925) 766-9258
thamp@ehsd.cccounty.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Contra Costa Andrew Scroggy Probation Supervisor – Placement Unit Desk: (925) 313-4114
Cell: (925) 446-2750
Andrew.Scroggy@prob.cccounty.us Probation 12/19/24
Del Norte Katy Hampson Program Manager (707) 464-3191 ext. 2715 katy.hampson@co.del-norte.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Del Norte Kyle Frazee Interim Program Manager (707) 464-3191 ext. 2721 kfrazee@co.del-norte.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Del Norte Emily Johnson Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (707) 464-7215 ext. 1756 ejohnson@co.del-norte.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
El Dorado Jamie Monroe Administrative Analyst (530) 621-6224 jamie.monroe@edcgov.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
El Dorado Rachelle Yost Rachelle Yost, Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (530) 621-6065 rachelle.yost@edcgov.us Probation 12/19/24
Fresno Melissa Chacon Social Worker Supervisor (559) 600-2265 chacom@fresnocountyca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Fresno Melanie Johnson Assistant Deputy Chief Probation Officer (559) 600-4745 mjohnson@fresnocountyca.gov Probation 12/19/24
Glenn Mindy Lunsford Social Worker Supervisor II (530) 934-1553 mlunsford@countyofglenn.net Child Welfare 12/19/24
Glenn Steve Thalken Program Manager I (530) 934-1438 sthalken@countyofglenn.net Child Welfare 12/19/24
Glenn Matt Doyle Program Manager (530) 934-1522 mdoyle@countyofglenn.net Child Welfare 12/19/24
Glenn Sarah McFadden Deputy Probation Officer IV (530) 934-6416 smcfadden@countyofglenn.net Probation 12/19/24
Humboldt Erica Carrillo ILS Coordinator (707) 382-4520 CWSILS@Co.humboldt.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Humboldt Melinda Lewis EFC/ILS Supervisor (707) 382-4520 CWSILS@Co.humboldt.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Humboldt Megan Gotcher Juvenile Division Director (707) 268-3350 MGotcher@co.humboldt.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Humboldt Holly Perrone Supervisor – Juvenile Supervision Unit (707) 268-3316 hperrone@co.humboldt.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Imperial Brenda Vera Program Manager (760) 482-2007 brendavera@co.imperial.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Imperial Karina Charles Social Worker Supervisor (760) 335-3492 KarinaCharles@co.imperial.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Imperial Jessica Sanchez Supervisory Probation Officer (442) 265-2375 JessicaSanchez@co.imperial.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Imperial Kevin Arellano Division Manager (442) 265-2355 KevinArellano@co.imperial.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Inyo Holly DeVincent Program Manager (760) 873-6364 ext. 8053 hdevincent@inyocounty.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Inyo Jeffrey Thompson Chief Probation Officer (760) 872-4005 jthomson@inyocounty.us Probation 12/19/24
Kern Johannah Isaacs ILP Program Manager (661) 636-4965 isaacsj@kerndhs.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Kern Robin Chambers ILP Supervisor (661) 636-4971 chamber@kerndhs.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Kern Teresa L. Dickey Probation Supervisor (661) 396-4514 dickeyt@kernprobation.org Probation 12/19/24
Kern Leticia Anaya Office Services Technician (661) 396-4545 leticiaanaya@kernprobation.org Probation 12/19/24
