Independent Living Program Annual Narrative Survey Report
The Independent Living Program Annual Narrative Report is sent out for completion to all counties. The information requested in the report is required by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, consistent with provisions specified in their annual program instructions (PI). The PI requests details specific to each county’s ILP and transitional housing programs.
The ILP narrative report is completed and submitted to the California Department of Social Services (CDSSS) electronically via Salesforce, an online customer relationship management (CRM) tool. Maintaining all ILP Report outcomes in the CRM tool assists CDSS and the Transition Age Youth (TAY) Policy Unit track trends, analyze data, compare data from year to year, and streamline communication with counties over results. Additionally, having access to all ILP Report data will ensure CDSS has the most up-to-date deliverables on county efforts regarding ILP services. The information gathered through the ILP Annual Narrative Report is used to complete California’s federal Annual Progress and Services Report and the Federal Children and Family Services Plan. The information collected may also be shared with counties and stakeholders, when sharing best practices.
Each county welfare department assigns a point of contact, who is granted a license and receives a unique username and password to access the ILP report on the CRM tool. For county-specific information regarding the ILP narrative report, refer to the 2022 ILP Narrative Report Contact List.
CDSS Notifications Pertaining to the ILP Narrative