
County Cross-Sector Collaborative (Toolkit)

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Define County Cross-Sector Collaborative

The county cross-sector collaborative is comprised of representation from private and public agencies, including parent and youth leaders, tribal representatives from local regions, and others seeking to, collaboratively, provide services to meet family needs spanning economic stability, education, health, including mental health, environmental well-being, social strength, and community outreach.

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Is Cross-Sector Collaboration a required component of the Comprehensive Prevention Plan? YES.

Is Cross-Sector Collaboration a required component of the Comprehensive Prevention Plan? YES.

ACL 22-23 (March 10, 2022), page 6, in accordance with WIC §16585(b)(4) and WIC §16587, cross sector partners may vary by community, and at a minimum, must include representation from the other county agencies that serve families and children, Indian tribes, local community representatives, caseworkers, and individuals and families with lived experience with the child welfare system.

*Title IV-E agencies may leverage established cross-sector teams (e.g., prevention planning teams, AB 2083 teams, etc.) to develop comprehensive prevention plans.

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Collective Impact Community Engagement Toolkit

The Community Engagement Toolkit provides the tools to ensure community engagement is purposeful, equitable, transparent, and strategic so that community members are true partners for achieving impact.   

Collective Impact Community Engagement Toolkit

The Community Engagement Toolkit provides the tools to ensure community engagement is purposeful, equitable, transparent, and strategic so that community members are true partners for achieving impact. Community Collaboration - Youth Development in Communities - ACT for Youth

The ACT (Assets Coming Together) for Youth Center for Community Action connects research to practice in the areas of positive youth development and adolescent/young adult health. It is a guide that offers key strategies for collaboration.

Community Collaboration - Youth Development in Communities - ACT for Youth

The ACT (Assets Coming Together) for Youth Center for Community Action connects research to practice in the areas of positive youth development and adolescent/young adult health. It is a guide that offers key strategies for collaboration.

Center for States, Teaming Brief

The brief provides detailed step-by-step information on the process of building teams and effective teaming structures specific to child welfare agencies.

Population Change (PopChange) Institute Collective Capacities

PopChange develops and gathers resources that highlight the theory, practice, and impact of place-based initiatives.

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Guiding Questions

  1. Identify the team members and agencies represented in the cross-sector collaborative and describe the process as to how the cross-sector collaborative selects participants to join the team.
  2. What action steps will be taken to increase opportunities for youth, parents, caregivers, community members and those with lived expertise to participate in the decision making and strategy development process?
  3. Determine how information will be shared between county cross-sector collaborative participants (e.g., how frequently will participants meet, will information be shared via the CDSS Portal, etc.).
  4. Define the processes in place to address confidentiality concerns as it relates to data sharing or client information, if applicable.
  5. Define the core values and beliefs of the county cross-sector collaborative (e.g., policy goals, ground rules, etc.).
  6. Define the expectations of county cross-sector collaborative partners.
  7. What is the definition of success for the county cross-sector collaborative?
  8. How can the networks between different sectors, private and public (education, health, housing, etc.) be leveraged to meet the set deliverables (e.g., assignment of roles and tasks, accountability, regrouping, knowledge, and expertise of strengths and needs, etc.)
  9. How will the team’s progress to achieving the deliverables be monitored, and how frequently?
  10. What action steps will be taken to improve the knowledge and expertise of the county cross-sector collaborative participants regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), protective factors, the social determinants of health (SDOH) and the goals of the FFPS program?
  11. Describe the process by which decisions are made (e.g., will the final decision be dependent upon the lead agency or county cross-sector collaborative?).

Examples of Cross-Sector Collaborative Approach in Action

Day 1 – 2022 Annual Child Abuse Prevention Planning Convening 06.01.2022 webinar

Day 2 – 2022 Annual Child Abuse Prevention Planning Convening 06.02.2022 webinar


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