Kings Robert Carmona AB12/ILP Supervisor (559) 852-4951 robert.carmona@co.kings.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Kings Mandeep Bhangoo Division Manager (559) 852-4342 Mandeep.Bhangoo@co.kings.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Lake Nick Gancayco Social Worker Supervisor (707) 262-0235 nickolas.gancayco@countyoflakeca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Lake Kim Costa Program Manager II (707) 262-4546 kim.costa@countyoflakeca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Lake Kevin Luis Chief Deputy Probation Officer (707) 262-4285 kevin.luis@lakecountyca.gov Probation 12/19/24
Lassen Katherine Nielson Social Worker Supervisor (530) 251-8415 knielson@co.lassen.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Lassen Cierra Zamora Probation Assistant (530)-251-8270 czamora@lassen.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Lassen Sara Gould Deputy Chief (530) 251-8412 sgould@co.lassen.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Los Angeles Nilaja Bush Children Services Administrator (213) 351-0157 willsn@dcfs.lacounty.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Los Angeles Jessica Magliolo Director, Probation Child Welfare (323) 357-5233 jessica.magliolo@probation.lacounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
Los Angeles Lisa Campbell-Motton Director, Probation Child Welfare Desk: (323) 357-5545
Cell: (323) 240-2435
lisa.campbell@probation.lacounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
Los Angeles Gregory Llndsay Supervisor, Probation Child Welfare (323) 357-5233 Gregory.Lindsey@probation.lacounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
Madera Danine Saff Social Worker Supervisor (559) 395-0253 Danine.Saff@maderacounty.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Madera Monica Espinoza Deputy Probation Officer/ Placement Officer (559) 675-4970 ext. 547 Monica.Espinoza@maderacounty.com Probation 12/19/24
Madera Andrew Toews Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (559) 675-4970 ext. 539 Andrew.Toews@maderacounty.com Probation 12/19/24
Madera Rick Galindo Deputy Chief Probation Officer (559) 675-4970 ext. 530 RGalindo@maderacounty.com Probation 12/19/24
Marin Stanley Keith Program Manager (415) 473-7125 skeith@marincounty.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Marin Teresa Higuera Supervisor (415) 473-2629 thiguera@marincounty.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Marin Anthony Raitano Supervisor (415) 473-2881 Anthony.raitano@marincounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
Mariposa Jessica White Social Worker Supervisor II (209) 742-0816 jessica.white@mariposacounty.org Child Welfare 3/7/25
Mariposa Athena Land Supervising Probation Officer (209) 966-3612 aland@mariposacounty.org Probation 12/19/24
Mendocino Denice Goolsby Social Worker Supervisor Desk: (707) 463-7931
Cell: (707) 830-0768
goolsbyd@mendocinocounty.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Mendocino Jack Wann Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (707) 234-6948 wannj@mendocinocounty.org Probation 12/19/24
Merced John Bloom Supervising Social Worker II (209) 385-3000 ext. 5160 John.Bloom@countyofmerced.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Merced Shoua Her Division Manager – Juvenile Division (209) 385-7569 Shoua.Her@countyofmerced.com Probation 12/19/24
Merced Christina Zwart Supervising Probation Officer – Placement/Special Services (209) 385-7560 christina.zwart@countyofmerced.com Probation 12/19/24
Merced Ko Lee Deputy Probation Officer – Placement (209) 385-7304 Ko.Lee@countyofmerced.com Probation 12/19/24
