Several recent policies within the Stage One Child Care
program have contributed to the substantial increase in children receiving
these services, including:
Immediate and Continuous Child Care: The purpose of ACL 19-99 is to provide direction to County Welfare Departments (CWDs) on the implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 80 (Chapter 27, Statutes of 2019), signed by the Governor on June 27, 2019, pending forthcoming regulations. SB 80 increases access to child care services for CalWORKs participants by authorizing CalWORKs Stage One Child Care immediately upon CalWORKs cash aid approval and continuously for 12 months or until the participants are transferred to Stage Two.
Family Fee Changes: The purpose of Child Care Bulletin (CCB) 23-22 is to provide
guidance to counties and child care and development contractors regarding the
implementation of the provisions of AB 116 relevant to family fees.
Specifically, AB 116 authorizes a restructured Family Fee Schedule that will
become effective October 1, 2023. Specifically, commencing October 1, 2023,
both of the following apply:
- A) Family fees shall not exceed 1 percent of the
family’s adjusted monthly income, and
- B) A family with an adjusted monthly family income
below 75 percent of the state median income shall not be charged or assessed a
family fee.
It also allows for family fees that were
accrued but uncollected prior to October 1, 2023, to be forgiven and not
collected. This includes all family fees that were accrued and uncollected
prior to the family fee waiver.
Extension of Child Care Reimbursement
Based on Enrollment Rather than Attendance for Child Care and Development
Program administered by CDSS: The purpose of
CCB 23-26 is to provide
guidance to counties and child care and development contractors regarding the
continuation of voucher reimbursements to be based on enrollment rather than
attendance, and center-based reimbursements to be based on 100% of the contract
maximum reimbursable amount or net reimbursable program costs, whichever is
less, through September 30, 2023, pursuant to AB 116.
Changes to Child Care Provider Rates:
The purpose of
CCB 23-28 is to provide
guidance to counties and child care and development contractors regarding
changes to policies related to child care provider rate sheets, rate category
requirements, and the calculation of fluctuating income pursuant to Assembly
Bill (AB) 116 (Chapter 41, Statutes of 2023).
Transitional One-time Payments to Child Care Providers: The purpose of CCB 23-32 is to provide guidance to counties and child care and development contractors regarding the distribution of transitional one-time payments to child care providers pursuant to SB 140 (Chapter 193, Statutes of 2023). These one-time, per provider payments were due to be issued by November 30, 2023.
Pertaining to Child Care Provider
Payments: The purpose of
CCB 23-34 is to provide
guidance to counties and child care and development contractors regarding
implementation of the provisions of SB 140 pertaining to child care provider
payment policies and procedures.
SB 140 makes changes to parent signature requirements, redefines part-time and
full-time care, and requires counties and contractors to develop, implement,
and publish a plan for timely payments to providers.
signature requirements were effective, immediately. Both the part-time and
full-time care definitions, and the plan for timely payment to providers
requirements go into effect on or before March 1, 2024.
Cost of Care Plus Rate Payments to Child
Care Providers: The purpose of
CCB 23-37 is to notify counties and child
care and development contractors of the distribution of per-child, monthly
payments to family child care providers and centers, also pursuant to the MOU
between the State and CCPU, ratified by CCPU members on July 31, 2023, and to
SB 140 (Chapter 193, Statutes of 2023), signed by the Governor on September 13,
2023, which fully ratified the Agreement, and extended payments under it to
centers, which are not represented by CCPU.