Level of Care and Rates Information

CCR Overview of the Level of Care Rate Determination Protocol (LOCP)

The LOCP was developed for use by county child welfare and probation staff as a strengths-based approach for determining Board and Care rates. The LOCP matches the individual care and supervision needs of foster children and nonminor dependents (NMDs) with a resource parents' level of support. The Home-Based Family Care (HBFC) rate (Board and Care Rate), including if applicable, an Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC) rate is paid to a resource parent to support a foster child/NMDs placement in a family setting. The LOCP is comprised of a matrix that lists five core domains (Physical, Behavioral/Emotional, Health, Educational and Permanency/Family Services Domain), that are scored separately and totaled to translate to a LOCP rate.

For information about the LOCP, see ACL 16-79 , ACL 17-11, ACL 17-111, ACL 18-06, ACL 18-06EACL 18-32, ACL 21-17, ACL 21-17E and ACIN I-73-23.   

Level of Care Rate Determination Protocol Infographic

For the current LOCP rates, see ACL 24-46.
All current LOCP resources including the LOCP Scoring Sheet (SOC 500), Matrix (SOC 501), and most recent Webinar “CAC LOCP Webinar (9/21/23)” are located at the UC Davis Human Resource Barn, or you can send an email to loc@dss.ca.gov.

Additional information:
ACL 18-48 - State Guidance for Specialized Care Rate (SCR) Programs
ACL 18-25 - Implementation of the Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC) Program
ACL 18-88 - Establishment of a Services-Only Rate to Secure Additional Services and Supports

Please see the links below to access the LOCP Webinars:
CAC LOCP Webinar (9/21/23)
Level of Care Webinar Video (7/13/18)
Level of Care Webinar Video (6/29/18)
Level of Care Webinar PowerPoint (6/29/18)
CPOC Level of Care Webinar Recording (6/11/18)
Level of Care (LOCP) Rate Webinar (3/14/17)
Level of Care (LOCP) Training Video (11/29/17)

Adoption Assistance (AAP) Program Level of Care Protocol

ACL 21-54 provides instructions on how to apply the AAP LOC Protocol to determine the maximum eligible AAP LOC Rate for an AAP eligible child.

The AAP Level of Care Rate Determination Matrix (AAP LOC Matrix) Instruction Guide (AAP 9), AAP LOC Matrix (AAP 9A), AAP Digital Scoring Form (AAP 9B) and optional Prospective or Adoptive Parent(s) Reporting Tool (AAP 10) can be obtained from the University of California Davis Resource Barn.

The following forms are listed on the CDSS website:

AAP 9 (6/21) - Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) Level Of Care Rate Determination Matrix (AAP LOC Matrix) Instruction Guide

AAP 9A (5/21) - Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) Level Of Care Rate Determination Protocol Matrix

AAP 10 (10/21) - Prospective Or Adoptive Parent(s) Level Of Care (LOC) Reporting Tool

ACL 24-45 states the current AAP rates effective July 1, 2024. 

AAP inquiries may be sent to AAP@dss.ca.gov