Modoc Tom Sandage Director of Social Services (530) 233-6501 ext. 1510 tomsandage@co.modoc.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Modoc Stephen Svetich Chief Probation Officer (530) 233-6324 stephensvetich@co.modoc.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Modoc Kameron Slinkard Probation Officer (530) 233-6324 kameronslinkard@co.modoc.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Mono Leslie Gaunt Children's Services Mana (760) 924-1770 lgaunt@mono.ca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Mono Jazmin Barkley Juvenile Manager (760) 924-1764 JBarkley@mono.ca.gov Probation 12/19/24
Monterey Chelsea Chacon Management Analyst III Desk: (831) 755-8596
Main Office: (831) 755-4475
ChaconC@co.monterey.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Monterey Ana Roa Social Work Supervisor II Desk: (831) 755-8412
Main Office: (831) 755-4475
RoaA@co.monterey.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Monterey Marlo Mendoza Probation Services Manager (831) 755-3942 mendozamb@co.monterey.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Napa Alessandara Klein Staff Services Analyst (707) 224-8541 Alessandra.Klein@countyofnapa.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Napa Kristin Week Chief Deputy Probation Officer (707) 299-1614 kristin.week@countyofnapa.org Probation 12/19/24
Napa Crystal Villatoro Supervising Probation Officer (707) 299-1385 CRYSTAL.VILLATORO@countyofnapa.org Probation 12/19/24
Nevada Faye Hignight Senior Administrative Analyst Desk: (530) 265-1728
Cell: (530) 913-9917
faye.hignight@co.nevada.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Nevada Merrill Straub Supervising Deputy Probation Officer/Background Investigator Cell: (530) 559-4122
Main Office: (530) 265-1381
merrill.straub@nevadacountyca.gov Probation 12/19/24
Orange Jennifer Percival Staff Specialist (714) 381-7818 jennifer.percival@ssa.ocgov.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Orange Audra Gonzalez Staff Specialist (714) 380-8371 audra.gonzalez@ssa.ocgov.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Orange Shyra Metcalf Supervising Probation Officer (714) 935-6689 Shyra.Metcalf@prob.ocgov.com Probation 12/19/24
Orange Norma Jaime Assistant Division Director (714) 896-7541 norma.jaime@prob.ocgov.com Probation 12/19/24
Placer Miranda Long Program Manager (530) 889-6752 MLong@placer.ca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Placer Eric Guerena Probation Manager (916) 435-5788 EGuerena@placer.ca.gov Probation 12/19/24
Plumas Laura Atkins Social Services Director (530) 283-6463 lauraatkins@countyofplumas.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Plumas Melissa Smith Social Services Supervisor Desk: (530) 283-6311
Cell: (916) 613-4816
melissasmith@countyofplumas.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Plumas Keevin Allred Chief Probation Officer (530) 283-6571 KeevinAllred@countyofplumas.com Probation 12/19/24
Plumas Olivia Denison Deputy Probation Officer (530) 283-6304 oliviadenison@countyofplumas.com Probation 12/19/24
Riverside Lydia Brown Program Specialist II (951) 445-7923 LyBrown@rivco.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Riverside Riverside County Probation Custodian of Records Will route to the correct person. (951) 358-4310 juvenilerecords@rivco.org Probation 12/19/24
Sacramento Stephanie Sandmeier Program Planner Extended Foster Care/Independent Living Program (916) 875-6993 sandms@saccounty.net Child Welfare 12/19/24
Sacramento Stephanie Sellers Division Manager (916) 874-4104 selles@saccounty.gov
Child Welfare 12/19/24
Sacramento Melissa Lloyd Deputy Director (916) 874-9589


