California Family Health Study
The California Family Health Study aims to inform and improve public health programs. The Population Research Center (PRC) at Sacramento State University leads the study, and CalFresh Healthy Living funds the study. CalFresh Healthy Living is the largest nutrition education program in the United States, and the California Department of Social Services is the oversight agency for CalFresh Healthy Living.
For this very important study, we interview moms and female caregivers about how their families eat and exercise. With the adult’s help, we also ask to speak with a child or teenager in the house over the age of 5 years. Over the last nine years, we have spoken with more than 20,000 moms and female caregivers in California over the phone.
Information collected during the interviews includes age, weight, height, physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption and availability, sugary beverage consumption, and a 24-hour dietary recall. Interviews are conducted in English and Spanish.
California Family Health Study: FAQs
- Why are we conducting this survey?
To find out whether the programs we provide are helpful to you, your family, and your community.
- How can you join this study?
If you have received a letter from us, we will be calling you. If you would like to provide us with the best phone numbers to call, please call us on our toll-free number 1-800-321-2194.
- Why are you being asked to participate?
You were selected randomly from a list of names in California’s Medi-Cal Eligibility Database to represent families in communities like yours.
- How did we get your address and phone number?
- We gathered contact information from the above database and provided to Population Research Center of Sacramento State University (PRC), who conducts the study.
- Is this study confidential?
- Participation in this study is completely confidential. Participation will not affect any benefits you receive from the State of California. All identification information will be excluded, and your name will not be shared with any outside organization. Survey responses will be used for research purposes only, and results will be published only as a group. Project staff are required to sign a statement of confidentiality to protect the information you provide.
- How long is the survey?
The survey has two parts. The first part of the survey will take between 10 and 15 minutes. We will also ask you to help us record what you ate and drank in the past day. This part of the survey will take around 30-45 minutes.
- What does the survey ask?
The survey asks questions about your health behaviors, including activities that you do and what you eat and drink. You have the right to stop at any time or skip questions. Refusing to answer any question will not affect any benefits you or your family may receive now or in the future.
- Who are we?
The California Department of Public Health and PRC partner with CalFresh Healthy Living to do the survey. PRC helps the State of California learn about the health and health needs of Californians. You may contact PRC at 1-800-321-2194 for additional information or to complete the survey.
- Who is funding this survey?
The United States Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (USDA SNAP) provides funding to CalFresh Healthy Living to run this study. The California Department of Social Services administers CalFresh Healthy Living.
- What do we do with the collected survey information?
All responses to the survey will be combined and shared with CalFresh Healthy Living. The information is used to understand the effectiveness of their programs in your community.
Funding Statement
This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.