Efforts to remove challenges and barriers to reproductive and sexual health care for youth and NMDs in foster care include (effective dates in parentheses):
• The California Healthy Youth Act (2016)
• The State Plan for Unplanned Pregnancy (2016)
• Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) Regulation Changes (2017)
• SB 89 California Foster Youth Sexual Health Education Act (2017)
• State policy and guidelines to clarify rules and obligations for Case Workers and Caregivers (2016-19)
• AB 158 Expectant Parent Payment (2021)
• AB 172 Healthy Futures for Foster Youth (2021). Assembly Bill AB 172 requires the California Department of Social Services (beginning on January 1, 2023), to compile and report annual performance and outcome data on the implementation of sexual and reproductive health training and education and the availability and use of sexual and reproductive health care services. This report can be found on the California Department of Social Services website: Children and Family Services Reports
The following resources contain relevant information and policy guidance for working with foster youth and issues related to their reproductive and sexual health. These letters and notices begin in 2016 with the creation of the Healthy Sexual Development Workgroup and the development of the Statewide Unintended Pregnancy Prevention Plan. As new guidance is released by CDSS related to reproductive and sexual health policy, these letters and notices will be shared here on this page.
ACIN I-06-20 New Resources For Case Management Workers For Documenting, Protecting And Sharing Reproductive And Sexual Health Information For Youth And Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs) In Foster Care
ACIN I-73-16 Documentation in the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS) for Parenting Minor and Non-Minor Dependents
ACL 16-32 Documentation of Pregnancy and Parenting in The Child Welfare Services/Case Management System for Minor and Non-Minor Dependents
ACL16-82 Reproductive and Sexual Health Care and Related Rights for Youth and Non-Minor Dependents in Foster Care
ACL 16-88 California's Plan forthe Prevention of Unintended Pregnancy for Youth and Non-Minor Dependents in Foster Care
ACL 18-44 New And Revised Resource Materials Regarding Healthy Sexual Development And Pregnancy Prevention For Youth In Foster Care
ACL 18-61 New Mandates Regarding Case Plan Documentation and Training Related to Reproductive and Sexual Health Care Needs and Rights of Foster Youth
ACL 19-27 Gender Affirming Care For Minor And Nonminor Dependents In Foster Care
Permanency Policy Bureau Permanency Services & Support Unit 744 P Street, MS 8-13-556 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 657-1858 SexualDevWorkgroup@dss.ca.gov