Child Welfare 12/19/24
Sacramento James Gutierrez Supervisor (916) 874-1164


Probation 12/19/24
San Benito Joshua Mercier Deputy Director Desk: (831) 902-2563
Main Office: (831) 636-4190


Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Benito Sabriena Tobia Probation Program Manager Cell: (831) 807-4953
Desk: (831) 636-4070 ext. 25


Probation 12/19/24
San Bernardino Robert Escalera Child Welfare Services Manager (909) 891-3300 robert.escalera@hss.sbcounty.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Bernardino Lizbeth Corrales ILP Supervisor (909) 454-8868 lizbeth.corrales@hss.sbcounty.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Bernardino Monique Ware ILP Coordinator (909) 891-3358 monique.ware@hss.sbcounty.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Bernardino Robin Richter Probation Officer III (909) 383-2902 robin.richter@prob.sbcounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
San Bernardino Michael Paganini Supervising Probation Officer (909) 383-2701 michael.paganini@prob.sbcounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
San Bernardino Kyle Borg Division Director I (909) 383-2722 kyle.borg@prob.sbcounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
San Diego Daniel Bernal Protective Services Program Manager Desk: (858) 944-6019
Cell: (619) 892-2877
Daniel.Bernal@sdcounty.ca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Diego Mercedes Raya Deputy Probation Officer (858) 414-4585 Mercedes.Raya@sdcounty.ca.gov Probation 12/19/24
San Diego Michele Bennett Supervising Probation Officer (858) 298-6585 Michele.Bennett@sdcounty.ca.gov Probation 12/19/24
San Francisco Claudia Ayala Social Work Specialist (415) 557-5515 claudia.ayala@sfgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Francisco Geoff Nagaye Acting Program Manager (415) 265-6984 Geoffrey.Nagaye@sfgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Francisco Lisa Randall Supervising Probation Officer Desk: (415) 753-7659
Cell: (415) 531-8959
lisa.randall@sfgov.org Probation 12/19/24
San Joaquin Julie Barron ILP Coordinator (209) 468-1848 jbarron@sjgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Joaquin Anna Ross-Davis Unit Supervisor P2C/ILP (209) 468-1319 aross@sjgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Joaquin Julie Barron ILP Coordinator (209) 468-1848 jbarron@sjgov.org Probation 12/19/24
San Joaquin Anna Ross-Davis Unit Supervisor P2C/ILP (209) 468-1319 aross@sjgov.org Probation 12/19/24
San Luis Obispo Christy Lounder Program Review Specialist (805) 788-2808 clounder@co.slo.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Luis Obispo Roxi Selck Program Manager (805) 781-1902 rselck@co.slo.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Luis Obispo Adam Chambers Supervising Deptuy Probation (805) 781-5377 achambers@co.slo.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
San Luis Obispo Megan Howard Senior Deputy Probation (805) 781-1347 mhoward@co.slo.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
San Mateo ILP mailbox - monitored daily HSA_ILP_Referrals@smcgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
San Mateo Jehan Clark Deputy Chief Probation Officer (650) 312-8884 jclark@smcgov.org Probation 12/19/24
Santa Barbara Sheryl Fitt (805) 346-7282 s.fitt@sbcsocialserv.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Santa Barbara Marianne Reagen (805) 681-4529 mreaga@countyofsb.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Santa Barbara Erin Cross Juvenile Probation Manager (805) 692-4855 ecross@co.santa-barbara.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Santa Clara Marisela Martinez Project Manager (408) 501- 6839 marisela.martinez@ssa.sccgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Santa Clara Cindy Guillen Social Work Supervisor (408) 502-1868 Cindy.Guillen@ssa.sccgov.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Santa Clara Ninveh Hill Supervising Probation Officer (408) 206-7126 ninveh.hill@pro.sccgov.org Probation 12/19/24
Santa Cruz Kelli Kopeck Program Manager (831) 454-5224 kelli.kopeck@santacruzcounty.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Santa Cruz Jimmy Cook Assistant Division Director-Juvenile (831) 454-3808 jimmy.cook@santacruzcounty.us Probation 12/19/24
Shasta Crystal Adams (primary contact) Program Manager (530) 225-5491 cadams@shastacounty.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Shasta Kimberly Leake Staff Services Analyst (530) 225 8074 kleake@shastacounty.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Shasta Carla Stevens Director, Juvenile Probation Division Desk: (530) 225-5830
Cell: (530) 605-9491
cstevens@shastacounty.gov Probation 12/19/24
Sierra Jamie Schiltz Social Worker (530) 993-6720


Child Welfare 3/7/25
Sierra Sofia Gonzalez Probation Officer (530) 289-3277 sgonzalez@sierracounty.ca.gov Probation 3/7/25
Siskiyou Cindy Brooks Program Manager (530) 841-4286 Cibrooks@co.siskiyou.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Siskiyou Elizabeth Campanero Deputy Probation Officer III (530) 842-8892 Elizabeth.Campanero@siskiyouprobation.org Probation 12/19/24
Siskiyou James Roach Deputy Chief Probation Officer (530) 842-8897 james.roach@siskiyouprobation.org Probation 12/19/24
Solano Dr. Angel Reese Social Services Supervisor (707) 784-8446 AMReeseGalloway@SolanoCounty.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Solano Alan Cole Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (707) 553-5123 ADCole@SolanoCounty.com Probation 12/19/24
Sonoma Greyson Gunheim ILP Manager Desk: (707) 579-4327
Cell: (707) 327-0376
greyson@voicesyouthcenter.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Sonoma Greyson Gunheim ILP Manager Desk: (707) 579-4327
Cell: (707) 327-0376
greyson@voicesyouthcenter.org Probation 12/19/24
Stanislaus Erica Galvan Social Worker Supervisor II (209) 558-2722 Galvaea@stancounty.com Child Welfare 12/19/24
Stanislaus Juliann Scheffel Supervising Probation Officer (209) 525-4537 scheffj@stanpro.org Probation 12/19/24
Stanislaus Oscar Alvarez Deputy Probation Officer III (209) 525-4534 AlvrzO@stanpro.org Probation 12/19/24
Sutter Bianca Silva Social Worker Supervisor (530) 822-7227 ext. 107 bsilva@co.sutter.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Sutter Donya Thompson Deputy Chief Probation Officer (530) 822-437


Probation 12/19/24
Tehama Kmberly Granados Staff Services Analyst II (530) 528-4170 kgranados@tcdss.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Tehama Daniel Gallino Deputy Probation Officer IV (530) 528-4170 Kgranados@tcdss.org Probation 12/19/24
Trinity Angela Berglund Program Manager (530) 623-8280 aberglund@trinitycounty.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Trinity Tim Dobbs Deputy Chief (530) 623-1204 ext. 122 tdobbs@trinitycounty.org Probation 12/19/24
Tulare Kimberly Weeks CWS Supervisor (559) 623-0323 KWeeks@tularecounty.ca.gov Child Welfare 12/19/24
Tulare Kimberly Weeks CWS Supervisor (559) 623-0323 KWeeks@tularecounty.ca.gov Probation 12/19/24
Tuolumne Tou Yang DSS Director (209) 533-5705 tyang@co.tuolumne.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Tuolumne Erin Gandolfo-Brune Agency Manager (209) 533-5717 egandolfo@co.tuolumne.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Tuolumne Houa Xiong Social Services Supervisor (209) 533-5752 HXiong@co.tuolumne.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Tuolumne Joelle Kewish Division Manager (209) 533-6710 jkewish@co.tuolumne.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Tuolumne Rachel Stahl Supervising Probation Officer (209) 536-6705 rstahl@co.tuolumne.ca.us Probation 12/19/24
Ventura Noe Villa Program Manager Youth Services Division (805) 826-9100 noe.villa@ventura.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Ventura Veronica Helm Supervising Deputy Probation Officer, Placement Unit (805) 973-5155 Veronica.Helm@ventura.org Probation 12/19/24
Yolo Allison Dodd Administrative Services Analyst (530) 419-9654 allison.dodd@yolocounty.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Yolo Alvaro Villa Perez Administrative Services Analyst (530) 908-1473 Alvaro.VillaPerez@yolocounty.org Child Welfare 12/19/24
Yolo Michelle Vermette Supervising Probation (530) 406-5381 Michelle.vermette@yolocounty.gov Probation 1/15/25
Yolo Rachelle Gayton Interim Chief Probation Officer

Desk: (530)406-5358
Cell: (530) 681-8816




Yuba John Harvey Social Worker Supervisor (530) 749-6791 jharvey@co.yuba.ca.us Child Welfare 12/19/24
Yuba Laura Topete Juvenile Program Manager (530) 749-7583 ltopete@co.yuba.ca.us Probation 12/19/24

Contact Us

Transition Age Youth Policy Unit
744 P Street, MS 8-13-78
Sacramento, CA 95814

  • For data, technical questions, or concerns, and to request a reset when you receive an error message on a survey: NYTDdata@dssca.gov.
  • For your local NYTD Coordinator and all other policy questions: NYTD@dss.ca.gov.
  • Sign Up for CDSS ACL/ACINs